blob: fba80f89f55a39f72d1b4f4aa5e6725713514ad3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var mobileNav = false;
var showDetails = false;
* For small screen mobile the navigation buttons are moved
* below the advanced text.
function onResize() {
var mediaQuery = '(min-width: 240px) and (max-width: 420px) and ' +
'(max-height: 736px) and (min-height: 401px) and ' +
'(orientation: portrait), (max-width: 736px) and ' +
'(max-height: 420px) and (min-height: 240px) and ' +
'(min-width: 421px) and (orientation: landscape)';
// Check for change in nav status.
if (mobileNav != window.matchMedia(mediaQuery).matches) {
mobileNav = !mobileNav;
function updateDetails() {
$('information-container').hidden = mobileNav && showDetails;
$('details').hidden = !showDetails;
function setupMobileNav() {
window.addEventListener('resize', onResize);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', setupMobileNav);
function sendCommand(cmd) {
// TODO(bauerb): domAutomationController is not defined when this page is
// shown in chrome://interstitials. Use a MessageHandler or something to
// support interactions.
function makeImageSet(url1x, url2x) {
return '-webkit-image-set(url(' + url1x + ') 1x, url(' + url2x + ') 2x)';
function initialize() {
var allowAccessRequests = loadTimeData.getBoolean('allowAccessRequests');
if (allowAccessRequests) {
$('request-access-button').onclick = function(event) {
$('request-access-button').hidden = true;
} else {
$('request-access-button').hidden = true;
var avatarURL1x = loadTimeData.getString('avatarURL1x');
var avatarURL2x = loadTimeData.getString('avatarURL2x');
var custodianName = loadTimeData.getString('custodianName');
if (custodianName && allowAccessRequests) {
$('custodians-information').hidden = false;
if (avatarURL1x) {
$('custodian-avatar-img').style.content =
makeImageSet(avatarURL1x, avatarURL2x);
$('custodian-name').textContent = custodianName;
$('custodian-email').textContent = loadTimeData.getString('custodianEmail');
var secondAvatarURL1x = loadTimeData.getString('secondAvatarURL1x');
var secondAvatarURL2x = loadTimeData.getString('secondAvatarURL2x');
var secondCustodianName = loadTimeData.getString('secondCustodianName');
if (secondCustodianName) {
$('second-custodian-information').hidden = false;
$('second-custodian-avatar-img').hidden = false;
if (secondAvatarURL1x) {
$('second-custodian-avatar-img').style.content =
makeImageSet(secondAvatarURL1x, secondAvatarURL2x);
$('second-custodian-name').textContent = secondCustodianName;
$('second-custodian-email').textContent = loadTimeData.getString(
$('back-button').onclick = function(event) {
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('showFeedbackLink')) {
$('show-details-link').onclick = function(event) {
showDetails = true;
$('show-details-link').hidden = true;
$('hide-details-link').hidden = false;
$('hide-details-link').onclick = function(event) {
showDetails = false;
$('show-details-link').hidden = false;
$('hide-details-link').hidden = true;
$('feedback-link').onclick = function(event) {
} else {
$('feedback').hidden = true;
$('details-button-container').hidden = true;
* Updates the interstitial to show that the request failed or was sent.
* @param {boolean} isSuccessful Whether the request was successful or not.
function setRequestStatus(isSuccessful) {
console.log('setRequestStatus(' + isSuccessful +')');
$('block-page-header').hidden = true;
$('block-page-message').hidden = true;
$('hide-details-link').hidden = true;
showDetails = false;
if (isSuccessful) {
$('request-failed-message').hidden = true;
$('request-sent-message').hidden = false;
$('back-button').hidden = false;
$('request-access-button').hidden = true;
$('show-details-link').hidden = true;
} else {
$('request-failed-message').hidden = false;
$('request-access-button').hidden = false;
$('show-details-link').hidden = false;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initialize);