blob: 048baf3bafc54711ff439b916e4fa738ed9ceed5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All
* rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Dennis (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef ComputedStyle_h
#define ComputedStyle_h
#include <memory>
#include "core/CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "core/ComputedStyleBase.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/css/StyleAutoColor.h"
#include "core/css/StyleColor.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
#include "core/style/AppliedTextDecoration.h"
#include "core/style/AppliedTextDecorationList.h"
#include "core/style/BorderValue.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyleConstants.h"
#include "core/style/ContentData.h"
#include "core/style/CounterDirectives.h"
#include "core/style/CursorData.h"
#include "core/style/CursorList.h"
#include "core/style/DataRef.h"
#include "core/style/LineClampValue.h"
#include "core/style/NinePieceImage.h"
#include "core/style/QuotesData.h"
#include "core/style/SVGComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/style/ShadowData.h"
#include "core/style/ShadowList.h"
#include "core/style/StyleContentAlignmentData.h"
#include "core/style/StyleDifference.h"
#include "core/style/StyleFilterData.h"
#include "core/style/StyleImage.h"
#include "core/style/StyleInheritedVariables.h"
#include "core/style/StyleOffsetRotation.h"
#include "core/style/StyleReflection.h"
#include "core/style/StyleSelfAlignmentData.h"
#include "core/style/TextSizeAdjust.h"
#include "core/style/TransformOrigin.h"
#include "platform/Length.h"
#include "platform/LengthBox.h"
#include "platform/LengthPoint.h"
#include "platform/LengthSize.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/ThemeTypes.h"
#include "platform/fonts/Font.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontDescription.h"
#include "platform/geometry/FloatRoundedRect.h"
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutRectOutsets.h"
#include "platform/graphics/Color.h"
#include "platform/graphics/TouchAction.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollTypes.h"
#include "platform/text/TabSize.h"
#include "platform/text/TextDirection.h"
#include "platform/text/UnicodeBidi.h"
#include "platform/transforms/TransformOperations.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Forward.h"
#include "platform/wtf/LeakAnnotations.h"
#include "platform/wtf/RefCounted.h"
#include "platform/wtf/RefVector.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Vector.h"
#include "platform/wtf/text/AtomicString.h"
template <typename T, typename U>
inline bool compareEqual(const T& t, const U& u) {
return t == static_cast<T>(u);
template <typename T>
inline bool compareEqual(const T& a, const T& b) {
return a == b;
#define SET_VAR(group, variable, value) \
if (!compareEqual(group->variable, value)) \
group.Access()->variable = value
#define SET_NESTED_VAR(group, base, variable, value) \
if (!compareEqual(group->base->variable, value)) \
group.Access()->base.Access()->variable = value
#define SET_VAR_WITH_SETTER(group, getter, setter, value) \
if (!compareEqual(group->getter(), value)) \
#define SET_BORDERVALUE_COLOR(group, variable, value) \
if (!compareEqual(group->variable.GetColor(), value)) \
#define SET_BORDER_WIDTH(group, variable, value) \
if (!group->variable.WidthEquals(value)) \
#define SET_NESTED_BORDER_WIDTH(group, base, variable, value) \
if (!group->base->variable.WidthEquals(value)) \
namespace blink {
using std::max;
class FilterOperations;
class AppliedTextDecoration;
struct BorderEdge;
class CSSAnimationData;
class CSSTransitionData;
class CSSVariableData;
class Font;
class Hyphenation;
class RotateTransformOperation;
class ScaleTransformOperation;
class ShadowList;
class ShapeValue;
class StyleImage;
class StylePath;
class StyleResolver;
class TransformationMatrix;
class TranslateTransformOperation;
class ContentData;
typedef Vector<RefPtr<ComputedStyle>, 4> PseudoStyleCache;
// ComputedStyle stores the computed value [1] for every CSS property on an
// element and provides the interface between the style engine and the rest of
// Blink. It acts as a container where the computed value of every CSS property
// can be stored and retrieved:
// auto style = ComputedStyle::Create();
// style->SetDisplay(EDisplay::kNone); //'display' keyword property
// style->Display();
// In addition to storing the computed value of every CSS property,
// ComputedStyle also contains various internal style information. Examples
// include cached_pseudo_styles_ (for storing pseudo element styles), unique_
// (for style sharing) and has_simple_underline_ (cached indicator flag of
// text-decoration). These are stored on ComputedStyle for two reasons:
// 1) They share the same lifetime as ComputedStyle, so it is convenient to
// store them in the same object rather than a separate object that have to be
// passed around as well.
// 2) Many of these data members can be packed as bit fields, so we use less
// memory by packing them in this object with other bit fields.
// ComputedStyle is optimized for memory and performance. The data is not
// actually stored directly in ComputedStyle, but rather in a generated parent
// class ComputedStyleBase. This separation of concerns allows us to optimise
// the memory layout without affecting users of ComputedStyle. ComputedStyle
// inherits from ComputedStyleBase. For more about the memory layout, there is
// documentation in ComputedStyleBase and
// For most CSS properties, ComputedStyle provides a consistent interface which
// includes a getter, setter, initial method (the computed value when the
// property is to 'initial'), and resetter (that resets the computed value to
// its initial value). Exceptions include vertical-align, which has a separate
// set of accessors for its length and its keyword components. Apart from
// accessors, ComputedStyle also has a wealth of helper functions.
// Because ComputedStyleBase defines simple accessors to every CSS property,
// ComputedStyle inherits these and so they are not redeclared in this file.
// This means that the interface to ComputedStyle is split between this file and
// ComputedStyleBase.h.
// [1]
// NOTE:
// Currently, some properties are stored in ComputedStyle and some in
// ComputedStyleBase. Eventually, the storage of all properties (except SVG
// ones) will be in ComputedStyleBase.
class CORE_EXPORT ComputedStyle : public ComputedStyleBase,
public RefCounted<ComputedStyle> {
// Needed to allow access to private/protected getters of fields to allow diff
// generation
friend class ComputedStyleBase;
// Used by Web Animations CSS. Sets the color styles.
friend class AnimatedStyleBuilder;
// Used by Web Animations CSS. Gets visited and unvisited colors separately.
friend class CSSAnimatableValueFactory;
// Used by CSS animations. We can't allow them to animate based off visited
// colors.
friend class CSSPropertyEquality;
// Editing has to only reveal unvisited info.
friend class ApplyStyleCommand;
// Editing has to only reveal unvisited info.
friend class EditingStyle;
// Needs to be able to see visited and unvisited colors for devtools.
friend class ComputedStyleCSSValueMapping;
// Sets color styles
friend class StyleBuilderFunctions;
// Saves Border/Background information for later comparison.
friend class CachedUAStyle;
// Accesses visited and unvisited colors.
friend class ColorPropertyFunctions;
// FIXME: When we stop resolving currentColor at style time, these can be
// removed.
friend class CSSToStyleMap;
friend class FilterOperationResolver;
friend class StyleBuilderConverter;
friend class StyleResolverState;
friend class StyleResolver;
// list of associated pseudo styles
std::unique_ptr<PseudoStyleCache> cached_pseudo_styles_;
DataRef<SVGComputedStyle> svg_style_;
// TODO(sashab): Move these private members to the bottom of ComputedStyle.
ALWAYS_INLINE ComputedStyle();
ALWAYS_INLINE ComputedStyle(const ComputedStyle&);
static RefPtr<ComputedStyle> CreateInitialStyle();
// TODO(shend): Remove this. Initial style should not be mutable.
static ComputedStyle& MutableInitialStyle();
static RefPtr<ComputedStyle> Create();
static RefPtr<ComputedStyle> CreateAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(
const ComputedStyle& parent_style,
static RefPtr<ComputedStyle> Clone(const ComputedStyle&);
static const ComputedStyle& InitialStyle() { return MutableInitialStyle(); }
static void InvalidateInitialStyle();
// Computes how the style change should be propagated down the tree.
static StyleRecalcChange StylePropagationDiff(const ComputedStyle* old_style,
const ComputedStyle* new_style);
// Copies the values of any independent inherited properties from the parent
// that are not explicitly set in this style.
void PropagateIndependentInheritedProperties(
const ComputedStyle& parent_style);
ContentPosition ResolvedJustifyContentPosition(
const StyleContentAlignmentData& normal_value_behavior) const;
ContentDistributionType ResolvedJustifyContentDistribution(
const StyleContentAlignmentData& normal_value_behavior) const;
ContentPosition ResolvedAlignContentPosition(
const StyleContentAlignmentData& normal_value_behavior) const;
ContentDistributionType ResolvedAlignContentDistribution(
const StyleContentAlignmentData& normal_value_behavior) const;
StyleSelfAlignmentData ResolvedAlignItems(
ItemPosition normal_value_behaviour) const;
StyleSelfAlignmentData ResolvedAlignSelf(
ItemPosition normal_value_behaviour,
const ComputedStyle* parent_style = nullptr) const;
StyleSelfAlignmentData ResolvedJustifyItems(
ItemPosition normal_value_behaviour) const;
StyleSelfAlignmentData ResolvedJustifySelf(
ItemPosition normal_value_behaviour,
const ComputedStyle* parent_style = nullptr) const;
StyleDifference VisualInvalidationDiff(const ComputedStyle&) const;
void InheritFrom(const ComputedStyle& inherit_parent,
IsAtShadowBoundary = kNotAtShadowBoundary);
void CopyNonInheritedFromCached(const ComputedStyle&);
PseudoId StyleType() const { return StyleTypeInternal(); }
void SetStyleType(PseudoId style_type) { SetStyleTypeInternal(style_type); }
ComputedStyle* GetCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoId) const;
ComputedStyle* AddCachedPseudoStyle(RefPtr<ComputedStyle>);
void RemoveCachedPseudoStyle(PseudoId);
const PseudoStyleCache* CachedPseudoStyles() const {
return cached_pseudo_styles_.get();
* ComputedStyle properties
* Each property stored in ComputedStyle is made up of fields. Fields have
* initial value functions, getters and setters. A field is preferably a
* basic data type or enum, but can be any type. A set of fields should be
* preceded by the property the field is stored for.
* Field method naming should be done like so:
* // name-of-property
* static int initialNameOfProperty();
* int nameOfProperty() const;
* void setNameOfProperty(int);
* If the property has multiple fields, add the field name to the end of the
* method name.
* Avoid nested types by splitting up fields where possible, e.g.:
* int getBorderTopWidth();
* int getBorderBottomWidth();
* int getBorderLeftWidth();
* int getBorderRightWidth();
* is preferable to:
* BorderWidths getBorderWidths();
* Utility functions should go in a separate section at the end of the
* class, and be kept to a minimum.
// Non-Inherited properties.
// Content alignment properties.
static StyleContentAlignmentData InitialContentAlignment() {
return StyleContentAlignmentData(kContentPositionNormal,
// align-content (aka -webkit-align-content)
const StyleContentAlignmentData& AlignContent() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_content_;
void SetAlignContent(const StyleContentAlignmentData& data) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, align_content_, data);
// justify-content (aka -webkit-justify-content)
const StyleContentAlignmentData& JustifyContent() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_content_;
void SetJustifyContent(const StyleContentAlignmentData& data) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, justify_content_, data);
// Default-Alignment properties.
static StyleSelfAlignmentData InitialDefaultAlignment() {
return StyleSelfAlignmentData(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CSSGridLayoutEnabled()
? kItemPositionNormal
: kItemPositionStretch,
// align-items (aka -webkit-align-items)
const StyleSelfAlignmentData& AlignItems() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_items_;
void SetAlignItems(const StyleSelfAlignmentData& data) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, align_items_, data);
// justify-items
const StyleSelfAlignmentData& JustifyItems() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_items_;
void SetJustifyItems(const StyleSelfAlignmentData& data) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, justify_items_, data);
// Self-Alignment properties.
static StyleSelfAlignmentData InitialSelfAlignment() {
return StyleSelfAlignmentData(kItemPositionAuto, kOverflowAlignmentDefault);
// align-self (aka -webkit-align-self)
const StyleSelfAlignmentData& AlignSelf() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_self_;
void SetAlignSelf(const StyleSelfAlignmentData& data) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, align_self_, data);
// justify-self
const StyleSelfAlignmentData& JustifySelf() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_self_;
void SetJustifySelf(const StyleSelfAlignmentData& data) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, justify_self_, data);
// Filter properties.
// backdrop-filter
static const FilterOperations& InitialBackdropFilter();
const FilterOperations& BackdropFilter() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->backdrop_filter_->operations_;
FilterOperations& MutableBackdropFilter() {
return rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()
bool HasBackdropFilter() const {
return !rare_non_inherited_data_->backdrop_filter_->operations_.Operations()
void SetBackdropFilter(const FilterOperations& ops) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, backdrop_filter_, operations_,
// filter (aka -webkit-filter)
static const FilterOperations& InitialFilter();
FilterOperations& MutableFilter() {
return rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->filter_.Access()->operations_;
const FilterOperations& Filter() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->filter_->operations_;
bool HasFilter() const {
return !rare_non_inherited_data_->filter_->operations_.Operations()
void SetFilter(const FilterOperations& ops) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, filter_, operations_, ops);
// Background properties.
// background-color
static Color InitialBackgroundColor() { return Color::kTransparent; }
void SetBackgroundColor(const StyleColor& v) {
// background-image
bool HasBackgroundImage() const { return BackgroundInternal().HasImage(); }
bool HasFixedBackgroundImage() const {
return BackgroundInternal().HasFixedImage();
bool HasEntirelyFixedBackground() const;
// background-clip
EFillBox BackgroundClip() const {
return static_cast<EFillBox>(BackgroundInternal().Clip());
// Border properties.
// border-image-slice
const LengthBox& BorderImageSlices() const {
return BorderImage().ImageSlices();
void SetBorderImageSlices(const LengthBox&);
// border-image-source
static StyleImage* InitialBorderImageSource() { return 0; }
StyleImage* BorderImageSource() const { return BorderImage().GetImage(); }
void SetBorderImageSource(StyleImage*);
// border-image-width
const BorderImageLengthBox& BorderImageWidth() const {
return BorderImage().BorderSlices();
void SetBorderImageWidth(const BorderImageLengthBox&);
// border-image-outset
const BorderImageLengthBox& BorderImageOutset() const {
return BorderImage().Outset();
void SetBorderImageOutset(const BorderImageLengthBox&);
// Border width properties.
static float InitialBorderWidth() { return 3; }
// TODO(nainar): Move all fixed point logic to a separate class.
// border-top-width
float BorderTopWidth() const {
if (BorderTopStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone ||
BorderTopStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return 0;
return BorderTopWidthInternal().ToFloat();
void SetBorderTopWidth(float v) { SetBorderTopWidthInternal(LayoutUnit(v)); }
bool BorderTopNonZero() const {
return BorderTopWidth() && (BorderTopStyle() != EBorderStyle::kNone);
// border-bottom-width
float BorderBottomWidth() const {
if (BorderBottomStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone ||
BorderBottomStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return 0;
return BorderBottomWidthInternal().ToFloat();
void SetBorderBottomWidth(float v) {
bool BorderBottomNonZero() const {
return BorderBottomWidth() && (BorderBottomStyle() != EBorderStyle::kNone);
// border-left-width
float BorderLeftWidth() const {
if (BorderLeftStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone ||
BorderLeftStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return 0;
return BorderLeftWidthInternal().ToFloat();
void SetBorderLeftWidth(float v) {
bool BorderLeftNonZero() const {
return BorderLeftWidth() && (BorderLeftStyle() != EBorderStyle::kNone);
// border-right-width
float BorderRightWidth() const {
if (BorderRightStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone ||
BorderRightStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return 0;
return BorderRightWidthInternal().ToFloat();
void SetBorderRightWidth(float v) {
bool BorderRightNonZero() const {
return BorderRightWidth() && (BorderRightStyle() != EBorderStyle::kNone);
static EBorderStyle InitialColumnRuleStyle() { return EBorderStyle::kNone; }
// Border color properties.
// border-left-color
void SetBorderLeftColor(const StyleColor& color) {
if (!compareEqual(BorderLeftColor(), color)) {
// border-right-color
void SetBorderRightColor(const StyleColor& color) {
if (!compareEqual(BorderRightColor(), color)) {
// border-top-color
void SetBorderTopColor(const StyleColor& color) {
if (!compareEqual(BorderTopColor(), color)) {
// border-bottom-color
void SetBorderBottomColor(const StyleColor& color) {
if (!compareEqual(BorderBottomColor(), color)) {
// box-shadow (aka -webkit-box-shadow)
static ShadowList* InitialBoxShadow() { return 0; }
ShadowList* BoxShadow() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->box_shadow_.Get();
void SetBoxShadow(RefPtr<ShadowList>);
bool BoxShadowDataEquivalent(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return DataEquivalent(BoxShadow(), other.BoxShadow());
// clip
static LengthBox InitialClip() { return LengthBox(); }
const LengthBox& Clip() const { return ClipInternal(); }
void SetClip(const LengthBox& box) {
bool HasAutoClip() const { return HasAutoClipInternal(); }
void SetHasAutoClip() {
// Column properties.
// column-count (aka -webkit-column-count)
static unsigned short InitialColumnCount() { return 1; }
unsigned short ColumnCount() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_count_;
void SetColumnCount(unsigned short c) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
column_auto_count_, false);
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_, column_count_, c);
bool HasAutoColumnCount() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_auto_count_;
void SetHasAutoColumnCount() {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
column_auto_count_, true);
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_, column_count_,
// column-gap (aka -webkit-column-gap)
float ColumnGap() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_gap_;
void SetColumnGap(float f) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
column_normal_gap_, false);
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_, column_gap_, f);
bool HasNormalColumnGap() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_normal_gap_;
void SetHasNormalColumnGap() {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
column_normal_gap_, true);
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_, column_gap_, 0);
// column-rule-color (aka -webkit-column-rule-color)
void SetColumnRuleColor(const StyleColor& c) {
column_rule_, c);
// column-rule-style (aka -webkit-column-rule-style)
EBorderStyle ColumnRuleStyle() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_rule_.Style();
void SetColumnRuleStyle(EBorderStyle b) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
column_rule_.style_, static_cast<unsigned>(b));
// column-rule-width (aka -webkit-column-rule-width)
static unsigned short InitialColumnRuleWidth() { return 3; }
unsigned short ColumnRuleWidth() const {
const BorderValue& rule =
if (rule.Style() == EBorderStyle::kNone ||
rule.Style() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return 0;
return rule.Width();
void SetColumnRuleWidth(unsigned short w) {
SET_NESTED_BORDER_WIDTH(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
column_rule_, w);
// column-width (aka -webkit-column-width)
float ColumnWidth() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_width_;
void SetColumnWidth(float f) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
column_auto_width_, false);
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_, column_width_, f);
bool HasAutoColumnWidth() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_auto_width_;
void SetHasAutoColumnWidth() {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
column_auto_width_, true);
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_, column_width_, 0);
// contain
static Containment InitialContain() { return kContainsNone; }
Containment Contain() const {
return static_cast<Containment>(rare_non_inherited_data_->contain_);
void SetContain(Containment contain) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, contain_, contain);
// content
ContentData* GetContentData() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->content_.Get();
void SetContent(ContentData*);
// -webkit-box-ordinal-group
static unsigned InitialBoxOrdinalGroup() { return 1; }
unsigned BoxOrdinalGroup() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->deprecated_flexible_box_data_
void SetBoxOrdinalGroup(unsigned og) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, deprecated_flexible_box_data_,
std::min(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() - 1, og));
// -webkit-box-reflect
static StyleReflection* InitialBoxReflect() { return 0; }
StyleReflection* BoxReflect() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->box_reflect_.Get();
void SetBoxReflect(RefPtr<StyleReflection> reflect) {
if (rare_non_inherited_data_->box_reflect_ != reflect)
rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->box_reflect_ = std::move(reflect);
// Grid properties.
static size_t InitialGridAutoRepeatInsertionPoint() { return 0; }
static AutoRepeatType InitialGridAutoRepeatType() {
return AutoRepeatType::kNoAutoRepeat;
// grid-auto-flow
static GridAutoFlow InitialGridAutoFlow() { return kAutoFlowRow; }
void SetGridAutoFlow(GridAutoFlow flow) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, grid_data_, grid_auto_flow_, flow);
// offset-path
static BasicShape* InitialOffsetPath() { return nullptr; }
BasicShape* OffsetPath() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->transform_data_->offset_path_.Get();
void SetOffsetPath(RefPtr<BasicShape>);
// opacity (aka -webkit-opacity)
static float InitialOpacity() { return 1.0f; }
float Opacity() const { return rare_non_inherited_data_->opacity_; }
void SetOpacity(float f) {
float v = clampTo<float>(f, 0, 1);
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, opacity_, v);
bool OpacityChangedStackingContext(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
// We only need do layout for opacity changes if adding or losing opacity
// could trigger a change
// in us being a stacking context.
if (IsStackingContext() == other.IsStackingContext() ||
HasOpacity() == other.HasOpacity()) {
// FIXME: We would like to use SimplifiedLayout here, but we can't quite
// do that yet. We need to make sure SimplifiedLayout can operate
// correctly on LayoutInlines (we will need to add a
// selfNeedsSimplifiedLayout bit in order to not get confused and taint
// every line). In addition we need to solve the floating object issue
// when layers come and go. Right now a full layout is necessary to keep
// floating object lists sane.
return true;
return false;
// order (aka -webkit-order)
static int InitialOrder() { return 0; }
int Order() const { return rare_non_inherited_data_->order_; }
// We restrict the smallest value to int min + 2 because we use int min and
// int min + 1 as special values in a hash set.
void SetOrder(int o) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, order_,
max(std::numeric_limits<int>::min() + 2, o));
// Outline properties.
bool OutlineVisuallyEqual(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->outline_.VisuallyEqual(
// outline-color
void SetOutlineColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_BORDERVALUE_COLOR(rare_non_inherited_data_, outline_, v);
// outline-style
EBorderStyle OutlineStyle() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->outline_.Style();
void SetOutlineStyle(EBorderStyle v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, outline_.style_,
static OutlineIsAuto InitialOutlineStyleIsAuto() { return kOutlineIsAutoOff; }
OutlineIsAuto OutlineStyleIsAuto() const {
return static_cast<OutlineIsAuto>(
void SetOutlineStyleIsAuto(OutlineIsAuto is_auto) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, outline_.is_auto_, is_auto);
// outline-width
static unsigned short InitialOutlineWidth() { return 3; }
unsigned short OutlineWidth() const {
if (rare_non_inherited_data_->outline_.Style() == EBorderStyle::kNone)
return 0;
return rare_non_inherited_data_->outline_.Width();
void SetOutlineWidth(unsigned short v) {
SET_BORDER_WIDTH(rare_non_inherited_data_, outline_, v);
// outline-offset
static int InitialOutlineOffset() { return 0; }
int OutlineOffset() const {
if (rare_non_inherited_data_->outline_.Style() == EBorderStyle::kNone)
return 0;
return rare_non_inherited_data_->outline_.Offset();
void SetOutlineOffset(int v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, outline_.offset_, v);
// -webkit-perspective-origin-x
static Length InitialPerspectiveOriginX() { return Length(50.0, kPercent); }
const Length& PerspectiveOriginX() const { return PerspectiveOrigin().X(); }
void SetPerspectiveOriginX(const Length& v) {
SetPerspectiveOrigin(LengthPoint(v, PerspectiveOriginY()));
// -webkit-perspective-origin-y
static Length InitialPerspectiveOriginY() { return Length(50.0, kPercent); }
const Length& PerspectiveOriginY() const { return PerspectiveOrigin().Y(); }
void SetPerspectiveOriginY(const Length& v) {
SetPerspectiveOrigin(LengthPoint(PerspectiveOriginX(), v));
// Transform properties.
// transform (aka -webkit-transform)
static EmptyTransformOperations InitialTransform() {
return EmptyTransformOperations();
const TransformOperations& Transform() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->transform_data_->transform_operations_;
void SetTransform(const TransformOperations& ops) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, transform_data_,
transform_operations_, ops);
// -webkit-transform-origin-x
static Length InitialTransformOriginX() { return Length(50.0, kPercent); }
const Length& TransformOriginX() const { return GetTransformOrigin().X(); }
void SetTransformOriginX(const Length& v) {
TransformOrigin(v, TransformOriginY(), TransformOriginZ()));
// -webkit-transform-origin-y
static Length InitialTransformOriginY() { return Length(50.0, kPercent); }
const Length& TransformOriginY() const { return GetTransformOrigin().Y(); }
void SetTransformOriginY(const Length& v) {
TransformOrigin(TransformOriginX(), v, TransformOriginZ()));
// -webkit-transform-origin-z
static float InitialTransformOriginZ() { return 0; }
float TransformOriginZ() const { return GetTransformOrigin().Z(); }
void SetTransformOriginZ(float f) {
TransformOrigin(TransformOriginX(), TransformOriginY(), f));
// Independent transform properties.
// translate
static RefPtr<TranslateTransformOperation> InitialTranslate() {
return nullptr;
TranslateTransformOperation* Translate() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->transform_data_->translate_.Get();
void SetTranslate(RefPtr<TranslateTransformOperation> v) {
rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->transform_data_.Access()->translate_ =
// rotate
static RefPtr<RotateTransformOperation> InitialRotate() { return nullptr; }
RotateTransformOperation* Rotate() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->transform_data_->rotate_.Get();
void SetRotate(RefPtr<RotateTransformOperation> v) {
rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->transform_data_.Access()->rotate_ =
// scale
static RefPtr<ScaleTransformOperation> InitialScale() { return nullptr; }
ScaleTransformOperation* Scale() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->transform_data_->scale_.Get();
void SetScale(RefPtr<ScaleTransformOperation> v) {
rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->transform_data_.Access()->scale_ =
// Scroll properties.
// scroll-behavior
static ScrollBehavior InitialScrollBehavior() { return kScrollBehaviorAuto; }
ScrollBehavior GetScrollBehavior() const {
return static_cast<ScrollBehavior>(
void SetScrollBehavior(ScrollBehavior b) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, scroll_behavior_, b);
// scroll-padding-block-start
const Length& ScrollPaddingBlockStart() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ScrollPaddingTop() : ScrollPaddingLeft();
void SetScrollPaddingBlockStart(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode())
// scroll-padding-block-end
const Length& ScrollPaddingBlockEnd() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ScrollPaddingBottom()
: ScrollPaddingRight();
void SetScrollPaddingBlockEnd(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode())
// scroll-padding-inline-start
const Length& ScrollPaddingInlineStart() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ScrollPaddingLeft() : ScrollPaddingTop();
void SetScrollPaddingInlineStart(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode())
// scroll-padding-inline-end
const Length& ScrollPaddingInlineEnd() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ScrollPaddingRight()
: ScrollPaddingBottom();
void SetScrollPaddingInlineEnd(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode())
// scroll-snap-margin-block-start
const Length& ScrollSnapMarginBlockStart() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ScrollSnapMarginTop()
: ScrollSnapMarginLeft();
void SetScrollSnapMarginBlockStart(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode())
// scroll-snap-margin-block-end
const Length& ScrollSnapMarginBlockEnd() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ScrollSnapMarginBottom()
: ScrollSnapMarginRight();
void SetScrollSnapMarginBlockEnd(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode())
// scroll-snap-margin-inline-start
const Length& ScrollSnapMarginInlineStart() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ScrollSnapMarginLeft()
: ScrollSnapMarginTop();
void SetScrollSnapMarginInlineStart(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode())
// scroll-snap-margin-inline-end
const Length& ScrollSnapMarginInlineEnd() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? ScrollSnapMarginRight()
: ScrollSnapMarginBottom();
void SetScrollSnapMarginInlineEnd(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode())
// shape-image-threshold (aka -webkit-shape-image-threshold)
static float InitialShapeImageThreshold() { return 0; }
float ShapeImageThreshold() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->shape_image_threshold_;
void SetShapeImageThreshold(float shape_image_threshold) {
float clamped_shape_image_threshold =
clampTo<float>(shape_image_threshold, 0, 1);
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, shape_image_threshold_,
// shape-outside (aka -webkit-shape-outside)
static ShapeValue* InitialShapeOutside() { return 0; }
ShapeValue* ShapeOutside() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->shape_outside_.Get();
void SetShapeOutside(ShapeValue* value) {
if (rare_non_inherited_data_->shape_outside_ == value)
rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->shape_outside_ = value;
bool ShapeOutsideDataEquivalent(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return DataEquivalent(ShapeOutside(), other.ShapeOutside());
// Text decoration properties.
// text-decoration-line
static TextDecoration InitialTextDecoration() {
return TextDecoration::kNone;
TextDecoration GetTextDecoration() const {
return static_cast<TextDecoration>(TextDecorationInternal());
void SetTextDecoration(TextDecoration v) { SetTextDecorationInternal(v); }
// text-decoration-skip
static TextDecorationSkip InitialTextDecorationSkip() {
return TextDecorationSkip::kObjects;
TextDecorationSkip GetTextDecorationSkip() const {
return TextDecorationSkipInternal();
void SetTextDecorationSkip(TextDecorationSkip v) {
// touch-action
static TouchAction InitialTouchAction() {
return TouchAction::kTouchActionAuto;
TouchAction GetTouchAction() const {
return static_cast<TouchAction>(rare_non_inherited_data_->touch_action_);
void SetTouchAction(TouchAction t) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, touch_action_, t);
// vertical-align
static EVerticalAlign InitialVerticalAlign() {
return EVerticalAlign::kBaseline;
EVerticalAlign VerticalAlign() const { return VerticalAlignInternal(); }
const Length& GetVerticalAlignLength() const {
return VerticalAlignLengthInternal();
void SetVerticalAlign(EVerticalAlign v) { SetVerticalAlignInternal(v); }
void SetVerticalAlignLength(const Length& length) {
// z-index
int ZIndex() const { return ZIndexInternal(); }
bool HasAutoZIndex() const { return HasAutoZIndexInternal(); }
void SetZIndex(int v) {
void SetHasAutoZIndex() {
// zoom
static float InitialZoom() { return 1.0f; }
float Zoom() const { return ZoomInternal(); }
float EffectiveZoom() const { return EffectiveZoomInternal(); }
bool SetZoom(float);
bool SetEffectiveZoom(float);
// -webkit-appearance
static ControlPart InitialAppearance() { return kNoControlPart; }
ControlPart Appearance() const {
return static_cast<ControlPart>(rare_non_inherited_data_->appearance_);
void SetAppearance(ControlPart a) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, appearance_, a);
// -webkit-clip-path
static ClipPathOperation* InitialClipPath() { return 0; }
ClipPathOperation* ClipPath() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->clip_path_.Get();
void SetClipPath(RefPtr<ClipPathOperation> operation) {
if (rare_non_inherited_data_->clip_path_ != operation)
rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->clip_path_ = std::move(operation);
bool ClipPathDataEquivalent(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return DataEquivalent(ClipPath(), other.ClipPath());
// Mask properties.
// -webkit-mask-box-image-outset
const BorderImageLengthBox& MaskBoxImageOutset() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_box_image_.Outset();
void SetMaskBoxImageOutset(const BorderImageLengthBox& outset) {
// -webkit-mask-box-image-slice
const LengthBox& MaskBoxImageSlices() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_box_image_.ImageSlices();
void SetMaskBoxImageSlices(const LengthBox& slices) {
// -webkit-mask-box-image-source
static StyleImage* InitialMaskBoxImageSource() { return 0; }
StyleImage* MaskBoxImageSource() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_box_image_.GetImage();
void SetMaskBoxImageSource(StyleImage* v) {
// -webkit-mask-box-image-width
const BorderImageLengthBox& MaskBoxImageWidth() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_box_image_.BorderSlices();
void SetMaskBoxImageWidth(const BorderImageLengthBox& slices) {
// Inherited properties.
// color
static Color InitialColor() { return Color::kBlack; }
void SetColor(const Color&);
// line-height
static Length InitialLineHeight() { return Length(-100.0, kPercent); }
Length LineHeight() const;
void SetLineHeight(const Length& specified_line_height);
// List style properties.
// list-style-image
static StyleImage* InitialListStyleImage() { return 0; }
StyleImage* ListStyleImage() const;
void SetListStyleImage(StyleImage*);
// quotes
static QuotesData* InitialQuotes() { return 0; }
QuotesData* Quotes() const { return QuotesInternal().Get(); }
void SetQuotes(RefPtr<QuotesData>);
bool QuotesDataEquivalent(const ComputedStyle&) const;
// text-shadow
static ShadowList* InitialTextShadow() { return 0; }
ShadowList* TextShadow() const { return TextShadowInternal().Get(); }
void SetTextShadow(RefPtr<ShadowList>);
bool TextShadowDataEquivalent(const ComputedStyle&) const;
// Text emphasis properties.
static TextEmphasisMark InitialTextEmphasisMark() {
return TextEmphasisMark::kNone;
TextEmphasisMark GetTextEmphasisMark() const;
void SetTextEmphasisMark(TextEmphasisMark mark) {
const AtomicString& TextEmphasisMarkString() const;
// -webkit-text-emphasis-color (aka -epub-text-emphasis-color)
void SetTextEmphasisColor(const StyleColor& color) {
// -webkit-line-clamp
static LineClampValue InitialLineClamp() { return LineClampValue(); }
const LineClampValue& LineClamp() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->line_clamp_;
void SetLineClamp(LineClampValue c) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, line_clamp_, c);
// -webkit-text-fill-color
void SetTextFillColor(const StyleColor& color) {
// -webkit-text-stroke-color
void SetTextStrokeColor(const StyleColor& color) {
// caret-color
void SetCaretColor(const StyleAutoColor& color) {
// Font properties.
const Font& GetFont() const;
void SetFont(const Font&);
const FontDescription& GetFontDescription() const;
bool SetFontDescription(const FontDescription&);
bool HasIdenticalAscentDescentAndLineGap(const ComputedStyle& other) const;
// font-size
int FontSize() const;
float SpecifiedFontSize() const;
float ComputedFontSize() const;
LayoutUnit ComputedFontSizeAsFixed() const;
// font-size-adjust
float FontSizeAdjust() const;
bool HasFontSizeAdjust() const;
// font-weight
FontWeight GetFontWeight() const;
// font-stretch
FontStretch GetFontStretch() const;
// -webkit-locale
const AtomicString& Locale() const {
return LayoutLocale::LocaleString(GetFontDescription().Locale());
AtomicString LocaleForLineBreakIterator() const;
// FIXME: Remove letter-spacing/word-spacing and replace them with respective
// FontBuilder calls. letter-spacing
static float InitialLetterWordSpacing() { return 0.0f; }
float LetterSpacing() const;
void SetLetterSpacing(float);
// word-spacing
float WordSpacing() const;
void SetWordSpacing(float);
// SVG properties.
const SVGComputedStyle& SvgStyle() const { return *svg_style_.Get(); }
SVGComputedStyle& AccessSVGStyle() { return *svg_style_.Access(); }
// baseline-shift
EBaselineShift BaselineShift() const { return SvgStyle().BaselineShift(); }
const Length& BaselineShiftValue() const {
return SvgStyle().BaselineShiftValue();
void SetBaselineShiftValue(const Length& value) {
SVGComputedStyle& svg_style = AccessSVGStyle();
// cx
void SetCx(const Length& cx) { AccessSVGStyle().SetCx(cx); }
// cy
void SetCy(const Length& cy) { AccessSVGStyle().SetCy(cy); }
// d
void SetD(RefPtr<StylePath> d) { AccessSVGStyle().SetD(std::move(d)); }
// x
void SetX(const Length& x) { AccessSVGStyle().SetX(x); }
// y
void SetY(const Length& y) { AccessSVGStyle().SetY(y); }
// r
void SetR(const Length& r) { AccessSVGStyle().SetR(r); }
// rx
void SetRx(const Length& rx) { AccessSVGStyle().SetRx(rx); }
// ry
void SetRy(const Length& ry) { AccessSVGStyle().SetRy(ry); }
// fill-opacity
float FillOpacity() const { return SvgStyle().FillOpacity(); }
void SetFillOpacity(float f) { AccessSVGStyle().SetFillOpacity(f); }
// Fill utiltiy functions.
const SVGPaintType& FillPaintType() const {
return SvgStyle().FillPaintType();
Color FillPaintColor() const { return SvgStyle().FillPaintColor(); }
// stop-color
void SetStopColor(const Color& c) { AccessSVGStyle().SetStopColor(c); }
// flood-color
void SetFloodColor(const Color& c) { AccessSVGStyle().SetFloodColor(c); }
// lighting-color
void SetLightingColor(const Color& c) {
// flood-opacity
float FloodOpacity() const { return SvgStyle().FloodOpacity(); }
void SetFloodOpacity(float f) { AccessSVGStyle().SetFloodOpacity(f); }
// stop-opacity
float StopOpacity() const { return SvgStyle().StopOpacity(); }
void SetStopOpacity(float f) { AccessSVGStyle().SetStopOpacity(f); }
// stroke
const SVGPaintType& StrokePaintType() const {
return SvgStyle().StrokePaintType();
Color StrokePaintColor() const { return SvgStyle().StrokePaintColor(); }
// stroke-dasharray
SVGDashArray* StrokeDashArray() const { return SvgStyle().StrokeDashArray(); }
void SetStrokeDashArray(RefPtr<SVGDashArray> array) {
// stroke-dashoffset
const Length& StrokeDashOffset() const {
return SvgStyle().StrokeDashOffset();
void SetStrokeDashOffset(const Length& d) {
// stroke-miterlimit
float StrokeMiterLimit() const { return SvgStyle().StrokeMiterLimit(); }
void SetStrokeMiterLimit(float f) { AccessSVGStyle().SetStrokeMiterLimit(f); }
// stroke-opacity
float StrokeOpacity() const { return SvgStyle().StrokeOpacity(); }
void SetStrokeOpacity(float f) { AccessSVGStyle().SetStrokeOpacity(f); }
// stroke-width
const UnzoomedLength& StrokeWidth() const { return SvgStyle().StrokeWidth(); }
void SetStrokeWidth(const UnzoomedLength& w) {
// Comparison operators
// TODO(shend): Replace callers of operator== wth a named method instead, e.g.
// inheritedEquals().
bool operator==(const ComputedStyle& other) const;
bool operator!=(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool InheritedEqual(const ComputedStyle&) const;
bool NonInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyle&) const;
inline bool IndependentInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyle&) const;
inline bool NonIndependentInheritedEqual(const ComputedStyle&) const;
bool LoadingCustomFontsEqual(const ComputedStyle&) const;
bool InheritedDataShared(const ComputedStyle&) const;
bool HasChildDependentFlags() const {
return EmptyStateInternal() || HasExplicitlyInheritedProperties();
void CopyChildDependentFlagsFrom(const ComputedStyle&);
// Counters.
const CounterDirectiveMap* GetCounterDirectives() const;
CounterDirectiveMap& AccessCounterDirectives();
const CounterDirectives GetCounterDirectives(
const AtomicString& identifier) const;
bool CounterDirectivesEqual(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
// If the counter directives change, trigger a relayout to re-calculate
// counter values and rebuild the counter node tree.
return DataEquivalent(CounterDirectivesInternal().get(),
void ClearIncrementDirectives();
void ClearResetDirectives();
// Variables.
static StyleInheritedVariables* InitialInheritedVariables() {
return nullptr;
static StyleNonInheritedVariables* InitialNonInheritedVariables() {
return nullptr;
StyleInheritedVariables* InheritedVariables() const;
StyleNonInheritedVariables* NonInheritedVariables() const;
void SetUnresolvedInheritedVariable(const AtomicString&,
void SetUnresolvedNonInheritedVariable(const AtomicString&,
void SetResolvedUnregisteredVariable(const AtomicString&,
void SetResolvedInheritedVariable(const AtomicString&,
const CSSValue*);
void SetResolvedNonInheritedVariable(const AtomicString&,
const CSSValue*);
void RemoveVariable(const AtomicString&, bool is_inherited_property);
// Handles both inherited and non-inherited variables
CSSVariableData* GetVariable(const AtomicString&) const;
CSSVariableData* GetVariable(const AtomicString&,
bool is_inherited_property) const;
const CSSValue* GetRegisteredVariable(const AtomicString&,
bool is_inherited_property) const;
const CSSValue* GetRegisteredVariable(const AtomicString&) const;
// Animations.
CSSAnimationData& AccessAnimations();
const CSSAnimationData* Animations() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->animations_.get();
// Transitions.
const CSSTransitionData* Transitions() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->transitions_.get();
CSSTransitionData& AccessTransitions();
// Callback selectors.
const Vector<String>& CallbackSelectors() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->callback_selectors_;
void AddCallbackSelector(const String& selector);
// Non-property flags.
bool EmptyState() const { return EmptyStateInternal(); }
void SetEmptyState(bool b) {
float TextAutosizingMultiplier() const {
return TextAutosizingMultiplierInternal();
void SetTextAutosizingMultiplier(float);
// Column utility functions.
void ClearMultiCol();
bool SpecifiesColumns() const {
return !HasAutoColumnCount() || !HasAutoColumnWidth();
bool ColumnRuleIsTransparent() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_rule_
bool ColumnRuleEquivalent(const ComputedStyle* other_style) const;
void InheritColumnPropertiesFrom(const ComputedStyle& parent) {
rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->multi_col_data_ =
// Flex utility functions.
bool IsColumnFlexDirection() const {
return FlexDirection() == EFlexDirection::kColumn ||
FlexDirection() == EFlexDirection::kColumnReverse;
bool IsReverseFlexDirection() const {
return FlexDirection() == EFlexDirection::kRowReverse ||
FlexDirection() == EFlexDirection::kColumnReverse;
bool HasBoxReflect() const { return BoxReflect(); }
bool ReflectionDataEquivalent(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return DataEquivalent(BoxReflect(), other.BoxReflect());
// Mask utility functions.
bool HasMask() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_.HasImage() ||
StyleImage* MaskImage() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_.GetImage();
FillLayer& AccessMaskLayers() {
return rare_non_inherited_data_.Access()->mask_;
const FillLayer& MaskLayers() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_;
const NinePieceImage& MaskBoxImage() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_box_image_;
bool MaskBoxImageSlicesFill() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->mask_box_image_.Fill();
void AdjustMaskLayers() {
if (MaskLayers().Next()) {
void SetMaskBoxImage(const NinePieceImage& b) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, mask_box_image_, b);
void SetMaskBoxImageSlicesFill(bool fill) {
// Text-combine utility functions.
bool HasTextCombine() const { return TextCombine() != ETextCombine::kNone; }
// Grid utility functions.
GridAutoFlow GetGridAutoFlow() const {
return static_cast<GridAutoFlow>(
bool IsGridAutoFlowDirectionRow() const {
return (rare_non_inherited_data_->grid_data_->grid_auto_flow_ &
kInternalAutoFlowDirectionRow) == kInternalAutoFlowDirectionRow;
bool IsGridAutoFlowDirectionColumn() const {
return (rare_non_inherited_data_->grid_data_->grid_auto_flow_ &
kInternalAutoFlowDirectionColumn) ==
bool IsGridAutoFlowAlgorithmSparse() const {
return (rare_non_inherited_data_->grid_data_->grid_auto_flow_ &
kInternalAutoFlowAlgorithmSparse) ==
bool IsGridAutoFlowAlgorithmDense() const {
return (rare_non_inherited_data_->grid_data_->grid_auto_flow_ &
kInternalAutoFlowAlgorithmDense) == kInternalAutoFlowAlgorithmDense;
// align-content utility functions.
ContentPosition AlignContentPosition() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_content_.GetPosition();
ContentDistributionType AlignContentDistribution() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_content_.Distribution();
OverflowAlignment AlignContentOverflowAlignment() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_content_.Overflow();
void SetAlignContentPosition(ContentPosition position) {
void SetAlignContentDistribution(ContentDistributionType distribution) {
void SetAlignContentOverflow(OverflowAlignment overflow) {
// justify-content utility functions.
ContentPosition JustifyContentPosition() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_content_.GetPosition();
ContentDistributionType JustifyContentDistribution() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_content_.Distribution();
OverflowAlignment JustifyContentOverflowAlignment() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_content_.Overflow();
void SetJustifyContentPosition(ContentPosition position) {
void SetJustifyContentDistribution(ContentDistributionType distribution) {
void SetJustifyContentOverflow(OverflowAlignment overflow) {
// align-items utility functions.
ItemPosition AlignItemsPosition() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_items_.GetPosition();
OverflowAlignment AlignItemsOverflowAlignment() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_items_.Overflow();
void SetAlignItemsPosition(ItemPosition position) {
void SetAlignItemsOverflow(OverflowAlignment overflow) {
// justify-items utility functions.
ItemPosition JustifyItemsPosition() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_items_.GetPosition();
OverflowAlignment JustifyItemsOverflowAlignment() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_items_.Overflow();
ItemPositionType JustifyItemsPositionType() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_items_.PositionType();
void SetJustifyItemsPosition(ItemPosition position) {
void SetJustifyItemsOverflow(OverflowAlignment overflow) {
void SetJustifyItemsPositionType(ItemPositionType position_type) {
// align-self utility functions.
ItemPosition AlignSelfPosition() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_self_.GetPosition();
OverflowAlignment AlignSelfOverflowAlignment() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->align_self_.Overflow();
void SetAlignSelfPosition(ItemPosition position) {
void SetAlignSelfOverflow(OverflowAlignment overflow) {
// justify-self utility functions.
ItemPosition JustifySelfPosition() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_self_.GetPosition();
OverflowAlignment JustifySelfOverflowAlignment() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->justify_self_.Overflow();
void SetJustifySelfPosition(ItemPosition position) {
void SetJustifySelfOverflow(OverflowAlignment overflow) {
// Writing mode utility functions.
bool IsHorizontalWritingMode() const {
return blink::IsHorizontalWritingMode(GetWritingMode());
bool IsFlippedLinesWritingMode() const {
return blink::IsFlippedLinesWritingMode(GetWritingMode());
bool IsFlippedBlocksWritingMode() const {
return blink::IsFlippedBlocksWritingMode(GetWritingMode());
// Will-change utility functions.
bool HasWillChangeCompositingHint() const;
bool HasWillChangeOpacityHint() const {
return WillChangeProperties().Contains(CSSPropertyOpacity);
bool HasWillChangeTransformHint() const;
// Hyphen utility functions.
Hyphenation* GetHyphenation() const;
const AtomicString& HyphenString() const;
// text-align utility functions.
using ComputedStyleBase::GetTextAlign;
ETextAlign GetTextAlign(bool is_last_line) const;
// text-indent utility functions.
bool ShouldUseTextIndent(bool is_first_line,
bool is_after_forced_break) const;
// Line-height utility functions.
const Length& SpecifiedLineHeight() const;
int ComputedLineHeight() const;
LayoutUnit ComputedLineHeightAsFixed() const;
// Width/height utility functions.
const Length& LogicalWidth() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? Width() : Height();
const Length& LogicalHeight() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? Height() : Width();
void SetLogicalWidth(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode()) {
} else {
void SetLogicalHeight(const Length& v) {
if (IsHorizontalWritingMode()) {
} else {
const Length& LogicalMaxWidth() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? MaxWidth() : MaxHeight();
const Length& LogicalMaxHeight() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? MaxHeight() : MaxWidth();
const Length& LogicalMinWidth() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? MinWidth() : MinHeight();
const Length& LogicalMinHeight() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? MinHeight() : MinWidth();
// Margin utility functions.
bool HasMargin() const {
return !MarginLeft().IsZero() || !MarginRight().IsZero() ||
!MarginTop().IsZero() || !MarginBottom().IsZero();
bool HasMarginBeforeQuirk() const { return MarginBefore().Quirk(); }
bool HasMarginAfterQuirk() const { return MarginAfter().Quirk(); }
const Length& MarginBefore() const { return MarginBeforeUsing(this); }
const Length& MarginAfter() const { return MarginAfterUsing(this); }
const Length& MarginStart() const { return MarginStartUsing(this); }
const Length& MarginEnd() const { return MarginEndUsing(this); }
const Length& MarginOver() const {
return LengthBox::Over(GetWritingMode(), MarginTop(), MarginRight());
const Length& MarginUnder() const {
return LengthBox::Under(GetWritingMode(), MarginBottom(), MarginLeft());
const Length& MarginStartUsing(const ComputedStyle* other) const {
return LengthBox::Start(other->GetWritingMode(), other->Direction(),
MarginTop(), MarginLeft(), MarginRight(),
const Length& MarginEndUsing(const ComputedStyle* other) const {
return LengthBox::End(other->GetWritingMode(), other->Direction(),
MarginTop(), MarginLeft(), MarginRight(),
const Length& MarginBeforeUsing(const ComputedStyle* other) const {
return LengthBox::Before(other->GetWritingMode(), MarginTop(), MarginLeft(),
const Length& MarginAfterUsing(const ComputedStyle* other) const {
return LengthBox::After(other->GetWritingMode(), MarginBottom(),
MarginLeft(), MarginRight());
void SetMarginStart(const Length&);
void SetMarginEnd(const Length&);
bool MarginEqual(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return MarginTop() == other.MarginTop() &&
MarginLeft() == other.MarginLeft() &&
MarginRight() == other.MarginRight() &&
MarginBottom() == other.MarginBottom();
// Padding utility functions.
const Length& PaddingBefore() const {
return LengthBox::Before(GetWritingMode(), PaddingTop(), PaddingLeft(),
const Length& PaddingAfter() const {
return LengthBox::After(GetWritingMode(), PaddingBottom(), PaddingLeft(),
const Length& PaddingStart() const {
return LengthBox::Start(GetWritingMode(), Direction(), PaddingTop(),
PaddingLeft(), PaddingRight(), PaddingBottom());
const Length& PaddingEnd() const {
return LengthBox::End(GetWritingMode(), Direction(), PaddingTop(),
PaddingLeft(), PaddingRight(), PaddingBottom());
const Length& PaddingOver() const {
return LengthBox::Over(GetWritingMode(), PaddingTop(), PaddingRight());
const Length& PaddingUnder() const {
return LengthBox::Under(GetWritingMode(), PaddingBottom(), PaddingLeft());
bool HasPadding() const {
return !PaddingLeft().IsZero() || !PaddingRight().IsZero() ||
!PaddingTop().IsZero() || !PaddingBottom().IsZero();
void ResetPadding() {
void SetPadding(const LengthBox& b) {
bool PaddingEqual(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return PaddingTop() == other.PaddingTop() &&
PaddingLeft() == other.PaddingLeft() &&
PaddingRight() == other.PaddingRight() &&
PaddingBottom() == other.PaddingBottom();
bool PaddingEqual(const LengthBox& other) const {
return PaddingTop() == other.Top() && PaddingLeft() == other.Left() &&
PaddingRight() == other.Right() && PaddingBottom() == other.Bottom();
// Border utility functions
LayoutRectOutsets ImageOutsets(const NinePieceImage&) const;
bool HasBorderImageOutsets() const {
return BorderImage().HasImage() && BorderImage().Outset().NonZero();
LayoutRectOutsets BorderImageOutsets() const {
return ImageOutsets(BorderImage());
bool BorderImageSlicesFill() const { return BorderImage().Fill(); }
void SetBorderImageSlicesFill(bool);
const BorderValue BorderLeft() const {
return BorderValue(BorderLeftStyle(), BorderLeftColor(),
const BorderValue BorderRight() const {
return BorderValue(BorderRightStyle(), BorderRightColor(),
const BorderValue BorderTop() const {
return BorderValue(BorderTopStyle(), BorderTopColor(),
const BorderValue BorderBottom() const {
return BorderValue(BorderBottomStyle(), BorderBottomColor(),
bool BorderSizeEquals(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderLeftWidthInternal() == o.BorderLeftWidthInternal() &&
BorderTopWidthInternal() == o.BorderTopWidthInternal() &&
BorderRightWidthInternal() == o.BorderRightWidthInternal() &&
BorderBottomWidthInternal() == o.BorderBottomWidthInternal();
BorderValue BorderBefore() const;
BorderValue BorderAfter() const;
BorderValue BorderStart() const;
BorderValue BorderEnd() const;
float BorderAfterWidth() const;
float BorderBeforeWidth() const;
float BorderEndWidth() const;
float BorderStartWidth() const;
float BorderOverWidth() const;
float BorderUnderWidth() const;
EBorderStyle BorderAfterStyle() const;
EBorderStyle BorderBeforeStyle() const;
EBorderStyle BorderEndStyle() const;
EBorderStyle BorderStartStyle() const;
bool HasBorderFill() const {
return BorderImage().HasImage() && BorderImage().Fill();
bool HasBorder() const {
return BorderLeftNonZero() || BorderRightNonZero() || BorderTopNonZero() ||
bool HasBorderDecoration() const { return HasBorder() || HasBorderFill(); }
bool HasBorderRadius() const {
if (!BorderTopLeftRadius().Width().IsZero())
return true;
if (!BorderTopRightRadius().Width().IsZero())
return true;
if (!BorderBottomLeftRadius().Width().IsZero())
return true;
if (!BorderBottomRightRadius().Width().IsZero())
return true;
return false;
bool HasBorderColorReferencingCurrentColor() const {
return (BorderLeftNonZero() && BorderLeftColor().IsCurrentColor()) ||
(BorderRightNonZero() && BorderRightColor().IsCurrentColor()) ||
(BorderTopNonZero() && BorderTopColor().IsCurrentColor()) ||
(BorderBottomNonZero() && BorderBottomColor().IsCurrentColor());
bool RadiiEqual(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderTopLeftRadius() == o.BorderTopLeftRadius() &&
BorderTopRightRadius() == o.BorderTopRightRadius() &&
BorderBottomLeftRadius() == o.BorderBottomLeftRadius() &&
BorderBottomRightRadius() == o.BorderBottomRightRadius();
bool BorderLeftEquals(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderLeftWidthInternal() == o.BorderLeftWidthInternal() &&
BorderLeftStyle() == o.BorderLeftStyle() &&
BorderLeftColor() == o.BorderLeftColor() &&
BorderLeftColorIsCurrentColor() == o.BorderLeftColorIsCurrentColor();
bool BorderLeftEquals(const BorderValue& o) const {
return BorderLeftWidthInternal().ToFloat() == o.Width() &&
BorderLeftStyle() == o.Style() &&
BorderLeftColor() == o.GetColor() &&
BorderLeftColorIsCurrentColor() == o.ColorIsCurrentColor();
bool BorderLeftVisuallyEqual(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
if (BorderLeftStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone &&
o.BorderLeftStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone)
return true;
if (BorderLeftStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden &&
o.BorderLeftStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return true;
return BorderLeftEquals(o);
bool BorderRightEquals(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderRightWidthInternal() == o.BorderRightWidthInternal() &&
BorderRightStyle() == o.BorderRightStyle() &&
BorderRightColor() == o.BorderRightColor() &&
BorderRightColorIsCurrentColor() ==
bool BorderRightEquals(const BorderValue& o) const {
return BorderRightWidthInternal().ToFloat() == o.Width() &&
BorderRightStyle() == o.Style() &&
BorderRightColor() == o.GetColor() &&
BorderRightColorIsCurrentColor() == o.ColorIsCurrentColor();
bool BorderRightVisuallyEqual(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
if (BorderRightStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone &&
o.BorderRightStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone)
return true;
if (BorderRightStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden &&
o.BorderRightStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return true;
return BorderRightEquals(o);
bool BorderTopVisuallyEqual(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
if (BorderTopStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone &&
o.BorderTopStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone)
return true;
if (BorderTopStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden &&
o.BorderTopStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return true;
return BorderTopEquals(o);
bool BorderTopEquals(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderTopWidthInternal() == o.BorderTopWidthInternal() &&
BorderTopStyle() == o.BorderTopStyle() &&
BorderTopColor() == o.BorderTopColor() &&
BorderTopColorIsCurrentColor() == o.BorderTopColorIsCurrentColor();
bool BorderTopEquals(const BorderValue& o) const {
return BorderTopWidthInternal().ToFloat() == o.Width() &&
BorderTopStyle() == o.Style() && BorderTopColor() == o.GetColor() &&
BorderTopColorIsCurrentColor() == o.ColorIsCurrentColor();
bool BorderBottomVisuallyEqual(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
if (BorderBottomStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone &&
o.BorderBottomStyle() == EBorderStyle::kNone)
return true;
if (BorderBottomStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden &&
o.BorderBottomStyle() == EBorderStyle::kHidden)
return true;
return BorderBottomEquals(o);
bool BorderBottomEquals(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderBottomWidthInternal() == o.BorderBottomWidthInternal() &&
BorderBottomStyle() == o.BorderBottomStyle() &&
BorderBottomColor() == o.BorderBottomColor() &&
BorderBottomColorIsCurrentColor() ==
bool BorderBottomEquals(const BorderValue& o) const {
return BorderBottomWidthInternal().ToFloat() == o.Width() &&
BorderBottomStyle() == o.Style() &&
BorderBottomColor() == o.GetColor() &&
BorderBottomColorIsCurrentColor() == o.ColorIsCurrentColor();
bool BorderEquals(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderLeftEquals(o) && BorderRightEquals(o) && BorderTopEquals(o) &&
BorderBottomEquals(o) && BorderImage() == o.BorderImage();
bool BorderVisuallyEqual(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderLeftVisuallyEqual(o) && BorderRightVisuallyEqual(o) &&
BorderTopVisuallyEqual(o) && BorderBottomVisuallyEqual(o) &&
BorderImage() == o.BorderImage();
bool BorderVisualOverflowEqual(const ComputedStyle& o) const {
return BorderImage().Outset() == o.BorderImage().Outset();
void ResetBorder() {
void ResetBorderTop() {
void ResetBorderRight() {
void ResetBorderBottom() {
void ResetBorderLeft() {
void SetBorderRadius(const LengthSize& s) {
void SetBorderRadius(const IntSize& s) {
LengthSize(Length(s.Width(), kFixed), Length(s.Height(), kFixed)));
FloatRoundedRect GetRoundedBorderFor(
const LayoutRect& border_rect,
bool include_logical_left_edge = true,
bool include_logical_right_edge = true) const;
FloatRoundedRect GetRoundedInnerBorderFor(
const LayoutRect& border_rect,
bool include_logical_left_edge = true,
bool include_logical_right_edge = true) const;
FloatRoundedRect GetRoundedInnerBorderFor(
const LayoutRect& border_rect,
const LayoutRectOutsets& insets,
bool include_logical_left_edge,
bool include_logical_right_edge) const;
// Float utility functions.
bool IsFloating() const { return Floating() != EFloat::kNone; }
// Mix-blend-mode utility functions.
bool HasBlendMode() const { return BlendMode() != WebBlendMode::kNormal; }
// Motion utility functions.
bool HasOffset() const {
return (OffsetPosition().X() != Length(kAuto)) || OffsetPath();
// Direction utility functions.
bool IsLeftToRightDirection() const {
return Direction() == TextDirection::kLtr;
// Perspective utility functions.
bool HasPerspective() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->perspective_ > 0;
// Outline utility functions.
bool HasOutline() const {
return OutlineWidth() > 0 && OutlineStyle() > EBorderStyle::kHidden;
int OutlineOutsetExtent() const;
float GetOutlineStrokeWidthForFocusRing() const;
bool HasOutlineWithCurrentColor() const {
return HasOutline() && OutlineColor().IsCurrentColor();
// Position utility functions.
bool HasOutOfFlowPosition() const {
return GetPosition() == EPosition::kAbsolute ||
GetPosition() == EPosition::kFixed;
bool HasInFlowPosition() const {
return GetPosition() == EPosition::kRelative ||
GetPosition() == EPosition::kSticky;
bool HasViewportConstrainedPosition() const {
return GetPosition() == EPosition::kFixed;
bool HasStickyConstrainedPosition() const {
return GetPosition() == EPosition::kSticky &&
(!Top().IsAuto() || !Left().IsAuto() || !Right().IsAuto() ||
// Clip utility functions.
const Length& ClipLeft() const { return ClipInternal().Left(); }
const Length& ClipRight() const { return ClipInternal().Right(); }
const Length& ClipTop() const { return ClipInternal().Top(); }
const Length& ClipBottom() const { return ClipInternal().Bottom(); }
// Offset utility functions.
// Accessors for positioned object edges that take into account writing mode.
const Length& LogicalLeft() const {
return LengthBox::LogicalLeft(GetWritingMode(), Left(), Top());
const Length& LogicalRight() const {
return LengthBox::LogicalRight(GetWritingMode(), Right(), Bottom());
const Length& LogicalTop() const {
return LengthBox::Before(GetWritingMode(), Top(), Left(), Right());
const Length& LogicalBottom() const {
return LengthBox::After(GetWritingMode(), Bottom(), Left(), Right());
bool OffsetEqual(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return Left() == other.Left() && Right() == other.Right() &&
Top() == other.Top() && Bottom() == other.Bottom();
// Whether or not a positioned element requires normal flow x/y to be computed
// to determine its position.
bool HasAutoLeftAndRight() const {
return Left().IsAuto() && Right().IsAuto();
bool HasAutoTopAndBottom() const {
return Top().IsAuto() && Bottom().IsAuto();
bool HasStaticInlinePosition(bool horizontal) const {
return horizontal ? HasAutoLeftAndRight() : HasAutoTopAndBottom();
bool HasStaticBlockPosition(bool horizontal) const {
return horizontal ? HasAutoTopAndBottom() : HasAutoLeftAndRight();
// Content utility functions.
bool ContentDataEquivalent(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return DataEquivalent(GetContentData(), other.GetContentData());
// Contain utility functions.
bool ContainsPaint() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->contain_ & kContainsPaint;
bool ContainsStyle() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->contain_ & kContainsStyle;
bool ContainsLayout() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->contain_ & kContainsLayout;
bool ContainsSize() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->contain_ & kContainsSize;
// Display utility functions.
bool IsDisplayReplacedType() const {
return IsDisplayReplacedType(Display());
bool IsDisplayInlineType() const { return IsDisplayInlineType(Display()); }
bool IsOriginalDisplayInlineType() const {
return IsDisplayInlineType(OriginalDisplay());
bool IsDisplayBlockContainer() const {
return IsDisplayBlockContainer(Display());
bool IsDisplayFlexibleOrGridBox() const {
return IsDisplayFlexibleBox(Display()) || IsDisplayGridBox(Display());
bool IsDisplayFlexibleBox() const { return IsDisplayFlexibleBox(Display()); }
// Isolation utility functions.
bool HasIsolation() const { return Isolation() != EIsolation::kAuto; }
// Content utility functions.
bool HasContent() const { return GetContentData(); }
// Cursor utility functions.
CursorList* Cursors() const { return CursorDataInternal().Get(); }
void AddCursor(StyleImage*,
bool hot_spot_specified,
const IntPoint& hot_spot = IntPoint());
void SetCursorList(CursorList*);
void ClearCursorList();
// Text decoration utility functions.
void ApplyTextDecorations(const Color& parent_text_decoration_color,
bool override_existing_colors);
void ClearAppliedTextDecorations();
void RestoreParentTextDecorations(const ComputedStyle& parent_style);
const Vector<AppliedTextDecoration>& AppliedTextDecorations() const;
TextDecoration TextDecorationsInEffect() const;
// Overflow utility functions.
EOverflow OverflowInlineDirection() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? OverflowX() : OverflowY();
EOverflow OverflowBlockDirection() const {
return IsHorizontalWritingMode() ? OverflowY() : OverflowX();
// It's sufficient to just check one direction, since it's illegal to have
// visible on only one overflow value.
bool IsOverflowVisible() const {
DCHECK(OverflowX() != EOverflow::kVisible || OverflowX() == OverflowY());
return OverflowX() == EOverflow::kVisible;
bool IsOverflowPaged() const {
return OverflowY() == EOverflow::kWebkitPagedX ||
OverflowY() == EOverflow::kWebkitPagedY;
// Visibility utility functions.
bool VisibleToHitTesting() const {
return Visibility() == EVisibility::kVisible &&
PointerEvents() != EPointerEvents::kNone;
// Animation utility functions.
bool ShouldCompositeForCurrentAnimations() const {
return HasCurrentOpacityAnimation() || HasCurrentTransformAnimation() ||
HasCurrentFilterAnimation() || HasCurrentBackdropFilterAnimation();
bool IsRunningAnimationOnCompositor() const {
return IsRunningOpacityAnimationOnCompositor() ||
IsRunningTransformAnimationOnCompositor() ||
IsRunningFilterAnimationOnCompositor() ||
// Opacity utility functions.
bool HasOpacity() const { return Opacity() < 1.0f; }
// Table layout utility functions.
bool IsFixedTableLayout() const {
return TableLayout() == ETableLayout::kFixed && !LogicalWidth().IsAuto();
// Filter/transform utility functions.
bool Has3DTransform() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->transform_data_->transform_operations_
.Has3DOperation() ||
(Translate() && Translate()->Z() != 0) ||
(Rotate() && (Rotate()->X() != 0 || Rotate()->Y() != 0)) ||
(Scale() && Scale()->Z() != 1);
bool HasTransform() const {
return HasTransformOperations() || HasOffset() ||
HasCurrentTransformAnimation() || Translate() || Rotate() || Scale();
bool HasTransformOperations() const {
return !rare_non_inherited_data_->transform_data_->transform_operations_
ETransformStyle3D UsedTransformStyle3D() const {
return HasGroupingProperty() ? ETransformStyle3D::kFlat
: TransformStyle3D();
// Returns whether the transform operations for |otherStyle| differ from the
// operations for this style instance. Note that callers may want to also
// check hasTransform(), as it is possible for two styles to have matching
// transform operations but differ in other transform-impacting style
// respects.
bool TransformDataEquivalent(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->transform_data_ ==
bool Preserves3D() const {
return UsedTransformStyle3D() != ETransformStyle3D::kFlat;
enum ApplyTransformOrigin {
enum ApplyMotionPath { kIncludeMotionPath, kExcludeMotionPath };
enum ApplyIndependentTransformProperties {
void ApplyTransform(TransformationMatrix&,
const LayoutSize& border_box_data_size,
ApplyIndependentTransformProperties) const;
void ApplyTransform(TransformationMatrix&,
const FloatRect& bounding_box,
ApplyIndependentTransformProperties) const;
bool HasFilters() const;
// Returns |true| if any property that renders using filter operations is
// used (including, but not limited to, 'filter' and 'box-reflect').
bool HasFilterInducingProperty() const {
return HasFilter() || HasBoxReflect();
// Returns |true| if opacity should be considered to have non-initial value
// for the purpose of creating stacking contexts.
bool HasNonInitialOpacity() const {
return HasOpacity() || HasWillChangeOpacityHint() ||
// Returns whether this style contains any grouping property as defined by
// [css-transforms]. The main purpose of this is to adjust the used value of
// transform-style property.
// Note: We currently don't include every grouping property on the spec to
// maintain backward compatibility. [css-transforms]
bool HasGroupingProperty() const {
return !IsOverflowVisible() || HasFilterInducingProperty() ||
// Return true if any transform related property (currently
// transform/motionPath, transformStyle3D, perspective, or
// will-change:transform) indicates that we are transforming.
// will-change:transform should result in the same rendering behavior as
// having a transform, including the creation of a containing block for fixed
// position descendants.
bool HasTransformRelatedProperty() const {
return HasTransform() || Preserves3D() || HasPerspective() ||
// Paint utility functions.
void AddPaintImage(StyleImage*);
// FIXME: reflections should belong to this helper function but they are
// currently handled through their self-painting layers. So the layout code
// doesn't account for them.
bool HasVisualOverflowingEffect() const {
return BoxShadow() || HasBorderImageOutsets() || HasOutline();
// Stacking contexts and positioned elements[1] are stacked (sorted in
// negZOrderList
// and posZOrderList) in their enclosing stacking contexts.
// [1] According to CSS2.1, Appendix E.2.8
// (,
// positioned elements with 'z-index: auto' are "treated as if it created a
// new stacking context" and z-ordered together with other elements with
// 'z-index: 0'. The difference of them from normal stacking contexts is that
// they don't determine the stacking of the elements underneath them. (Note:
// There are also other elements treated as stacking context during painting,
// but not managed in stacks. See ObjectPainter::PaintAllPhasesAtomically().)
void UpdateIsStackingContext(bool is_document_element, bool is_in_top_layer);
bool IsStacked() const {
return IsStackingContext() || GetPosition() != EPosition::kStatic;
// Pseudo-styles
bool HasAnyPublicPseudoStyles() const;
bool HasPseudoStyle(PseudoId) const;
void SetHasPseudoStyle(PseudoId);
bool HasUniquePseudoStyle() const;
bool HasPseudoElementStyle() const;
// Note: CanContainAbsolutePositionObjects should return true if
// CanContainFixedPositionObjects. We currently never use this value
// directly, always OR'ing it with CanContainFixedPositionObjects.
bool CanContainAbsolutePositionObjects() const {
return GetPosition() != EPosition::kStatic;
bool CanContainFixedPositionObjects() const {
return HasTransformRelatedProperty() || ContainsPaint();
// Whitespace utility functions.
static bool AutoWrap(EWhiteSpace ws) {
// Nowrap and pre don't automatically wrap.
return ws != EWhiteSpace::kNowrap && ws != EWhiteSpace::kPre;
bool AutoWrap() const { return AutoWrap(WhiteSpace()); }
static bool PreserveNewline(EWhiteSpace ws) {
// Normal and nowrap do not preserve newlines.
return ws != EWhiteSpace::kNormal && ws != EWhiteSpace::kNowrap;
bool PreserveNewline() const { return PreserveNewline(WhiteSpace()); }
static bool BorderStyleIsVisible(EBorderStyle style) {
return style != EBorderStyle::kNone && style != EBorderStyle::kHidden;
static bool CollapseWhiteSpace(EWhiteSpace ws) {
// Pre and prewrap do not collapse whitespace.
return ws != EWhiteSpace::kPre && ws != EWhiteSpace::kPreWrap;
bool CollapseWhiteSpace() const { return CollapseWhiteSpace(WhiteSpace()); }
bool IsCollapsibleWhiteSpace(UChar c) const {
switch (c) {
case ' ':
case '\t':
return CollapseWhiteSpace();
case '\n':
return !PreserveNewline();
return false;
bool BreakOnlyAfterWhiteSpace() const {
return WhiteSpace() == EWhiteSpace::kPreWrap ||
GetLineBreak() == LineBreak::kAfterWhiteSpace;
bool BreakWords() const {
return (WordBreak() == EWordBreak::kBreakWord ||
OverflowWrap() == EOverflowWrap::kBreakWord) &&
WhiteSpace() != EWhiteSpace::kPre &&
WhiteSpace() != EWhiteSpace::kNowrap;
// Text direction utility functions.
bool ShouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLogicalLeft() const {
return !IsLeftToRightDirection() && IsHorizontalWritingMode();
bool HasInlinePaginationAxis() const {
// If the pagination axis is parallel with the writing mode inline axis,
// columns may be laid out along the inline axis, just like for regular
// multicol. Otherwise, we need to lay out along the block axis.
if (IsOverflowPaged()) {
return (OverflowY() == EOverflow::kWebkitPagedX) ==
return false;
// Border utility functions.
bool BorderObscuresBackground() const;
void GetBorderEdgeInfo(BorderEdge edges[],
bool include_logical_left_edge = true,
bool include_logical_right_edge = true) const;
bool HasBoxDecorations() const {
return HasBorderDecoration() || HasBorderRadius() || HasOutline() ||
HasAppearance() || BoxShadow() || HasFilterInducingProperty() ||
HasBackdropFilter() || Resize() != EResize::kNone;
// "Box decoration background" includes all box decorations and backgrounds
// that are painted as the background of the object. It includes borders,
// box-shadows, background-color and background-image, etc.
bool HasBoxDecorationBackground() const {
return HasBackground() || HasBorderDecoration() || HasAppearance() ||
// Background utility functions.
FillLayer& AccessBackgroundLayers() { return MutableBackgroundInternal(); }
const FillLayer& BackgroundLayers() const { return BackgroundInternal(); }
void AdjustBackgroundLayers() {
if (BackgroundLayers().Next()) {
bool HasBackgroundRelatedColorReferencingCurrentColor() const {
if (BackgroundColor().IsCurrentColor() ||
return true;
if (!BoxShadow())
return false;
return ShadowListHasCurrentColor(BoxShadow());
bool HasBackground() const {
Color color = VisitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
if (color.Alpha())
return true;
return HasBackgroundImage();
// Color utility functions.
// TODO(sashab): Rename this to just getColor(), and add a comment explaining
// how it works.
Color VisitedDependentColor(int color_property) const;
// -webkit-appearance utility functions.
bool HasAppearance() const { return Appearance() != kNoControlPart; }
// Other utility functions.
bool IsStyleAvailable() const;
bool IsSharable() const;
bool RequireTransformOrigin(ApplyTransformOrigin apply_origin,
ApplyMotionPath) const;
void SetVisitedLinkBackgroundColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, visited_link_background_color_, v);
void SetVisitedLinkBorderLeftColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, visited_link_border_left_color_, v);
void SetVisitedLinkBorderRightColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, visited_link_border_right_color_, v);
void SetVisitedLinkBorderBottomColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, visited_link_border_bottom_color_, v);
void SetVisitedLinkBorderTopColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, visited_link_border_top_color_, v);
void SetVisitedLinkOutlineColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, visited_link_outline_color_, v);
void SetVisitedLinkColumnRuleColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_NESTED_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, multi_col_data_,
visited_link_column_rule_color_, v);
void SetVisitedLinkTextDecorationColor(const StyleColor& v) {
SET_VAR(rare_non_inherited_data_, visited_link_text_decoration_color_, v);
void SetVisitedLinkTextEmphasisColor(const StyleColor& color) {
void SetVisitedLinkTextFillColor(const StyleColor& color) {
void SetVisitedLinkTextStrokeColor(const StyleColor& color) {
void SetVisitedLinkCaretColor(const StyleAutoColor& color) {
static bool IsDisplayBlockContainer(EDisplay display) {
return display == EDisplay::kBlock || display == EDisplay::kListItem ||
display == EDisplay::kInlineBlock ||
display == EDisplay::kFlowRoot || display == EDisplay::kTableCell ||
display == EDisplay::kTableCaption;
static bool IsDisplayFlexibleBox(EDisplay display) {
return display == EDisplay::kFlex || display == EDisplay::kInlineFlex;
static bool IsDisplayGridBox(EDisplay display) {
return display == EDisplay::kGrid || display == EDisplay::kInlineGrid;
static bool IsDisplayReplacedType(EDisplay display) {
return display == EDisplay::kInlineBlock ||
display == EDisplay::kWebkitInlineBox ||
display == EDisplay::kInlineFlex ||
display == EDisplay::kInlineTable ||
display == EDisplay::kInlineGrid;
static bool IsDisplayInlineType(EDisplay display) {
return display == EDisplay::kInline || IsDisplayReplacedType(display);
static bool IsDisplayTableType(EDisplay display) {
return display == EDisplay::kTable || display == EDisplay::kInlineTable ||
display == EDisplay::kTableRowGroup ||
display == EDisplay::kTableHeaderGroup ||
display == EDisplay::kTableFooterGroup ||
display == EDisplay::kTableRow ||
display == EDisplay::kTableColumnGroup ||
display == EDisplay::kTableColumn ||
display == EDisplay::kTableCell ||
display == EDisplay::kTableCaption;
// Color accessors are all private to make sure callers use
// VisitedDependentColor instead to access them.
StyleColor BorderLeftColor() const {
return BorderLeftColorIsCurrentColor()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(BorderLeftColorInternal());
StyleColor BorderRightColor() const {
return BorderRightColorIsCurrentColor()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(BorderRightColorInternal());
StyleColor BorderTopColor() const {
return BorderTopColorIsCurrentColor()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(BorderTopColorInternal());
StyleColor BorderBottomColor() const {
return BorderBottomColorIsCurrentColor()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(BorderBottomColorInternal());
StyleColor BackgroundColor() const { return BackgroundColorInternal(); }
StyleAutoColor CaretColor() const {
if (CaretColorIsCurrentColorInternal())
return StyleAutoColor::CurrentColor();
if (CaretColorIsAutoInternal())
return StyleAutoColor::AutoColor();
return StyleAutoColor(CaretColorInternal());
Color GetColor() const;
StyleColor ColumnRuleColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_->column_rule_.GetColor();
StyleColor OutlineColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->outline_.GetColor();
StyleColor TextEmphasisColor() const {
return TextEmphasisColorIsCurrentColorInternal()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(TextEmphasisColorInternal());
StyleColor TextFillColor() const {
return TextFillColorIsCurrentColorInternal()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(TextFillColorInternal());
StyleColor TextStrokeColor() const {
return TextStrokeColorIsCurrentColorInternal()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(TextStrokeColorInternal());
StyleAutoColor VisitedLinkCaretColor() const {
if (VisitedLinkCaretColorIsCurrentColorInternal())
return StyleAutoColor::CurrentColor();
if (VisitedLinkCaretColorIsAutoInternal())
return StyleAutoColor::AutoColor();
return StyleAutoColor(VisitedLinkCaretColorInternal());
StyleColor VisitedLinkBackgroundColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->visited_link_background_color_;
StyleColor VisitedLinkBorderLeftColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->visited_link_border_left_color_;
bool VisitedLinkBorderLeftColorHasNotChanged(
const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return (VisitedLinkBorderLeftColor() ==
other.VisitedLinkBorderLeftColor() ||
StyleColor VisitedLinkBorderRightColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->visited_link_border_right_color_;
bool VisitedLinkBorderRightColorHasNotChanged(
const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return (VisitedLinkBorderRightColor() ==
other.VisitedLinkBorderRightColor() ||
StyleColor VisitedLinkBorderBottomColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->visited_link_border_bottom_color_;
bool VisitedLinkBorderBottomColorHasNotChanged(
const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return (VisitedLinkBorderBottomColor() ==
other.VisitedLinkBorderBottomColor() ||
StyleColor VisitedLinkBorderTopColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->visited_link_border_top_color_;
bool VisitedLinkBorderTopColorHasNotChanged(
const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return (VisitedLinkBorderTopColor() == other.VisitedLinkBorderTopColor() ||
StyleColor VisitedLinkOutlineColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->visited_link_outline_color_;
bool VisitedLinkOutlineColorHasNotChanged(const ComputedStyle& other) const {
return (VisitedLinkOutlineColor() == other.VisitedLinkOutlineColor() ||
StyleColor VisitedLinkColumnRuleColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->multi_col_data_
StyleColor VisitedLinkTextDecorationColor() const {
return rare_non_inherited_data_->visited_link_text_decoration_color_;
StyleColor VisitedLinkTextEmphasisColor() const {
return VisitedLinkTextEmphasisColorIsCurrentColorInternal()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(VisitedLinkTextEmphasisColorInternal());
StyleColor VisitedLinkTextFillColor() const {
return VisitedLinkTextFillColorIsCurrentColorInternal()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(VisitedLinkTextFillColorInternal());
StyleColor VisitedLinkTextStrokeColor() const {
return VisitedLinkTextStrokeColorIsCurrentColorInternal()
? StyleColor::CurrentColor()
: StyleColor(VisitedLinkTextStrokeColorInternal());
StyleColor DecorationColorIncludingFallback(bool visited_link) const;
Color ColorIncludingFallback(int color_property, bool visited_link) const;
Color StopColor() const { return SvgStyle().StopColor(); }
Color FloodColor() const { return SvgStyle().FloodColor(); }
Color LightingColor() const { return SvgStyle().LightingColor(); }
void AddAppliedTextDecoration(const AppliedTextDecoration&);
void OverrideTextDecorationColors(Color propagated_color);
void ApplyMotionPathTransform(float origin_x,
float origin_y,
const FloatRect& bounding_box,
TransformationMatrix&) const;
bool ScrollAnchorDisablingPropertyChanged(const ComputedStyle& other,
const StyleDifference&) const;
bool DiffNeedsFullLayoutAndPaintInvalidation(
const ComputedStyle& other) const;
bool DiffNeedsFullLayout(const ComputedStyle& other) const;
bool DiffNeedsPaintInvalidationSubtree(const ComputedStyle& other) const;
bool DiffNeedsPaintInvalidationObject(const ComputedStyle& other) const;
bool DiffNeedsPaintInvalidationObjectForPaintImage(
const StyleImage*,
const ComputedStyle& other) const;
bool DiffNeedsVisualRectUpdate(const ComputedStyle& other) const;
void UpdatePropertySpecificDifferences(const ComputedStyle& other,
StyleDifference&) const;
static bool ShadowListHasCurrentColor(const ShadowList*);
StyleInheritedVariables& MutableInheritedVariables();
StyleNonInheritedVariables& MutableNonInheritedVariables();
// FIXME: Reduce/remove the dependency on zoom adjusted int values.
// The float or LayoutUnit versions of layout values should be used.
int AdjustForAbsoluteZoom(int value, float zoom_factor);
inline int AdjustForAbsoluteZoom(int value, const ComputedStyle* style) {
float zoom_factor = style->EffectiveZoom();
if (zoom_factor == 1)
return value;
return AdjustForAbsoluteZoom(value, zoom_factor);
inline float AdjustFloatForAbsoluteZoom(float value,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
return value / style.EffectiveZoom();
inline double AdjustDoubleForAbsoluteZoom(double value,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
return value / style.EffectiveZoom();
inline LayoutUnit AdjustLayoutUnitForAbsoluteZoom(LayoutUnit value,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
return LayoutUnit(value / style.EffectiveZoom());
inline float AdjustScrollForAbsoluteZoom(float scroll_offset,
float zoom_factor) {
return scroll_offset / zoom_factor;
inline float AdjustScrollForAbsoluteZoom(float scroll_offset,
const ComputedStyle& style) {
return AdjustScrollForAbsoluteZoom(scroll_offset, style.EffectiveZoom());
inline bool ComputedStyle::SetZoom(float f) {
if (compareEqual(ZoomInternal(), f))
return false;
SetEffectiveZoom(EffectiveZoom() * Zoom());
return true;
inline bool ComputedStyle::SetEffectiveZoom(float f) {
// Clamp the effective zoom value to a smaller (but hopeful still large
// enough) range, to avoid overflow in derived computations.
float clamped_effective_zoom = clampTo<float>(f, 1e-6, 1e6);
if (compareEqual(EffectiveZoomInternal(), clamped_effective_zoom))
return false;
return true;
inline bool ComputedStyle::IsSharable() const {
if (Unique())
return false;
if (HasUniquePseudoStyle())
return false;
return true;
inline bool ComputedStyle::HasAnyPublicPseudoStyles() const {
return PseudoBitsInternal() != kPseudoIdNone;
inline bool ComputedStyle::HasPseudoStyle(PseudoId pseudo) const {
DCHECK(pseudo >= kFirstPublicPseudoId);
DCHECK(pseudo < kFirstInternalPseudoId);
return (1 << (pseudo - kFirstPublicPseudoId)) & PseudoBitsInternal();
inline void ComputedStyle::SetHasPseudoStyle(PseudoId pseudo) {
DCHECK(pseudo >= kFirstPublicPseudoId);
DCHECK(pseudo < kFirstInternalPseudoId);
// TODO: Fix up this code. It is hard to understand.
PseudoBitsInternal() | 1 << (pseudo - kFirstPublicPseudoId)));
inline bool ComputedStyle::HasPseudoElementStyle() const {
return PseudoBitsInternal() & kElementPseudoIdMask;
} // namespace blink
#endif // ComputedStyle_h