blob: 927c39e8a2f3842b15a4cd111c94a4eab380dfc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "cc/layers/video_frame_provider.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace blink {
class WebMediaStream;
namespace gfx {
class Size;
namespace media {
class SkCanvasVideoRenderer;
class VideoRendererAlgorithm;
namespace content {
class WebMediaPlayerMS;
// This class is designed to handle the work load on compositor thread for
// WebMediaPlayerMS. It will be instantiated on the main thread, but destroyed
// on the compositor thread.
// WebMediaPlayerMSCompositor utilizes VideoRendererAlgorithm to store the
// incoming frames and select the best frame for rendering to maximize the
// smoothness, if REFERENCE_TIMEs are populated for incoming VideoFrames.
// Otherwise, WebMediaPlayerMSCompositor will simply store the most recent
// frame, and submit it whenever asked by the compositor.
class CONTENT_EXPORT WebMediaPlayerMSCompositor
: public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(cc::VideoFrameProvider) {
// This |url| represents the media stream we are rendering. |url| is used to
// find out what web stream this WebMediaPlayerMSCompositor is playing, and
// together with flag "--disable-rtc-smoothness-algorithm" determine whether
// we enable algorithm or not.
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& compositor_task_runner,
const blink::WebMediaStream& web_stream,
const base::WeakPtr<WebMediaPlayerMS>& player);
~WebMediaPlayerMSCompositor() override;
void EnqueueFrame(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame);
// Statistical data
gfx::Size GetCurrentSize();
base::TimeDelta GetCurrentTime();
size_t total_frame_count() const;
size_t dropped_frame_count() const;
// VideoFrameProvider implementation.
void SetVideoFrameProviderClient(
cc::VideoFrameProvider::Client* client) override;
bool UpdateCurrentFrame(base::TimeTicks deadline_min,
base::TimeTicks deadline_max) override;
bool HasCurrentFrame() override;
scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> GetCurrentFrame() override;
void PutCurrentFrame() override;
void StartRendering();
void StopRendering();
void ReplaceCurrentFrameWithACopy();
friend class WebMediaPlayerMSTest;
bool MapTimestampsToRenderTimeTicks(
const std::vector<base::TimeDelta>& timestamps,
std::vector<base::TimeTicks>* wall_clock_times);
void SetCurrentFrame(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame);
// For algorithm enabled case only: given the render interval, update
// current_frame_ and dropped_frame_count_.
void Render(base::TimeTicks deadline_min, base::TimeTicks deadline_max);
void StartRenderingInternal();
void StopRenderingInternal();
void SetAlgorithmEnabledForTesting(bool algorithm_enabled);
// Used for DCHECKs to ensure method calls executed in the correct thread.
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> compositor_task_runner_;
base::MessageLoop* main_message_loop_;
base::WeakPtr<WebMediaPlayerMS> player_;
size_t serial_;
// A pointer back to the compositor to inform it about state changes. This
// is not |nullptr| while the compositor is actively using this
// VideoFrameProvider. This will be set to |nullptr| when the compositor stops
// serving this VideoFrameProvider.
cc::VideoFrameProvider::Client* video_frame_provider_client_;
// |current_frame_| is updated only on compositor thread. The object it
// holds can be freed on the compositor thread if it is the last to hold a
// reference but media::VideoFrame is a thread-safe ref-pointer. It is
// however read on the compositor and main thread so locking is required
// around all modifications and all reads on the any thread.
scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> current_frame_;
// |rendering_frame_buffer_| stores the incoming frames, and provides a frame
// selection method which returns the best frame for the render interval.
std::unique_ptr<media::VideoRendererAlgorithm> rendering_frame_buffer_;
// |current_frame_used_by_compositor_| is updated on compositor thread only.
// It's used to track whether |current_frame_| was painted for detecting
// when to increase |dropped_frame_count_|.
bool current_frame_used_by_compositor_;
// Historical data about last rendering. These are for detecting whether
// rendering is paused (one reason is that the tab is not in the front), in
// which case we need to do background rendering.
base::TimeTicks last_deadline_max_;
base::TimeDelta last_render_length_;
size_t total_frame_count_;
size_t dropped_frame_count_;
bool stopped_;
std::map<base::TimeDelta, base::TimeTicks> timestamps_to_clock_times_;
// |current_frame_lock_| protects |current_frame_used_by_compositor_|,
// |current_frame_|, and |rendering_frame_buffer_|.
base::Lock current_frame_lock_;
// Make sure the weak pointer factory member is the last member of the class.
base::WeakPtrFactory<WebMediaPlayerMSCompositor> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace content