blob: 7be71f7c3e53e8b3d09c9737807eb27ccabb682f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class WebStateListDelegate;
class WebStateListObserver;
class WebStateListOrderController;
struct WebStateOpener;
namespace web {
class WebState;
// Manages a list of WebStates.
class WebStateList {
// Constants used when inserting WebStates.
enum InsertionFlags {
// Used to indicate that nothing special should happen to the newly
// inserted WebState.
// Used to indicate that the WebState should be activated on insertion.
// If not set, the insertion index of the WebState is left up to the
// order controller associated with the WebStateList so the insertion
// index may differ from the specified index. Otherwise the supplied
// index is used.
// If set, the WebState opener is set to the active WebState, otherwise
// it must be explicitly passed.
// Constants used when closing WebStates.
enum ClosingFlags {
// Used to indicate that nothing special should happen to the closed
// WebState.
// Used to indicate that the WebState was closed due to user action.
explicit WebStateList(WebStateListDelegate* delegate);
// Returns whether the model is empty or not.
bool empty() const { return web_state_wrappers_.empty(); }
// Returns the number of WebStates in the model.
int count() const { return static_cast<int>(web_state_wrappers_.size()); }
// Returns the index of the currently active WebState, or kInvalidIndex if
// there are no active WebState.
int active_index() const { return active_index_; }
// Returns true if the specified index is contained by the model.
bool ContainsIndex(int index) const;
// Returns the currently active WebState or null if there is none.
web::WebState* GetActiveWebState() const;
// Returns the WebState at the specified index. It is invalid to call this
// with an index such that |ContainsIndex(index)| returns false.
web::WebState* GetWebStateAt(int index) const;
// Returns the index of the specified WebState or kInvalidIndex if the
// WebState is not in the model.
int GetIndexOfWebState(const web::WebState* web_state) const;
// Returns the index of the first WebState in the model whose visible URL is
// |url| or kInvalidIndex if no WebState with that URL exists.
int GetIndexOfWebStateWithURL(const GURL& url) const;
// Returns the index of the first WebState, ignoring the currently active
// WebState, in the model whose visible URL is |url| or kInvalidIndex if no
// non-active WebState with that URL exists.
int GetIndexOfInactiveWebStateWithURL(const GURL& url) const;
// Returns information about the opener of the WebState at the specified
// index. The structure |opener| will be null if there is no opener.
WebStateOpener GetOpenerOfWebStateAt(int index) const;
// Stores information about the opener of the WebState at the specified
// index. The WebStateOpener |opener| must be non-null and the WebState
// must be in WebStateList.
void SetOpenerOfWebStateAt(int index, WebStateOpener opener);
// Returns the index of the next WebState in the sequence of WebStates opened
// from the specified WebState after |start_index|, or kInvalidIndex if there
// are no such WebState. If |use_group| is true, the opener's navigation index
// is used to detect navigation changes within the same session.
int GetIndexOfNextWebStateOpenedBy(const web::WebState* opener,
int start_index,
bool use_group) const;
// Returns the index of the last WebState in the sequence of WebStates opened
// from the specified WebState after |start_index|, or kInvalidIndex if there
// are no such WebState. If |use_group| is true, the opener's navigation index
// is used to detect navigation changes within the same session.
int GetIndexOfLastWebStateOpenedBy(const web::WebState* opener,
int start_index,
bool use_group) const;
// Inserts the specified WebState at the best position in the WebStateList
// given the specified opener, recommended index, insertion flags, ... The
// |insertion_flags| is a bitwise combination of InsertionFlags values.
// Returns the effective insertion index.
int InsertWebState(int index,
std::unique_ptr<web::WebState> web_state,
int insertion_flags,
WebStateOpener opener);
// Moves the WebState at the specified index to another index.
void MoveWebStateAt(int from_index, int to_index);
// Replaces the WebState at the specified index with new WebState. Returns
// the old WebState at that index to the caller (abandon ownership of the
// returned WebState).
std::unique_ptr<web::WebState> ReplaceWebStateAt(
int index,
std::unique_ptr<web::WebState> web_state);
// Detaches the WebState at the specified index. Returns the detached WebState
// to the caller (abandon ownership of the returned WebState).
std::unique_ptr<web::WebState> DetachWebStateAt(int index);
// Closes and destroys the WebState at the specified index. The |close_flags|
// is a bitwise combination of ClosingFlags values.
void CloseWebStateAt(int index, int close_flags);
// Closes and destroys all WebStates. The |close_flags| is a bitwise
// combination of ClosingFlags values.
void CloseAllWebStates(int close_flags);
// Makes the WebState at the specified index the active WebState.
void ActivateWebStateAt(int index);
// Adds an observer to the model.
void AddObserver(WebStateListObserver* observer);
// Removes an observer from the model.
void RemoveObserver(WebStateListObserver* observer);
// Invalid index.
static const int kInvalidIndex = -1;
class WebStateWrapper;
// Sets the opener of any WebState that reference the WebState at the
// specified index to null.
void ClearOpenersReferencing(int index);
// Notify the observers if the active WebState change. |reason| is the value
// passed to the WebStateListObservers.
void NotifyIfActiveWebStateChanged(web::WebState* old_web_state, int reason);
// Returns the index of the |n|-th WebState (with n > 0) in the sequence of
// WebStates opened from the specified WebState after |start_index|, or
// kInvalidIndex if there are no such WebState. If |use_group| is true, the
// opener's navigation index is used to detect navigation changes within the
// same session.
int GetIndexOfNthWebStateOpenedBy(const web::WebState* opener,
int start_index,
bool use_group,
int n) const;
// The WebStateList delegate.
WebStateListDelegate* delegate_;
// Wrappers to the WebStates hosted by the WebStateList.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<WebStateWrapper>> web_state_wrappers_;
// An object that determines where new WebState should be inserted and where
// selection should move when a WebState is detached.
std::unique_ptr<WebStateListOrderController> order_controller_;
// List of observers notified of changes to the model.
base::ObserverList<WebStateListObserver, true>::Unchecked observers_;
// Index of the currently active WebState, kInvalidIndex if no such WebState.
int active_index_ = kInvalidIndex;
// Lock to prevent observers from mutating or deleting the list while it is
// mutating.
// TODO( Remove this lock and the code that uses it once
// the source of the crash is identified.
bool locked_ = false;