blob: 0ee4f4df97633478620c4ec41cd824607ce5f0c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.content.browser;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.TraceEvent;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import org.chromium.base.process_launcher.ChildProcessCreationParams;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* This class provides the method to start/stop ChildProcess called by native.
* Note about threading. The threading here is complicated and not well documented.
* Code can run on these threads: UI, Launcher, async thread pool, binder, and one-off
* background threads.
public class ChildProcessLauncher {
private static final String TAG = "ChildProcLauncher";
private static final String NUM_SANDBOXED_SERVICES_KEY =
private static final String SANDBOXED_SERVICES_NAME_KEY =
private static final String NUM_PRIVILEGED_SERVICES_KEY =
private static final String PRIVILEGED_SERVICES_NAME_KEY =
* Implemented by ChildProcessLauncherHelper.
public interface LaunchCallback {
void onChildProcessStarted(ChildProcessConnection connection);
private static final boolean SPARE_CONNECTION_ALWAYS_IN_FOREGROUND = false;
// Map from package name to ChildConnectionAllocator.
private static final Map<String, ChildConnectionAllocator>
sSandboxedChildConnectionAllocatorMap = new HashMap<>();
// Map from a connection to its ChildConnectionAllocator.
private static final Map<ChildProcessConnection, ChildConnectionAllocator>
sConnectionsToAllocatorMap = new HashMap<>();
// Allocator used for non-sandboxed services.
private static ChildConnectionAllocator sPrivilegedChildConnectionAllocator;
// Used by tests to override the default sandboxed service allocator settings.
private static ChildConnectionAllocator.ConnectionFactory sSandboxedServiceFactoryForTesting;
private static int sSandboxedServicesCountForTesting = -1;
private static String sSandboxedServicesNameForTesting;
@SuppressFBWarnings("LI_LAZY_INIT_STATIC") // Method is single thread.
public static ChildConnectionAllocator getConnectionAllocator(
Context context, String packageName, boolean sandboxed) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
if (!sandboxed) {
if (sPrivilegedChildConnectionAllocator == null) {
sPrivilegedChildConnectionAllocator = ChildConnectionAllocator.create(context,
return sPrivilegedChildConnectionAllocator;
if (!sSandboxedChildConnectionAllocatorMap.containsKey(packageName)) {
"Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name = %s,"
+ " inSandbox = true",
ChildConnectionAllocator connectionAllocator = null;
if (sSandboxedServicesCountForTesting != -1) {
// Testing case where allocator settings are overriden.
String serviceName = !TextUtils.isEmpty(sSandboxedServicesNameForTesting)
? sSandboxedServicesNameForTesting
: SandboxedProcessService.class.getName();
connectionAllocator = ChildConnectionAllocator.createForTest(
packageName, serviceName, sSandboxedServicesCountForTesting);
} else {
connectionAllocator = ChildConnectionAllocator.create(context, packageName,
if (sSandboxedServiceFactoryForTesting != null) {
sSandboxedChildConnectionAllocatorMap.put(packageName, connectionAllocator);
return sSandboxedChildConnectionAllocatorMap.get(packageName);
// TODO(pkotwicz|hanxi): Figure out when old allocators should be removed from
// {@code sSandboxedChildConnectionAllocatorMap}.
static ChildProcessConnection allocateConnection(ChildSpawnData spawnData, boolean forWarmUp) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
ChildProcessConnection.DeathCallback deathCallback =
new ChildProcessConnection.DeathCallback() {
public void onChildProcessDied(ChildProcessConnection connection) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
if (connection.getPid() != 0) {
} else {
final ChildProcessCreationParams creationParams = spawnData.getCreationParams();
final Context context = spawnData.getContext();
final boolean inSandbox = spawnData.isInSandbox();
String packageName =
creationParams != null ? creationParams.getPackageName() : context.getPackageName();
ChildConnectionAllocator allocator =
getConnectionAllocator(context, packageName, inSandbox);
ChildProcessConnection connection =
allocator.allocate(spawnData, deathCallback, !forWarmUp);
sConnectionsToAllocatorMap.put(connection, allocator);
return connection;
static ChildProcessConnection allocateBoundConnection(ChildSpawnData spawnData,
ChildProcessConnection.StartCallback startCallback, boolean forWarmUp) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
final Context context = spawnData.getContext();
final boolean inSandbox = spawnData.isInSandbox();
final ChildProcessCreationParams creationParams = spawnData.getCreationParams();
ChildProcessConnection connection = allocateConnection(spawnData, forWarmUp);
if (connection != null) {
// Non sandboxed processes are privileged processes that should be strongly bound.
boolean useStrongBinding = !inSandbox;
connection.start(useStrongBinding, startCallback);
String packageName = creationParams != null ? creationParams.getPackageName()
: context.getPackageName();
if (inSandbox
&& !getConnectionAllocator(context, packageName, true /* sandboxed */)
.isFreeConnectionAvailable()) {
// Proactively releases all the moderate bindings once all the sandboxed services
// are allocated, which will be very likely to have some of them killed by OOM
// killer.
return connection;
private static final long FREE_CONNECTION_DELAY_MILLIS = 1;
private static void freeConnection(ChildProcessConnection connection) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
if (connection == sSpareSandboxedConnection) clearSpareConnection();
// Freeing a service should be delayed. This is so that we avoid immediately reusing the
// freed service (see the framework might keep a service process
// alive when it's been unbound for a short time. If a new connection to the same service
// is bound at that point, the process is reused and bad things happen (mostly static
// variables are set when we don't expect them to).
final ChildProcessConnection conn = connection;
LauncherThread.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ChildConnectionAllocator allocator = sConnectionsToAllocatorMap.remove(conn);
assert allocator != null;
final ChildSpawnData pendingSpawn =;
if (pendingSpawn != null) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
start(pendingSpawn.getContext(), pendingSpawn.getServiceBundle(),
pendingSpawn.isInSandbox(), pendingSpawn.isAlwaysInForeground(),
// Map from pid to ChildService connection.
private static Map<Integer, ChildProcessConnection> sServiceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// These variables are used for the warm up sandboxed connection.
// |sSpareSandboxedConnection| is non-null when there is a pending connection. Note it's cleared
// to null again after the connection is used for a real child process.
// |sSpareConnectionStarting| is true if ChildProcessConnection.StartCallback has not fired.
// This is used for a child process allocation to determine if StartCallback should be chained.
// |sSpareConnectionStartCallback| is the chained StartCallback. This is also used to determine
// if there is already a child process launch that's used this this connection.
private static ChildProcessConnection sSpareSandboxedConnection;
private static boolean sSpareConnectionStarting;
private static ChildProcessConnection.StartCallback sSpareConnectionStartCallback;
// Manages oom bindings used to bind chind services. Lazily initialized by getBindingManager()
private static BindingManager sBindingManager;
// Whether the main application is currently brought to the foreground.
private static boolean sApplicationInForeground = true;
// Lazy initialize sBindingManager
// TODO(boliu): This should be internal to content.
@SuppressFBWarnings("LI_LAZY_INIT_STATIC") // Method is single thread.
public static BindingManager getBindingManager() {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
if (sBindingManager == null) {
sBindingManager = BindingManagerImpl.createBindingManager();
return sBindingManager;
public static void setBindingManagerForTesting(BindingManager manager) {
sBindingManager = manager;
* Called when the embedding application is sent to background.
public static void onSentToBackground() {
assert ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread();
sApplicationInForeground = false; Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Called when the embedding application is brought to foreground.
public static void onBroughtToForeground() {
assert ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread();
sApplicationInForeground = true; Runnable() {
public void run() {
* Returns whether the application is currently in the foreground.
static boolean isApplicationInForeground() {
return sApplicationInForeground;
* Starts moderate binding management.
* Note: WebAPKs and non WebAPKs share the same moderate binding pool, so the size of the
* shared moderate binding pool is always set based on the number of sandboxes processes
* used by Chrome.
* @param context Android's context.
* @param moderateBindingTillBackgrounded true if the BindingManager should add a moderate
* binding to a render process when it is created and remove the moderate binding when Chrome is
* sent to the background.
public static void startModerateBindingManagement(final Context context) {
assert ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread(); Runnable() {
public void run() {
ChildConnectionAllocator allocator = getConnectionAllocator(
context, context.getPackageName(), true /* sandboxed */);
context, allocator.getNumberOfServices());
* Should be called early in startup so the work needed to spawn the child process can be done
* in parallel to other startup work. Spare connection is created in sandboxed child process.
* @param context the application context used for the connection.
public static void warmUp(final Context context) {
assert ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread(); Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (sSpareSandboxedConnection != null) return;
ChildProcessCreationParams params = ChildProcessCreationParams.getDefault();
ChildProcessConnection.StartCallback startCallback =
new ChildProcessConnection.StartCallback() {
public void onChildStarted() {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
sSpareConnectionStarting = false;
if (sSpareConnectionStartCallback != null) {
// If there is no chained callback, that means nothing has tried to
// use the spare connection yet. It will be cleared when it is used
// for an actual child process launch.
public void onChildStartFailed() {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to warm up the spare sandbox service");
if (sSpareConnectionStartCallback != null) {
boolean bindToCallerCheck = params == null ? false : params.getBindToCallerCheck();
ChildSpawnData spawnData = new ChildSpawnData(context,
null /* connectionBundle */, null /* launchCallback */,
null /* child process callback */, true /* inSandbox */,
sSpareSandboxedConnection =
allocateBoundConnection(spawnData, startCallback, true /* forWarmUp */);
sSpareConnectionStarting = sSpareSandboxedConnection != null;
private static void clearSpareConnection() {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
sSpareSandboxedConnection = null;
sSpareConnectionStarting = false;
sSpareConnectionStartCallback = null;
* Spawns and connects to a child process. It will not block, but will instead callback to
* {@link #LaunchCallback} on the launcher thread when the connection is established on.
* @param context Context used to obtain the application context.
* @param paramId Key used to retrieve ChildProcessCreationParams.
* @param serviceBundle The Bundle passed in the intent used to bind to the service.
* @param connectionBundle The Bundle passed in setupConnection call.
* @param launchCallback Callback invoked when the connection is established.
* @param childProcessCallback IBinder callback passed to the service.
public static boolean start(final Context context, final Bundle serviceBundle,
final Bundle connectionBundle, final LaunchCallback launchCallback,
final IBinder childProcessCallback, final boolean inSandbox,
final boolean alwaysInForeground, final ChildProcessCreationParams creationParams) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
try {
ChildProcessConnection allocatedConnection = null;
String packageName = creationParams != null ? creationParams.getPackageName()
: context.getPackageName();
ChildProcessConnection.StartCallback startCallback =
new ChildProcessConnection.StartCallback() {
public void onChildStarted() {}
public void onChildStartFailed() {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
Log.e(TAG, "ChildProcessConnection.start failed, trying again"); Runnable() {
public void run() {
// The child process may already be bound to another client
// (this can happen if multi-process WebView is used in more
// than one process), so try starting the process again.
// This connection that failed to start has not been freed,
// so a new bound connection will be allocated.
start(context, serviceBundle, connectionBundle, launchCallback,
childProcessCallback, inSandbox, alwaysInForeground,
if (inSandbox && sSpareSandboxedConnection != null
&& sSpareConnectionStartCallback == null
&& sSpareSandboxedConnection.getPackageName().equals(packageName)
// Object identity check for getDefault should be enough. The default is
// not supposed to change once set.
&& creationParams == ChildProcessCreationParams.getDefault()) {
allocatedConnection = sSpareSandboxedConnection;
if (sSpareConnectionStarting) {
sSpareConnectionStartCallback = startCallback;
} else {
if (allocatedConnection == null) {
ChildSpawnData spawnData = new ChildSpawnData(context, serviceBundle,
connectionBundle, launchCallback, childProcessCallback, inSandbox,
alwaysInForeground, creationParams);
allocatedConnection =
allocateBoundConnection(spawnData, startCallback, false /* forWarmUp */);
if (allocatedConnection == null) {
return false;
boolean addToBindingmanager = inSandbox;
triggerConnectionSetup(allocatedConnection, connectionBundle, childProcessCallback,
launchCallback, addToBindingmanager);
return true;
} finally {
static void triggerConnectionSetup(final ChildProcessConnection connection,
Bundle connectionBundle, final IBinder childProcessCallback,
final LaunchCallback launchCallback, final boolean addToBindingmanager) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
Log.d(TAG, "Setting up connection to process, connection name=%s",
ChildProcessConnection.ConnectionCallback connectionCallback =
new ChildProcessConnection.ConnectionCallback() {
public void onConnected(ChildProcessConnection connection) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
if (connection != null) {
int pid = connection.getPid();
Log.d(TAG, "on connect callback, pid=%d", pid);
if (addToBindingmanager) {
getBindingManager().addNewConnection(pid, connection);
sServiceMap.put(pid, connection);
// If the connection fails and pid == 0, the Java-side cleanup was already
// handled by DeathCallback. We still have to call back to native for
// cleanup there.
if (launchCallback != null) { // Will be null in Java instrumentation tests.
connection.setupConnection(connectionBundle, childProcessCallback, connectionCallback);
* Terminates a child process. This may be called from any thread.
* @param pid The pid (process handle) of the service connection obtained from {@link #start}.
static void stop(int pid) {
assert LauncherThread.runningOnLauncherThread();
Log.d(TAG, "stopping child connection: pid=%d", pid);
ChildProcessConnection connection = sServiceMap.remove(pid);
if (connection == null) {
// Can happen for single process.
public static int getNumberOfSandboxedServices(Context context, String packageName) {
assert ThreadUtils.runningOnUiThread();
if (sSandboxedServicesCountForTesting != -1) {
return sSandboxedServicesCountForTesting;
return ChildConnectionAllocator.getNumberOfServices(
context, packageName, NUM_SANDBOXED_SERVICES_KEY);
/** @return the count of services set up and working */
static int connectedServicesCountForTesting() {
return sServiceMap.size();
public static void setSandboxServicesSettingsForTesting(
ChildConnectionAllocator.ConnectionFactory factory, int serviceCount,
String serviceName) {
sSandboxedServiceFactoryForTesting = factory;
sSandboxedServicesCountForTesting = serviceCount;
sSandboxedServicesNameForTesting = serviceName;
* Kills the child process for testing.
* @return true iff the process was killed as expected
public static boolean crashProcessForTesting(int pid) {
if (sServiceMap.get(pid) == null) return false;
try {
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
return false;
return true;