WebRtcBrowserTest.RunsAudioVideoWebRTCCallInTwoTabs now has a VP8 and a VP9 version.
After this CL, we will easily be able to test H264 as well (when that CL lands).

WebRtcTestBase::NegotiateCall and friends get a new optional parameter to specify video_codec.

The javascript changes making this possible:
peerconnection.js/createLocalOffer: Ability to specify video codec by modifying the offer SDP string.
peerconnection.js/receiveOfferFromPeer: Verifying that the SDP answer string uses the desired codec.
All SDP helper functions in new file munge_sdp.js.

This should make it easy to add different codecs to the chrome_webrtc_perf_browsertest.cc and chrome_webrtc_video_quality_browsertest.cc tests in follow-up CLs.

BUG=chromium:500605, chromium:468365

Review URL: https://codereview.chromium.org/1645043004

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#372953}
9 files changed