blob: 9a52a7dbe187c99ed5346b01e298a65da7ad5e14 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.base.process_launcher;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Looper;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
* This class is used to start a child process by connecting to a ChildProcessService.
public class ChildProcessLauncher {
private static final String TAG = "ChildProcLauncher";
/** Delegate that client should use to customize the process launching. */
public interface Delegate {
* Called before a connection is allocated.
* Note that this is only called if the ChildProcessLauncher is created with
* {@link #createWithConnectionAllocator}.
* @param serviceBundle the bundle passed in the service intent. Clients can add their own
* extras to the bundle.
void onBeforeConnectionAllocated(Bundle serviceBundle);
* Called before setup is called on the connection.
* @param connectionBundle the bundle passed to the {@link ChildProcessService} in the
* setup call. Clients can add their own extras to the bundle.
void onBeforeConnectionSetup(Bundle connectionBundle);
* Called when the connection was successfully established, meaning the setup call on the
* service was successful.
* @param connection the connection over which the setup call was made.
void onConnectionEstablished(ChildProcessConnection connection);
* Called when a connection has been disconnected. Only invoked if onConnectionEstablished
* was called, meaning the connection was already established.
* @param connection the connection that got disconnected.
void onConnectionLost(ChildProcessConnection connection);
* Interface used by clients that already have a bound connection ready when instanciating the
* ChildProcessLauncher.
public interface BoundConnectionProvider {
ChildProcessConnection getConnection(
ChildProcessConnection.ServiceCallback serviceCallback);
// Represents an invalid process handle; same as base/process/process.h kNullProcessHandle.
private static final int NULL_PROCESS_HANDLE = 0;
// The handle for the thread we were created on and on which all methods should be called.
private final Handler mLauncherHandler;
private final Delegate mDelegate;
private final String[] mCommandLine;
private final FileDescriptorInfo[] mFilesToBeMapped;
// The allocator used to create the connection.
private final BoundConnectionProvider mConnectionProvider;
// The allocator used to create the connection.
private final ChildConnectionAllocator mConnectionAllocator;
// The IBinder provided to the created service.
private final IBinder mIBinderCallback;
// The actual service connection. Set once we have connected to the service.
private ChildProcessConnection mConnection;
* Creates a ChildProcessLauncher using the already bound connection provided.
* Note that onBeforeConnectionAllocated and onConnectionBound will not be invoked on the
* delegate since the connection is already available.
public static ChildProcessLauncher createWithBoundConnectionProvider(Handler launcherHandler,
Delegate delegate, String[] commandLine, FileDescriptorInfo[] filesToBeMapped,
BoundConnectionProvider connectionProvider, IBinder binderCallback) {
return new ChildProcessLauncher(launcherHandler, delegate, commandLine, filesToBeMapped,
connectionProvider, null /* connectionAllocator */, binderCallback);
* Creates a ChildProcessLauncher that will create a connection using the specified
* ChildConnectionAllocator.
public static ChildProcessLauncher createWithConnectionAllocator(Handler launcherHandler,
Delegate delegate, String[] commandLine, FileDescriptorInfo[] filesToBeMapped,
ChildConnectionAllocator connectionAllocator, IBinder binderCallback) {
return new ChildProcessLauncher(launcherHandler, delegate, commandLine, filesToBeMapped,
null /* connection */, connectionAllocator, binderCallback);
private ChildProcessLauncher(Handler launcherHandler, Delegate delegate, String[] commandLine,
FileDescriptorInfo[] filesToBeMapped, BoundConnectionProvider connectionProvider,
ChildConnectionAllocator connectionAllocator, IBinder binderCallback) {
// Either a bound connection provider or a connection allocator should be provided.
assert (connectionProvider == null) != (connectionAllocator == null);
mLauncherHandler = launcherHandler;
mCommandLine = commandLine;
mConnectionProvider = connectionProvider;
mConnectionAllocator = connectionAllocator;
mDelegate = delegate;
mFilesToBeMapped = filesToBeMapped;
mIBinderCallback = binderCallback;
* Starts the child process and calls setup on it if {@param setupConnection} is true.
* @param setupConnection whether the setup should be performed on the connection once
* established
* @param queueIfNoFreeConnection whether to queue that request if no service connection is
* available. If the launcher was created with a connection provider, this parameter has no
* effect.
* @return true if the connection was started or was queued.
public boolean start(final boolean setupConnection, final boolean queueIfNoFreeConnection) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
try {
ChildProcessConnection.ServiceCallback serviceCallback =
new ChildProcessConnection.ServiceCallback() {
public void onChildStarted() {}
public void onChildStartFailed() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
Log.e(TAG, "ChildProcessConnection.start failed, trying again"); Runnable() {
public void run() {
// The child process may already be bound to another client
// (this can happen if multi-process WebView is used in more
// than one process), so try starting the process again.
// This connection that failed to start has not been freed,
// so a new bound connection will be allocated.
mConnection = null;
start(setupConnection, queueIfNoFreeConnection);
public void onChildProcessDied(ChildProcessConnection connection) {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
assert mConnection == connection;
if (mConnectionProvider != null) {
mConnection = mConnectionProvider.getConnection(serviceCallback);
assert mConnection != null;
} else {
assert mConnectionAllocator != null;
if (!allocateAndSetupConnection(
serviceCallback, setupConnection, queueIfNoFreeConnection)
&& !queueIfNoFreeConnection) {
return false;
return true;
} finally {
public ChildProcessConnection getConnection() {
return mConnection;
public ChildConnectionAllocator getConnectionAllocator() {
return mConnectionAllocator;
private boolean allocateAndSetupConnection(
final ChildProcessConnection.ServiceCallback serviceCallback,
final boolean setupConnection, final boolean queueIfNoFreeConnection) {
assert mConnection == null;
Bundle serviceBundle = new Bundle();
mConnection = mConnectionAllocator.allocate(
ContextUtils.getApplicationContext(), serviceBundle, serviceCallback);
if (mConnection == null) {
if (!queueIfNoFreeConnection) {
Log.d(TAG, "Failed to allocate a child connection (no queuing).");
return false;
// No connection is available at this time. Add a listener so when one becomes
// available we can create the service.
mConnectionAllocator.addListener(new ChildConnectionAllocator.Listener() {
public void onConnectionFreed(
ChildConnectionAllocator allocator, ChildProcessConnection connection) {
assert allocator == mConnectionAllocator;
if (!allocator.isFreeConnectionAvailable()) return;
serviceCallback, setupConnection, queueIfNoFreeConnection);
return false;
assert mConnection != null;
if (setupConnection) {
return true;
private void setupConnection() {
ChildProcessConnection.ConnectionCallback connectionCallback =
new ChildProcessConnection.ConnectionCallback() {
public void onConnected(ChildProcessConnection connection) {
assert mConnection == connection;
Bundle connectionBundle = createConnectionBundle();
mConnection.setupConnection(connectionBundle, getIBinderCallback(), connectionCallback);
private void onServiceConnected() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
Log.d(TAG, "on connect callback, pid=%d", mConnection.getPid());
// Proactively close the FDs rather than waiting for the GC to do it.
try {
for (FileDescriptorInfo fileInfo : mFilesToBeMapped) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to close FD.", ioe);
public int getPid() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
return mConnection == null ? NULL_PROCESS_HANDLE : mConnection.getPid();
public IBinder getIBinderCallback() {
return mIBinderCallback;
private boolean isRunningOnLauncherThread() {
return mLauncherHandler.getLooper() == Looper.myLooper();
private Bundle createConnectionBundle() {
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putStringArray(ChildProcessConstants.EXTRA_COMMAND_LINE, mCommandLine);
bundle.putParcelableArray(ChildProcessConstants.EXTRA_FILES, mFilesToBeMapped);
return bundle;
private void onChildProcessDied() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
if (getPid() != 0) {
public void stop() {
assert isRunningOnLauncherThread();
Log.d(TAG, "stopping child connection: pid=%d", mConnection.getPid());