blob: 1d825fe3ac83e358ca644aaa61cbefa298fdf031 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.device.sensors;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.hardware.SensorEvent;
import android.hardware.SensorEventListener;
import android.os.Build;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.device.mojom.ReportingMode;
import java.util.List;
* Implementation of PlatformSensor that uses Android Sensor Framework. Lifetime is controlled by
* the device::PlatformSensorAndroid.
public class PlatformSensor implements SensorEventListener {
private static final double MICROSECONDS_IN_SECOND = 1000000;
private static final double SECONDS_IN_MICROSECOND = 0.000001d;
private static final double SECONDS_IN_NANOSECOND = 0.000000001d;
* The SENSOR_FREQUENCY_NORMAL is defined as 5Hz which corresponds to a polling delay
* @see android.hardware.SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL value that is defined as 200000
* microseconds.
private static final double SENSOR_FREQUENCY_NORMAL = 5.0d;
* Identifier of device::PlatformSensorAndroid instance.
private long mNativePlatformSensorAndroid;
* Used for fetching sensor reading values and obtaining information about the sensor.
* @see android.hardware.Sensor
private final Sensor mSensor;
* The minimum delay between two readings in microseconds that is supported by the sensor.
private final int mMinDelayUsec;
* The number of sensor reading values required from the sensor.
private final int mReadingCount;
* Frequncy that is currently used by the sensor for polling.
private double mCurrentPollingFrequency;
* Provides shared SensorManager and event processing thread Handler to PlatformSensor objects.
private final PlatformSensorProvider mProvider;
* Creates new PlatformSensor.
* @param sensorType type of the sensor to be constructed. @see android.hardware.Sensor.TYPE_*
* @param readingCount number of sensor reading values required from the sensor.
* @param provider object that shares SensorManager and polling thread Handler with sensors.
public static PlatformSensor create(
int sensorType, int readingCount, PlatformSensorProvider provider) {
List<Sensor> sensors = provider.getSensorManager().getSensorList(sensorType);
if (sensors.isEmpty()) return null;
return new PlatformSensor(sensors.get(0), readingCount, provider);
* Constructor.
protected PlatformSensor(Sensor sensor, int readingCount, PlatformSensorProvider provider) {
mReadingCount = readingCount;
mProvider = provider;
mSensor = sensor;
mMinDelayUsec = mSensor.getMinDelay();
* Initializes PlatformSensor, called by native code.
* @param nativePlatformSensorAndroid identifier of device::PlatformSensorAndroid instance.
* @param buffer shared buffer that is used to return data to the client.
protected void initPlatformSensorAndroid(long nativePlatformSensorAndroid) {
assert nativePlatformSensorAndroid != 0;
mNativePlatformSensorAndroid = nativePlatformSensorAndroid;
* Returns reporting mode supported by the sensor.
* @return ReportingMode reporting mode.
protected int getReportingMode() {
return mSensor.getReportingMode() == Sensor.REPORTING_MODE_CONTINUOUS
? ReportingMode.CONTINUOUS
: ReportingMode.ON_CHANGE;
return ReportingMode.CONTINUOUS;
* Returns default configuration supported by the sensor. Currently only frequency is supported.
* @return double frequency.
protected double getDefaultConfiguration() {
* Returns maximum sampling frequency supported by the sensor.
* @return double frequency in Hz.
protected double getMaximumSupportedFrequency() {
if (mMinDelayUsec == 0) return getDefaultConfiguration();
return 1 / (mMinDelayUsec * SECONDS_IN_MICROSECOND);
* Requests sensor to start polling for data.
* @return boolean true if successful, false otherwise.
protected boolean startSensor(double frequency) {
// If we already polling hw with same frequency, do not restart the sensor.
if (mCurrentPollingFrequency == frequency) return true;
// Unregister old listener if polling frequency has changed.
boolean sensorStarted = mProvider.getSensorManager().registerListener(
this, mSensor, getSamplingPeriod(frequency), mProvider.getHandler());
if (!sensorStarted) {
return sensorStarted;
mCurrentPollingFrequency = frequency;
return sensorStarted;
private void unregisterListener() {
// Do not unregister if current polling frequency is 0, not polling for data.
if (mCurrentPollingFrequency == 0) return;
mProvider.getSensorManager().unregisterListener(this, mSensor);
* Requests sensor to stop polling for data.
protected void stopSensor() {
mCurrentPollingFrequency = 0;
* Checks whether configuration is supported by the sensor. Currently only frequency is
* supported.
* @return boolean true if configuration is supported, false otherwise.
protected boolean checkSensorConfiguration(double frequency) {
return mMinDelayUsec <= getSamplingPeriod(frequency);
* Converts frequency to sampling period in microseconds.
private int getSamplingPeriod(double frequency) {
return (int) ((1 / frequency) * MICROSECONDS_IN_SECOND);
* Notifies native device::PlatformSensorAndroid when there is an error.
protected void sensorError() {
* Updates reading at native device::PlatformSensorAndroid.
protected void updateSensorReading(
double timestamp, double value1, double value2, double value3) {
mNativePlatformSensorAndroid, timestamp, value1, value2, value3);
public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {}
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
if (event.values.length < mReadingCount) {
double timestamp = event.timestamp * SECONDS_IN_NANOSECOND;
switch (event.values.length) {
case 1:
updateSensorReading(timestamp, event.values[0], 0.0, 0.0);
case 2:
updateSensorReading(timestamp, event.values[0], event.values[1], 0.0);
updateSensorReading(timestamp, event.values[0], event.values[1], event.values[2]);
private native void nativeNotifyPlatformSensorError(long nativePlatformSensorAndroid);
private native void nativeUpdatePlatformSensorReading(long nativePlatformSensorAndroid,
double timestamp, double value1, double value2, double value3);