blob: a7cd3396cdaa89ab527aa012729f961e3ddeb86e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Buildbot recipe definition for the various Crashpad continuous builders.
import ast
from recipe_engine.recipe_api import Property
DEPS = [
'buildername': Property(kind=str, help='The builder name', default=None),
'config': Property(kind=str, help='Debug or Release', default='Debug'),
Property(kind=str, help='win, mac, linux, or fuchsia', default=None),
'target_cpu': Property(kind=str, help='x64, arm64, or ""', default=''),
'builders': ['crashpad_try_win_dbg'],
'step_name': 'run_tests_on_x86',
'isolate': 'out/Debug/run_tests.isolate',
'args': [
'-d', 'os', 'Windows-7',
'-d', 'os', 'x86-32',
'-d', 'os', 'Chrome',
def RunSteps(api, buildername, config, target_os, target_cpu):
"""Generates the sequence of steps that will be run by the slave."""
env = {}
is_fuchsia = is_linux = is_mac = is_win = False
if target_os == 'fuchsia':
is_fuchsia = True
elif target_os == 'linux':
is_linux = True
elif target_os == 'mac':
is_mac = True
elif target_os == 'win':
is_win = True
assert is_fuchsia or is_linux or is_mac or is_win
api.gclient.c.target_os = {target_os}
is_debug = config == 'Debug'
if is_linux:
# The Linux build uses the system compiler by default, but bots do not have
# a clang installed by default, so use a local copy. Setting this variable
# causes DEPS to download a clang cipd package in runhooks. See also the
# setting of clang_path below.[0].custom_vars['pull_linux_clang'] = True
# buildbot sets 'clobber' to the empty string which is falsey, check with 'in'
if 'clobber' in
api.file.rmtree('out', api.path['checkout'].join('out'))
with api.context(env=env):
dirname = config
if is_fuchsia or is_linux:
# Generic GN build.
path = api.path['checkout'].join('out', dirname)
if target_cpu is "":
target_cpu = 'x64'
args = 'target_os="' + target_os + '" target_cpu="' + target_cpu + '"' + \
' is_debug=' + ('true' if is_debug else 'false')
if is_linux:
# Point at the local copy of clang and a sysroot that were downloaded by
# gclient runhooks.
args += ' clang_path="//third_party/linux/clang/linux-amd64"'
args += ' target_sysroot="//third_party/linux/sysroot"'
# There's no libcurl in the sysroot, stub out the HTTPTransport
# implementation that relies on it.
args += ' crashpad_enable_http_transport_libcurl=false'
# The 14.04 systems do not include a compatible libstdc++ that can deal
# with -std=c++14, so force static linkage of libstdc++ from the sysroot.
args += ' link_libstdcpp_statically = true'
with api.context(cwd=api.path['checkout']):
api.step('generate build files', ['gn', 'gen', path, '--args=' + args])
elif is_win:
# On Windows, we ought to test:
# a) x64 OS, x64 handler, x64 client
# b) x64 OS, x64 handler, x86 client
# c) x64 OS, x86 handler, x86 client
# d) x86 OS, x86 handler, x86 client
# d) used to be tested on _x86 bots, but they have been removed.
# Two build directories are generated, one for x86 and one for x64, which
# allows testing a), b), and c). As the bot time is dominated by machine
# setup and build time, we do not separate these onto separate slaves.
# Additionally, they're all on the same physical machine currently, so
# there's no upside in parallelism.
x86_path = api.path['checkout'].join('out', dirname + '_x86')
x64_path = api.path['checkout'].join('out', dirname + '_x64')
args = 'target_os="win" is_debug=' + ('true' if is_debug else 'false')
with api.context(cwd=api.path['checkout']):
api.step('generate build files x86',
['gn', 'gen', x86_path, '--args=' + args + ' target_cpu="x86"'])
api.step('generate build files x64',
['gn', 'gen', x64_path, '--args=' + args + ' target_cpu="x64"'])
assert is_mac
# Other platforms still default to the gyp build, so the build files have
# already been generated during runhooks.
path = api.path['checkout'].join('out', dirname)
def run_tests(build_dir, env=None):
if is_fuchsia:
# Start a QEMU instance.
api.python('start qemu',
api.path['checkout'].join('build', ''),
with api.context(env=env):
api.python('run tests',
api.path['checkout'].join('build', ''),
if is_fuchsia:
# Shut down the QEMU instance.
api.python('stop qemu',
api.path['checkout'].join('build', ''),
if is_win:
api.step('compile with ninja x86', ['ninja', '-C', x86_path])
api.step('compile with ninja x64', ['ninja', '-C', x64_path])
run_tests(x64_path, env={'CRASHPAD_TEST_32_BIT_OUTPUT':x86_path})
api.step('compile with ninja', ['ninja', '-C', path])
test_spec_path = api.path['checkout'].join('build', 'swarming_test_spec.pyl')
if api.path.exists(test_spec_path):
file_contents = api.file.read_text('read swarming_test_spec',
test_spec_path, test_data=FAKE_SWARMING_TEST_SPEC)
swarming_test_spec = ast.literal_eval(file_contents)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
# TODO( figure out how to handle different kinds of
# errors cleanly.
for spec in swarming_test_spec:
if buildername in spec['builders']:
api.path['checkout'].join('build', ''),
args=[api.path['checkout'].join(spec['isolate'][2:])] +
def GenTests(api):
# Only test a single clobber case.
test = 'crashpad_mac_dbg'
yield(api.test(test + '_clobber') +,
tests = [
(test, 'mac', ''),
('crashpad_try_mac_rel', 'mac', ''),
('crashpad_try_win_dbg', 'win', ''),
('crashpad_linux_debug', 'linux', ''),
('crashpad_fuchsia_x64_dbg', 'fuchsia', 'x64'),
('crashpad_fuchsia_arm64_rel', 'fuchsia', 'arm64'),
for t, os, cpu in tests:
yield(api.test(t) +,
config='Debug' if '_dbg' in t else 'Release',
target_cpu=cpu) +
'build', 'swarming_test_spec.pyl')))