blob: a51cd79795897551fb0e3d234e30380de9082d2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/ntp/recent_tabs/synced_sessions.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/sync/driver/sync_service.h"
#include "components/sync_sessions/open_tabs_ui_delegate.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/sync/sync_setup_service.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
// Comparator function for sorting the sessions_ vector so that the most
// recently used sessions are at the beginning.
bool SortSessionsByTime(
std::unique_ptr<const synced_sessions::DistantSession>& a,
std::unique_ptr<const synced_sessions::DistantSession>& b) {
return a->modified_time > b->modified_time;
// Helper to extract the relevant content from a SessionTab and add it to a
// DistantSession.
void AddTabToDistantSession(const sessions::SessionTab& session_tab,
const std::string& session_tag,
synced_sessions::DistantSession* distant_session) {
if (session_tab.navigations.size() > 0) {
synced_sessions::DistantTab& distant_tab = *distant_session->tabs.back();
distant_tab.session_tag = session_tag;
distant_tab.tab_id =;
int index = session_tab.current_navigation_index;
if (index < 0)
index = 0;
if (index > (int)session_tab.navigations.size() - 1)
index = session_tab.navigations.size() - 1;
const sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry* navigation =
distant_tab.title = navigation->title();
distant_tab.virtual_url = navigation->virtual_url();
if (distant_tab.title.empty()) {
std::string url = navigation->virtual_url().spec();
distant_tab.title = base::UTF8ToUTF16(url);
} // namespace
namespace synced_sessions {
DistantTab::DistantTab() {}
size_t DistantTab::hashOfUserVisibleProperties() {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << title << std::endl << virtual_url.spec();
return std::hash<std::string>()(ss.str());
DistantSession::DistantSession() {}
DistantSession::DistantSession(syncer::SyncService* sync_service,
const std::string& tag) {
if (sync_service->CanSyncStart() && sync_service->GetOpenTabsUIDelegate()) {
sync_sessions::OpenTabsUIDelegate* open_tabs =
std::vector<const sync_sessions::SyncedSession*> sessions;
for (const auto* session : sessions) {
if (tag == session->session_tag) {
this->InitWithSyncedSession(session, open_tabs);
DistantSession::~DistantSession() {}
void DistantSession::InitWithSyncedSession(
const sync_sessions::SyncedSession* synced_session,
sync_sessions::OpenTabsUIDelegate* open_tabs) {
tag = synced_session->session_tag;
name = synced_session->session_name;
modified_time = synced_session->modified_time;
device_type = synced_session->device_type;
const std::string group_name =
if (group_name == "Enabled") {
// Order tabs by recency.
std::vector<const sessions::SessionTab*> session_tabs;
for (const auto* session_tab : session_tabs) {
AddTabToDistantSession(*session_tab, synced_session->session_tag, this);
} else {
// Order tabs by their visual position within window.
for (const auto& kv : synced_session->windows) {
for (const auto& session_tab : kv.second->wrapped_window.tabs) {
AddTabToDistantSession(*session_tab, synced_session->session_tag, this);
SyncedSessions::SyncedSessions() {}
SyncedSessions::SyncedSessions(syncer::SyncService* sync_service) {
// Reload Sync open tab sesions.
if (sync_service->CanSyncStart() && sync_service->GetOpenTabsUIDelegate()) {
sync_sessions::OpenTabsUIDelegate* open_tabs =
// Iterating through all remote sessions, then all remote windows, then all
// remote tabs to retrieve the tabs to display to the user. This will
// flatten all of those data into a sequential vector of tabs.
std::vector<const sync_sessions::SyncedSession*> sessions;
for (const auto* session : sessions) {
std::unique_ptr<DistantSession> distant_session(new DistantSession());
distant_session->InitWithSyncedSession(session, open_tabs);
// Don't display sessions with no tabs.
if (distant_session->tabs.size() > 0)
std::sort(sessions_.begin(), sessions_.end(), SortSessionsByTime);
SyncedSessions::~SyncedSessions() {}
// Returns the session at index |index|.
DistantSession const* SyncedSessions::GetSession(size_t index) const {
DCHECK_LE(index, GetSessionCount());
return sessions_[index].get();
const DistantSession* SyncedSessions::GetSessionWithTag(
const std::string& tag) const {
for (auto const& distant_session : sessions_) {
if (distant_session->tag == tag) {
return distant_session.get();
return nullptr;
// Returns the number of distant sessions.
size_t SyncedSessions::GetSessionCount() const {
return sessions_.size();
// Deletes the session at index |index|.
void SyncedSessions::EraseSession(size_t index) {
DCHECK_LE(index, GetSessionCount());
sessions_.erase(sessions_.begin() + index);
void SyncedSessions::AddDistantSessionForTest(
std::unique_ptr<const DistantSession> distant_session) {
} // synced_sessions namespace