blob: 9ca650e2ec403d7a78acc3b42a88b6520bc0dbc9 [file] [log] [blame]
{% from 'templates/macros.tmpl' import license, print_if, source_files_for_generated_file %}
{{source_files_for_generated_file(template_file, input_files)}}
namespace blink {
// TODO(sashab): Move these enums to their own namespace, or add a CSS prefix,
// for consistency and to prevent name conflicts.
{% for enum in enums %}
enum class {{enum.type_name}} : unsigned {
{% for value in enum.values %}
{{value}}{{print_if(enum.is_set, " = " ~ (0 if loop.first else 2**(loop.index0 - 1)))}},
{% endfor %}
{% if enum.is_set %}
static const int k{{enum.type_name}}Bits = {{enum.values|length - 1}};
{% for op in ('|', '^') %}
inline {{enum.type_name}} operator{{op}}({{enum.type_name}} a, {{enum.type_name}} b) {
return static_cast<{{enum.type_name}}>(
static_cast<unsigned>(a) {{op}} static_cast<unsigned>(b)
inline {{enum.type_name}}& operator{{op}}=({{enum.type_name}}& a, {{enum.type_name}} b) {
return a = a {{op}} b;
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
} // namespace blink