blob: 43ac12846daf9ddca9a6050301035f5223636844 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/workers/MainThreadWorklet.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptPromiseResolver.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptSourceCode.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/V8BindingForCore.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/workers/WorkletGlobalScopeProxy.h"
#include "core/workers/WorkletPendingTasks.h"
#include "platform/wtf/WTF.h"
#include "public/platform/WebURLRequest.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
WebURLRequest::FetchCredentialsMode ParseCredentialsOption(
const String& credentials_option) {
if (credentials_option == "omit")
return WebURLRequest::kFetchCredentialsModeOmit;
if (credentials_option == "same-origin")
return WebURLRequest::kFetchCredentialsModeSameOrigin;
if (credentials_option == "include")
return WebURLRequest::kFetchCredentialsModeInclude;
return WebURLRequest::kFetchCredentialsModeOmit;
} // namespace
MainThreadWorklet::MainThreadWorklet(LocalFrame* frame) : Worklet(frame) {}
// Implementation of the second half of the "addModule(moduleURL, options)"
// algorithm:
void MainThreadWorklet::FetchAndInvokeScript(const KURL& module_url_record,
const WorkletOptions& options,
ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver) {
if (!GetExecutionContext())
// Step 6: "Let credentialOptions be the credentials member of options."
// TODO(nhiroki): Add tests for credentialOptions (
WebURLRequest::FetchCredentialsMode credentials_mode =
// Step 7: "Let outsideSettings be the relevant settings object of this."
// TODO(nhiroki): outsideSettings will be used for posting a task to the
// document's responsible event loop. We could use a task runner for the
// purpose.
// Step 8: "Let moduleResponsesMap be worklet's module responses map."
// TODO(nhiroki): Implement moduleResponsesMap (
// Step 9: "Let workletGlobalScopeType be worklet's worklet global scope
// type."
// workletGlobalScopeType is encoded into the class name (e.g., PaintWorklet).
// Step 10: "If the worklet's WorkletGlobalScopes is empty, run the following
// steps:"
// 10.1: "Create a WorkletGlobalScope given workletGlobalScopeType,
// moduleResponsesMap, and outsideSettings."
// 10.2: "Add the WorkletGlobalScope to worklet's WorkletGlobalScopes."
// "Depending on the type of worklet the user agent may create additional
// WorkletGlobalScopes at this time."
// TODO(nhiroki): Create WorkletGlobalScopes at this point.
// Step 11: "Let pendingTaskStruct be a new pending tasks struct with counter
// initialized to the length of worklet's WorkletGlobalScopes."
// TODO(nhiroki): Introduce the concept of "worklet's WorkletGlobalScopes" and
// use the length of it here.
constexpr int number_of_global_scopes = 1;
WorkletPendingTasks* pending_tasks =
new WorkletPendingTasks(number_of_global_scopes, resolver);
// Step 12: "For each workletGlobalScope in the worklet's
// WorkletGlobalScopes, queue a task on the workletGlobalScope to fetch and
// invoke a worklet script given workletGlobalScope, moduleURLRecord,
// moduleResponsesMap, credentialOptions, outsideSettings, pendingTaskStruct,
// and promise."
// TODO(nhiroki): Queue a task instead of executing this here.
module_url_record, credentials_mode, pending_tasks);
void MainThreadWorklet::ContextDestroyed(ExecutionContext* execution_context) {
DEFINE_TRACE(MainThreadWorklet) {
} // namespace blink