blob: 66ff3e4dbc522f9f3e56c43918c72dcdd64fadd6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/common/autofill_agent.mojom.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/common/autofill_driver.mojom.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/renderer_save_password_progress_logger.h"
#include "content/public/renderer/render_frame_observer.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_binding.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/associated_interfaces/associated_interface_registry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_input_element.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace autofill {
struct PasswordForm;
struct PasswordFormGenerationData;
class PasswordAutofillAgent;
// This class is responsible for controlling communication for password
// generation between the browser (which shows the popup and generates
// passwords) and WebKit (shows the generation icon in the password field).
class PasswordGenerationAgent : public content::RenderFrameObserver,
public mojom::PasswordGenerationAgent {
// Maximum number of characters typed by user while the generation is still
// offered. When the (kMaximumCharsForGenerationOffer + 1)-th character is
// typed, the generation becomes unavailable.
static const size_t kMaximumCharsForGenerationOffer = 5;
// User can edit the generated password. If the length falls below this value,
// the password is no longer considered generated.
static const size_t kMinimumLengthForEditedPassword = 4;
PasswordGenerationAgent(content::RenderFrame* render_frame,
PasswordAutofillAgent* password_agent,
blink::AssociatedInterfaceRegistry* registry);
~PasswordGenerationAgent() override;
void BindRequest(mojom::PasswordGenerationAgentAssociatedRequest request);
// mojom::PasswordGenerationAgent:
void FormNotBlacklisted(const PasswordForm& form) override;
void GeneratedPasswordAccepted(const base::string16& password) override;
void FoundFormsEligibleForGeneration(
const std::vector<PasswordFormGenerationData>& forms) override;
// Sets |generation_element_| to the focused password field and shows a
// generation popup at this field.
void UserTriggeredGeneratePassword() override;
// Returns true if the field being changed is one where a generated password
// is being offered. Updates the state of the popup if necessary.
bool TextDidChangeInTextField(const blink::WebInputElement& element);
// Returns true if the newly focused node caused the generation UI to show.
bool FocusedNodeHasChanged(const blink::WebNode& node);
// Called when new form controls are inserted.
void OnDynamicFormsSeen();
// Called right before PasswordAutofillAgent filled |password_element|.
void OnFieldAutofilled(const blink::WebInputElement& password_element);
#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
// This method requests the autofill::mojom::PasswordManagerClient which binds
// requests the binding if it wasn't bound yet.
void RequestPasswordManagerClientForTesting() { GetPasswordManagerClient(); }
// Returns true if the document for |render_frame()| is one that we should
// consider analyzing. Virtual so that it can be overriden during testing.
virtual bool ShouldAnalyzeDocument();
// Use to force enable during testing.
void set_enabled(bool enabled) { enabled_ = enabled; }
struct AccountCreationFormData {
linked_ptr<PasswordForm> form;
std::vector<blink::WebInputElement> password_elements;
linked_ptr<PasswordForm> form,
std::vector<blink::WebInputElement> password_elements);
AccountCreationFormData(const AccountCreationFormData& other);
typedef std::vector<AccountCreationFormData> AccountCreationFormDataList;
// RenderFrameObserver:
void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(bool is_same_document_navigation,
ui::PageTransition transition) override;
void DidFinishDocumentLoad() override;
void DidFinishLoad() override;
void OnDestruct() override;
const mojom::PasswordManagerDriverAssociatedPtr& GetPasswordManagerDriver();
const mojom::PasswordManagerClientAssociatedPtr& GetPasswordManagerClient();
// Helper function that will try and populate |password_elements_| and
// |possible_account_creation_form_|.
void FindPossibleGenerationForm();
// Helper function to decide if |passwords_| contains password fields for
// an account creation form. Sets |generation_element_| to the field that
// we want to trigger the generation UI on.
void DetermineGenerationElement();
// Helper function which takes care of the form processing and collecting the
// information which is required to show the generation popup. Returns true if
// all required information is collected.
bool SetUpUserTriggeredGeneration();
// This is called whenever automatic generation could be offered.
// If manual generation was already requested, automatic generation will
// not be offered.
void MaybeOfferAutomaticGeneration();
// Signals the browser that it should offer or rescind automatic password
// generation depending whether the user has just focused a form field
// suitable for generation or has changed focus from such a field.
void AutomaticGenerationStatusChanged(bool available);
// Show UI for editing a generated password at |generation_element_|.
void ShowEditingPopup();
// Signals the browser that generation was rejected. This happens when the
// user types more characters than the maximum offer size into the password
// field. Upon receiving this message, the browser can choose to hide the
// generation UI or not, depending on the platform.
void GenerationRejectedByTyping();
// Stops treating a password as generated.
void PasswordNoLongerGenerated();
// Runs HTML parsing based classifier and saves its outcome to proto.
// TODO( Remove client-side form classifier when server-side
// classifier is ready.
void RunFormClassifierAndSaveVote(const blink::WebFormElement& web_form,
const PasswordForm& form);
void LogMessage(autofill::SavePasswordProgressLogger::StringID message_id);
void LogBoolean(autofill::SavePasswordProgressLogger::StringID message_id,
bool truth_value);
void LogNumber(autofill::SavePasswordProgressLogger::StringID message_id,
int number);
// Creates a password form to presave a generated password. It copies behavior
// of CreatePasswordFormFromWebForm/FromUnownedInputElements, but takes
// |password_value| from |generation_element_| and empties |username_value|.
// If a form creating is failed, returns an empty unique_ptr.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordForm> CreatePasswordFormToPresave();
// Stores forms that are candidates for account creation.
AccountCreationFormDataList possible_account_creation_forms_;
// Stores the origins of the password forms confirmed not to be blacklisted
// by the browser. A form can be blacklisted if a user chooses "never save
// passwords for this site".
std::vector<GURL> not_blacklisted_password_form_origins_;
// Stores each password form for which the Autofill server classifies one of
// the form's fields as an ACCOUNT_CREATION_PASSWORD or NEW_PASSWORD. These
// forms will not be sent if the feature is disabled.
std::vector<autofill::PasswordFormGenerationData> generation_enabled_forms_;
// Data for form which generation is allowed on.
std::unique_ptr<AccountCreationFormData> generation_form_data_;
// Element where we want to trigger password generation UI.
blink::WebInputElement generation_element_;
// Password element that had focus last. Since Javascript could change focused
// element after the user triggered a generation request, it is better to save
// the last focused password element.
blink::WebInputElement last_focused_password_element_;
// If the password field at |generation_element_| contains a generated
// password.
bool password_is_generated_;
// True if the last password generation was manually triggered.
bool is_manually_triggered_;
// True if a password was generated and the user edited it. Used for UMA
// stats.
bool password_edited_;
// True if the generation popup was shown during this navigation. Used to
// track UMA stats per page visit rather than per display, since the former
// is more interesting.
// TODO( Remove this or change the description of the
// logged event as calling AutomaticgenerationStatusChanged will no longer
// imply that a popup is shown. This could instead be logged with the
// metrics collected on the browser process.
bool generation_popup_shown_;
// True if the editing popup was shown during this navigation. Used to track
// UMA stats per page rather than per display, since the former is more
// interesting.
bool editing_popup_shown_;
// If this feature is enabled. Controlled by Finch.
bool enabled_;
// True iff the generation element should be marked with special HTML
// attribute (only for experimental purposes).
bool mark_generation_element_;
// Unowned pointer. Used to notify PassowrdAutofillAgent when values
// in password fields are updated.
PasswordAutofillAgent* password_agent_;
mojom::PasswordManagerClientAssociatedPtr password_manager_client_;
mojo::AssociatedBinding<mojom::PasswordGenerationAgent> binding_;
} // namespace autofill