blob: 6f36e8a30baec921062a66a25b5f7bca60e652c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/numerics/math_constants.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/motion_event_web.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/events/blink/blink_event_util.h"
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/motion_event_generic.h"
#include "ui/events/test/motion_event_test_utils.h"
using ui::MotionEvent;
using ui::MotionEventGeneric;
using ui::PointerProperties;
namespace content {
TEST(MotionEventWebTest, Constructor) {
const float pi = base::kPiFloat;
const float orientations[] = {-pi, -2.f * pi / 3, -pi / 2};
const float tilts_x[] = {0.f, -180 / 4, -180 / 3};
const float tilts_y[] = {0.5f, 180 / 2, 180 / 3};
const float twists[] = {60, 160, 260};
const float tangential_pressures[] = {0.3f, 0.5f, 0.9f};
const MotionEvent::ToolType tool_types[] = {MotionEvent::ToolType::FINGER,
base::TimeTicks event_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
PointerProperties pp;
MotionEventGeneric generic_event(MotionEvent::Action::MOVE, event_time, pp);
for (MotionEvent::ToolType tool_type : tool_types) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < base::size(tilts_x); ++i) {
const float tilt_x = tilts_x[i];
const float tilt_y = tilts_y[i];
const float orientation = orientations[i];
const float twist = twists[i];
const float tangential_pressure = tangential_pressures[i];
PointerProperties pp2;
pp2.orientation = orientation;
pp2.tilt_x = tilt_x;
pp2.tilt_y = tilt_y;
pp2.twist = twist;
pp2.tangential_pressure = tangential_pressure;
pp2.tool_type = tool_type;
size_t pointer_index = generic_event.PushPointer(pp2);
EXPECT_GT(pointer_index, 0u);
blink::WebTouchEvent web_touch_event = CreateWebTouchEventFromMotionEvent(
generic_event, true /* may_cause_scrolling */, false /* hovering */);
MotionEventWeb event(web_touch_event);
EXPECT_EQ(tool_type, event.GetToolType(pointer_index));
if (tool_type == MotionEvent::ToolType::STYLUS) {
// Web touch event touch point tilt plane angles are stored as ints,
// thus the tilt precision is 1 degree and the error should not be
// greater than 0.5 degrees.
EXPECT_NEAR(tilt_x, event.GetTiltX(pointer_index), 0.5)
<< " orientation=" << orientation;
EXPECT_NEAR(tilt_y, event.GetTiltY(pointer_index), 0.5)
<< " orientation=" << orientation;
EXPECT_EQ(twist, event.GetTwist(pointer_index));
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(0.f, event.GetTiltX(pointer_index));
EXPECT_EQ(0.f, event.GetTiltY(pointer_index));
if (tool_type == MotionEvent::ToolType::STYLUS && tilt_x > 0.f) {
// Full stylus tilt orientation information survives above event
// conversions only if there is a non-zero stylus tilt angle.
// See:
EXPECT_NEAR(orientation, event.GetOrientation(pointer_index), 1e-4)
<< " tilt_x=" << tilt_x << " tilt_y=" << tilt_y;
} else {
// For non-stylus pointers and for styluses with a zero tilt angle,
// orientation quadrant information is lost.
fmod(orientation + base::kPiFloat + 1e-4, base::kPiFloat / 2) -
event.GetOrientation(pointer_index), 1e-4);
} // namespace content