blob: 86d75a2312e7fa94beed5196109c844696f3de84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/tab_switcher/tab_switcher_panel_collection_view_layout.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/logging.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
const CGFloat minWidthOfTab = 200;
const CGFloat kInterTabSpacing = 16;
const UIEdgeInsets kCollectionViewEdgeInsets = {16, 16, 16, 16};
const CGFloat kMaxSizeAsAFactorOfBounds = 0.5;
const CGFloat kMinCellHeightWidthRatio = 0.6;
const CGFloat kMaxCellHeightWidthRatio = 1.8;
@implementation TabSwitcherPanelCollectionViewLayout {
// Keeps track of the inserted and deleted index paths.
NSMutableArray* _deletedIndexPaths;
NSMutableArray* _insertedIndexPaths;
- (int)maxRowCountWithColumnCount:(int)columnCount inBounds:(CGSize)boundsSize {
int cellWidth = (boundsSize.width / columnCount) - (kInterTabSpacing * 2.0);
int minCellHeight = cellWidth * kMinCellHeightWidthRatio;
return boundsSize.height / (minCellHeight + (kInterTabSpacing * 2.0));
- (void)updateLayoutWithBounds:(CGSize)boundsSize {
// Ignore initial call to |updateLayoutWithBounds| when the frame of the
// collection view is CGRectZero, because it creates very small cells with
// broken constraints.
if (boundsSize.height == 0 && boundsSize.width == 0)
int tabCount = [[self collectionView] numberOfItemsInSection:0];
// Early return because there's nothing to layout.
if (tabCount == 0)
int numberOfColumns = 0;
int numberOfRows = 0;
int maxNumberOfColums = static_cast<int>(
floor(boundsSize.width / (minWidthOfTab + kInterTabSpacing * 2.0)));
// No need to have more columns than tabs.
maxNumberOfColums = std::min(maxNumberOfColums, tabCount);
if ([self maxRowCountWithColumnCount:maxNumberOfColums inBounds:boundsSize] *
maxNumberOfColums <
tabCount) {
// It is impossible for all the tabs to be shown on screen at once.
// Layout the tabs using the highest density possible, i.e. using the
// maximum number of columns.
numberOfColumns = maxNumberOfColums;
numberOfRows =
[self maxRowCountWithColumnCount:maxNumberOfColums inBounds:boundsSize];
} else {
// Find the most squarish configuration that allows showing all the tabs.
// A squarish configuration is a layout were the number of rows and columns
// are roughly equal.
// |bestScore| contains abs(rowCount - columnCount).
// The lower |bestScore| is, the better the configuration is.
int bestScore = INT_MAX;
int loopStart;
int loopEnd;
int loopDirection;
if (boundsSize.width > boundsSize.height) {
// In landscape, consider in priority layouts with a large number of
// columns.
loopStart = maxNumberOfColums;
loopEnd = 0;
loopDirection = -1;
} else {
// In landscape, consider in priority layouts with a large number of rows,
// i.e. a small number of columns.
loopStart = 1;
loopEnd = maxNumberOfColums + 1;
loopDirection = 1;
int columnCountIterator = loopStart;
while (columnCountIterator != loopEnd) {
// Find the minimum number of rows needed to show |tabCount| tab in
// |columnCount| columns.
int maxRowCount = [self maxRowCountWithColumnCount:columnCountIterator
int idealRowCount = static_cast<int>(
ceil(static_cast<float>(tabCount) / columnCountIterator));
if (idealRowCount <= maxRowCount) {
int score = abs(idealRowCount - columnCountIterator);
if (score < bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
numberOfColumns = columnCountIterator;
numberOfRows = idealRowCount;
columnCountIterator += loopDirection;
DCHECK_NE(bestScore, INT_MAX);
DCHECK_NE(numberOfColumns, 0);
DCHECK_NE(numberOfRows, 0);
// Compute the size of the cells.
CGFloat horizontalFreeSpace =
boundsSize.width - (kInterTabSpacing * 2 * (numberOfColumns - 1)) -
kCollectionViewEdgeInsets.left - kCollectionViewEdgeInsets.right;
CGFloat verticalFreeSpace =
boundsSize.height - (kInterTabSpacing * 2 * (numberOfRows - 1)) - - kCollectionViewEdgeInsets.bottom;
CGSize newCellSize = CGSizeMake(horizontalFreeSpace / numberOfColumns,
verticalFreeSpace / numberOfRows);
// The cells must not be larger than half of the bounds because the @1x
// snapshots would look blurry on retina screens.
newCellSize.width =
std::min(newCellSize.width, boundsSize.width * kMaxSizeAsAFactorOfBounds);
newCellSize.height = std::min(newCellSize.height,
boundsSize.height * kMaxSizeAsAFactorOfBounds);
// Avoid having cells be too narrow.
newCellSize.height = std::min(newCellSize.height,
newCellSize.width * kMaxCellHeightWidthRatio);
[self setItemSize:newCellSize];
[self setMinimumInteritemSpacing:kInterTabSpacing];
[self setMinimumLineSpacing:kInterTabSpacing * 2];
bool forceVerticalCentering = numberOfRows == 1;
if (forceVerticalCentering) {
UIEdgeInsets insets = kCollectionViewEdgeInsets; = (boundsSize.height - newCellSize.height) / 2.0;
insets.bottom = (boundsSize.height - newCellSize.height) / 2.0;
[self setSectionInset:insets];
} else {
[self setSectionInset:kCollectionViewEdgeInsets];
- (void)prepareLayout {
[super prepareLayout];
[self updateLayoutWithBounds:[[self collectionView] bounds].size];