blob: aa81bbfca952793c5dd74eb9d6d46458f01ab612 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/post_task.h"
#include "content/browser/service_worker/service_worker_database.h"
#include "content/browser/service_worker/service_worker_disk_cache.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_provider.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_task_traits.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/service_worker/service_worker_registration.mojom.h"
namespace net {
class HttpResponseInfo;
} // namespace net
namespace content {
class ServiceWorkerContextCore;
class ServiceWorkerProviderHost;
class ServiceWorkerStorage;
class ServiceWorkerVersion;
template <typename Arg>
void ReceiveResult(BrowserThread::ID run_quit_thread,
base::OnceClosure quit,
base::Optional<Arg>* out,
Arg actual) {
*out = actual;
if (!quit.is_null())
base::PostTaskWithTraits(FROM_HERE, {run_quit_thread}, std::move(quit));
template <typename Arg>
base::OnceCallback<void(Arg)> CreateReceiver(BrowserThread::ID run_quit_thread,
base::OnceClosure quit,
base::Optional<Arg>* out) {
return base::BindOnce(&ReceiveResult<Arg>, run_quit_thread, std::move(quit),
template <typename Arg>
base::OnceCallback<void(Arg)> CreateReceiverOnCurrentThread(
base::Optional<Arg>* out,
base::OnceClosure quit = base::OnceClosure()) {
BrowserThread::ID id;
bool ret = BrowserThread::GetCurrentThreadIdentifier(&id);
return CreateReceiver(id, std::move(quit), out);
// Container for keeping the Mojo connection to the service worker provider on
// the renderer alive.
class ServiceWorkerRemoteProviderEndpoint {
ServiceWorkerRemoteProviderEndpoint&& other);
void BindWithProviderHostInfo(mojom::ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfoPtr* info);
void BindWithProviderInfo(
mojom::ServiceWorkerProviderInfoForStartWorkerPtr info);
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerHostAssociatedPtr* host_ptr() {
return &host_ptr_;
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerAssociatedRequest* client_request() {
return &client_request_;
// Bound with content::ServiceWorkerProviderHost. The provider host will be
// removed asynchronously when this pointer is closed.
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerHostAssociatedPtr host_ptr_;
// This is the other end of ServiceWorkerContainerAssociatedPtr owned by
// content::ServiceWorkerProviderHost.
mojom::ServiceWorkerContainerAssociatedRequest client_request_;
mojom::ServiceWorkerProviderHostInfoPtr CreateProviderHostInfoForWindow(
int provider_id,
int route_id);
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerProviderHost> CreateProviderHostForWindow(
int process_id,
int provider_id,
bool is_parent_frame_secure,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
ServiceWorkerRemoteProviderEndpoint* output_endpoint);
int process_id,
bool is_parent_frame_secure,
ServiceWorkerVersion* hosted_version,
base::WeakPtr<ServiceWorkerContextCore> context,
ServiceWorkerRemoteProviderEndpoint* output_endpoint);
// Writes the script down to |storage| synchronously. This should not be used in
// base::RunLoop since base::RunLoop is used internally to wait for completing
// all of tasks. If it's in another base::RunLoop, consider to use
// WriteToDiskCacheAsync().
ServiceWorkerDatabase::ResourceRecord WriteToDiskCacheSync(
ServiceWorkerStorage* storage,
const GURL& script_url,
int64_t resource_id,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& headers,
const std::string& body,
const std::string& meta_data);
// Writes the script with custom net::HttpResponseInfo down to |storage|
// synchronously. This should not be used in base::RunLoop since base::RunLoop
// is used internally to wait for completing all of tasks. If it's in another
// base::RunLoop, consider to use WriteToDiskCacheWithCustomResponseInfoAsync().
ServiceWorkerStorage* storage,
const GURL& script_url,
int64_t resource_id,
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> http_info,
const std::string& body,
const std::string& meta_data);
// Writes the script down to |storage| asynchronously. When completing tasks,
// |callback| will be called. You must wait for |callback| instead of
// base::RunUntilIdle because wiriting to the storage might happen on another
// thread and base::RunLoop could get idle before writes has not finished yet.
ServiceWorkerDatabase::ResourceRecord WriteToDiskCacheAsync(
ServiceWorkerStorage* storage,
const GURL& script_url,
int64_t resource_id,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& headers,
const std::string& body,
const std::string& meta_data,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Writes the script with custom net::HttpResponseInfo down to |storage|
// asynchronously. When completing tasks, |callback| will be called. You must
// wait for |callback| instead of base::RunUntilIdle because wiriting to the
// storage might happen on another thread and base::RunLoop could get idle
// before writes has not finished yet.
ServiceWorkerStorage* storage,
const GURL& script_url,
int64_t resource_id,
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> http_info,
const std::string& body,
const std::string& meta_data,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// A test implementation of ServiceWorkerResponseReader.
// This class exposes the ability to expect reads (see ExpectRead*() below).
// Each call to ReadInfo() or ReadData() consumes another expected read, in the
// order those reads were expected, so:
// reader->ExpectReadInfoOk(5, false);
// reader->ExpectReadDataOk("abcdef", false);
// reader->ExpectReadDataOk("ghijkl", false);
// Expects these calls, in this order:
// reader->ReadInfo(...); // reader writes 5 into
// // |info_buf->response_data_size|
// reader->ReadData(...); // reader writes "abcdef" into |buf|
// reader->ReadData(...); // reader writes "ghijkl" into |buf|
// If an unexpected call happens, this class DCHECKs.
// If an expected read is marked "async", it will not complete immediately, but
// must be completed by the test using CompletePendingRead().
// These is a convenience method AllExpectedReadsDone() which returns whether
// there are any expected reads that have not yet happened.
class MockServiceWorkerResponseReader : public ServiceWorkerResponseReader {
~MockServiceWorkerResponseReader() override;
// ServiceWorkerResponseReader overrides
void ReadInfo(HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer* info_buf,
OnceCompletionCallback callback) override;
void ReadData(net::IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
OnceCompletionCallback callback) override;
// Test helpers. ExpectReadInfo() and ExpectReadData() give precise control
// over both the data to be written and the result to return.
// ExpectReadInfoOk() and ExpectReadDataOk() are convenience functions for
// expecting successful reads, which always have their length as their result.
// Expect a call to ReadInfo() on this reader. For these functions, |len| will
// be used as |response_data_size|, not as the length of this particular read.
void ExpectReadInfo(size_t len, bool async, int result);
void ExpectReadInfoOk(size_t len, bool async);
// Expect a call to ReadData() on this reader. For these functions, |len| is
// the length of the data to be written back; in ExpectReadDataOk(), |len| is
// implicitly the length of |data|.
void ExpectReadData(const char* data, size_t len, bool async, int result);
void ExpectReadDataOk(const std::string& data, bool async);
// Convenient method for calling ExpectReadInfoOk() with the length being
// |bytes_stored|, and ExpectReadDataOk() for each element of |stored_data|.
void ExpectReadOk(const std::vector<std::string>& stored_data,
const size_t bytes_stored,
const bool async);
// Complete a pending async read. It is an error to call this function without
// a pending async read (ie, a previous call to ReadInfo() or ReadData()
// having not run its callback yet).
void CompletePendingRead();
// Returns whether all expected reads have occurred.
bool AllExpectedReadsDone() { return expected_reads_.size() == 0; }
struct ExpectedRead {
ExpectedRead(size_t len, bool async, int result)
: data(nullptr), len(len), info(true), async(async), result(result) {}
ExpectedRead(const char* data, size_t len, bool async, int result)
: data(data), len(len), info(false), async(async), result(result) {}
const char* data;
size_t len;
bool info;
bool async;
int result;
base::queue<ExpectedRead> expected_reads_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> pending_buffer_;
size_t pending_buffer_len_;
scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> pending_info_;
OnceCompletionCallback pending_callback_;
// A test implementation of ServiceWorkerResponseWriter.
// This class exposes the ability to expect writes (see ExpectWrite*Ok() below).
// Each write to this class via WriteInfo() or WriteData() consumes another
// expected write, in the order they were added, so:
// writer->ExpectWriteInfoOk(5, false);
// writer->ExpectWriteDataOk(6, false);
// writer->ExpectWriteDataOk(6, false);
// Expects these calls, in this order:
// writer->WriteInfo(...); // checks that |buf->response_data_size| == 5
// writer->WriteData(...); // checks that 6 bytes are being written
// writer->WriteData(...); // checks that another 6 bytes are being written
// If this class receives an unexpected call to WriteInfo() or WriteData(), it
// Expected writes marked async do not complete synchronously, but rather return
// without running their callback and need to be completed with
// CompletePendingWrite().
// A convenience method AllExpectedWritesDone() is exposed so tests can ensure
// that all expected writes have been consumed by matching calls to WriteInfo()
// or WriteData().
class MockServiceWorkerResponseWriter : public ServiceWorkerResponseWriter {
~MockServiceWorkerResponseWriter() override;
// ServiceWorkerResponseWriter overrides
void WriteInfo(HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer* info_buf,
OnceCompletionCallback callback) override;
void WriteData(net::IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
OnceCompletionCallback callback) override;
// Enqueue expected writes.
void ExpectWriteInfoOk(size_t len, bool async);
void ExpectWriteInfo(size_t len, bool async, int result);
void ExpectWriteDataOk(size_t len, bool async);
void ExpectWriteData(size_t len, bool async, int result);
// Complete a pending asynchronous write. This method DCHECKs unless there is
// a pending write (a write for which WriteInfo() or WriteData() has been
// called but the callback has not yet been run).
void CompletePendingWrite();
// Returns whether all expected reads have been consumed.
bool AllExpectedWritesDone() { return expected_writes_.size() == 0; }
struct ExpectedWrite {
ExpectedWrite(bool is_info, size_t length, bool async, int result)
: is_info(is_info), length(length), async(async), result(result) {}
bool is_info;
size_t length;
bool async;
int result;
base::queue<ExpectedWrite> expected_writes_;
size_t info_written_;
size_t data_written_;
OnceCompletionCallback pending_callback_;
} // namespace content