blob: e986f77161b4030326b151d88aa37d6351ace910 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_store.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/browser_state/chrome_browser_state_io_data.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/net/net_types.h"
class JsonPrefStore;
namespace ios {
class ChromeBrowserState;
namespace net {
class CookieStore;
class HttpNetworkSession;
class HttpTransactionFactory;
} // namespace net
class ChromeBrowserStateImplIOData : public ChromeBrowserStateIOData {
class Handle {
explicit Handle(ios::ChromeBrowserState* browser_state);
// Init() must be called before ~Handle(). It records most of the
// parameters needed to construct a ChromeURLRequestContextGetter.
void Init(const base::FilePath& cookie_path,
const base::FilePath& cache_path,
int cache_max_size,
const base::FilePath& profile_path);
// These Create*ContextGetter() functions are only exposed because the
// circular relationship between ChromeBrowserState,
// ChromeBrowserStateIOData::Handle, and the
// IOSChromeURLRequestContextGetter factories requires ChromeBrowserState be
// able to call these functions.
CreateMainRequestContextGetter(ProtocolHandlerMap* protocol_handlers,
PrefService* local_state,
IOSChromeIOThread* io_thread) const;
const base::FilePath& partition_path) const;
ChromeBrowserStateIOData* io_data() const;
// Deletes all network related data since |time|. It deletes transport
// security state since |time| and also deletes HttpServerProperties data.
// Works asynchronously, however if the |completion| callback is non-null,
// it will be posted on the UI thread once the removal process completes.
void ClearNetworkingHistorySince(base::Time time,
const base::Closure& completion);
typedef std::map<base::FilePath,
// Lazily initialize ProfileParams. We do this on the calls to
// Get*RequestContextGetter(), so we only initialize ProfileParams right
// before posting a task to the IO thread to start using them. This prevents
// objects that are supposed to be deleted on the IO thread, but are created
// on the UI thread from being unnecessarily initialized.
void LazyInitialize() const;
// Collect references to context getters in reverse order, i.e. last item
// will be main request getter. This list is passed to |io_data_|
// for invalidation on IO thread.
// The getters will be invalidated on the IO thread before
// ChromeBrowserStateIOData instance is deleted.
mutable scoped_refptr<IOSChromeURLRequestContextGetter>
mutable IOSChromeURLRequestContextGetterMap app_request_context_getter_map_;
ChromeBrowserStateImplIOData* const io_data_;
ios::ChromeBrowserState* const browser_state_;
mutable bool initialized_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ChromeBrowserStateImplIOData>;
struct LazyParams {
// All of these parameters are intended to be read on the IO thread.
base::FilePath cookie_path;
base::FilePath cache_path;
int cache_max_size;
~ChromeBrowserStateImplIOData() override;
void InitializeInternal(
std::unique_ptr<IOSChromeNetworkDelegate> chrome_network_delegate,
ProfileParams* profile_params,
ProtocolHandlerMap* protocol_handlers) const override;
AppRequestContext* InitializeAppRequestContext(
net::URLRequestContext* main_context) const override;
AppRequestContext* AcquireIsolatedAppRequestContext(
net::URLRequestContext* main_context) const override;
// Deletes all network related data since |time|. It deletes transport
// security state since |time| and also deletes HttpServerProperties data.
// Works asynchronously, however if the |completion| callback is non-null,
// it will be posted on the UI thread once the removal process completes.
void ClearNetworkingHistorySinceOnIOThread(base::Time time,
const base::Closure& completion);
mutable std::unique_ptr<IOSChromeNetworkDelegate> network_delegate_;
// Lazy initialization params.
mutable std::unique_ptr<LazyParams> lazy_params_;
mutable scoped_refptr<JsonPrefStore> network_json_store_;
mutable std::unique_ptr<net::HttpNetworkSession> http_network_session_;
mutable std::unique_ptr<net::HttpTransactionFactory> main_http_factory_;
mutable std::unique_ptr<net::CookieStore> main_cookie_store_;
mutable std::unique_ptr<net::URLRequestJobFactory> main_job_factory_;
// Parameters needed for isolated apps.
base::FilePath profile_path_;
int app_cache_max_size_;