blob: ae1322d353b3bcda6bbbdabc8f33d61bc517437f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "smbprovider/proto.h"
#include "smbprovider/samba_interface.h"
namespace smbprovider {
// DirectoryIterator is a class that handles iterating over the DirEnts of
// an SMB directory.
// Example:
// DirectoryIterator it("smb://testShare/test/dogs", SambaInterface.get());
// result = it.Init();
// while (result == 0) {
// if it.IsDone: return 0
// // Do something with it.Get();
// result = it.Next();
// }
// return result;
class DirectoryIterator {
// Initializes the iterator, setting the first value of current. Returns 0 on
// success, error on failure. Must be called before any other operation.
int32_t Init() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Advances current to the next entry. Returns 0 on success,
// error on failure.
int32_t Next() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Returns the current DirectoryEntry.
const DirectoryEntry& Get();
// Returns true if there is nothing left to iterate over.
DirectoryIterator(const std::string& dir_path,
SambaInterface* samba_interface,
size_t buffer_size);
DirectoryIterator(const std::string& dir_path,
SambaInterface* samba_interface);
DirectoryIterator(DirectoryIterator&& other);
// Fetches the next chunk of DirEntries into entries_ and resets
// |current_entry_index|. Sets |is_done_| if there are no more entries to
// fetch. Returns 0 on success.
int32_t FillBuffer();
// Converts the buffer into the vector of entries. Also resets
// |current_entry_index_|.
void ConvertBufferToVector(int32_t bytes_read);
// Reads the next batch of entries for |dir_id_| into the buffer. Returns 0
// on success and errno on failure.
int32_t ReadEntriesToBuffer(int32_t* bytes_read);
// Opens the directory at |dir_path_|, setting |dir_id|. Returns 0 on success
// and errno on failure.
int32_t OpenDirectory();
// Attempts to Close the directory with |dir_id_|. Logs on failure.
void CloseDirectory();
const std::string dir_path_;
// |dir_buf_| is used as the buffer for reading directory entries from Samba
// interface. Its initial capacity is specified in the DirectoryIterator
// constructor.
std::vector<uint8_t> dir_buf_;
std::vector<DirectoryEntry> entries_;
uint32_t current_entry_index_ = 0;
// |dir_id_| represents the fd for the open directory at |dir_path_|.
int32_t dir_id_ = -1;
// |is_done_| is set to true when no entries left to read.
bool is_done_ = false;
// |is_initialized_| is set to true once Init() executes successfully.
bool is_initialized_ = false;
SambaInterface* samba_interface_; // not owned.
} // namespace smbprovider