blob: d6fdb816c26cc45d15f991bf0b322c278715209c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package ast defines AST relevant for the documentation generation.
// It recognizes top-level function declarations, top-level assignments (e.g.
// for constants and aliases), load(...) statements (to follow imported
// symbols), and struct(...) declarations.
package ast
import (
// Ellipsis represents a complex expression that we don't care about.
// A value of Ellipsis type is usually literally just "...".
type Ellipsis string
// Node is a documentation-relevant declaration of something in a file.
// Nodes form a tree. This tree is a reduction of a full AST of the starlark
// file to a form we care about when generating the documentation.
// The top of the tree is represented by a Module node.
type Node interface {
// Name is the name of the entity this node defines.
// E.g. it's the name of a function, variable, constant, etc.
// It may be a "private" name. Many definitions are defined using their
// private names first, and then exposed publicly via separate definition
// (such definitions are represented by Reference or ExternalReference nodes).
Name() string
// Span is where this node was defined in the original starlark code.
Span() (start syntax.Position, end syntax.Position)
// Comments is a comment block immediately preceding the definition.
Comments() string
// Doc is a documentation string for this symbol extracted either from a
// docstring or from comments.
Doc() string
// populateFromAST sets the fields based on the given starlark AST node.
populateFromAST(name string, n syntax.Node)
// base is embedded by all node types and implements some Node methods for them.
// It carries name of the node, where it is defined, and surrounding comments.
type base struct {
name string
ast syntax.Node // where it was defined in Starlark AST
func (b *base) Name() string { return }
func (b *base) Span() (syntax.Position, syntax.Position) { return b.ast.Span() }
func (b *base) Comments() string {
// Get all comments before `ast`. In particular if there are multiple comment
// blocks separated by new lines, `before` contains all of them.
var before []syntax.Comment
if all := b.ast.Comments(); all != nil {
before = all.Before
if len(before) == 0 {
return ""
// Grab a line number where 'ast' itself is defined.
start, _ := b.ast.Span()
// Pick only comments immediately preceding this line.
var comments []string
for idx := len(before) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- {
if before[idx].Start.Line != start.Line-int32(len(comments))-1 {
break // detected a skipped line, which indicates it's a different block
// Strip '#\s?' (but only one space, spaces may be significant for the doc
// syntax in the comment).
line := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(before[idx].Text, "#"), " ")
comments = append(comments, line)
// Reverse 'comments', since we recorded them in reverse order.
for l, r := 0, len(comments)-1; l < r; l, r = l+1, r-1 {
comments[l], comments[r] = comments[r], comments[l]
return strings.Join(comments, "\n")
// Doc extracts the documentation for the symbol from its comments.
func (b *base) Doc() string {
return b.Comments()
func (b *base) populateFromAST(name string, ast syntax.Node) { = name
b.ast = ast
// Var is a node that represents '<var> = int|string|<expr>' definition.
// This is a "terminal" definition, not a reference to something defined
// elsewhere. Usually a constant or some computation we replace with '...' in
// the docs.
type Var struct {
Value interface{} // string | int64 | *big.Int | Ellipsis
// Function is a node that represents a function definition.
type Function struct {
docstring string // a doc string, if any
// Doc extracts the documentation from the docstring.
func (n *Function) Doc() string { return n.docstring }
// Reference is a node that represents <var> = a.b.c.
// It is either a top-level assignment, or a keyword argument in a function call
// (e.g. when defining struct(...)).
type Reference struct {
Path []string // the ref path on the right hand side, e.g. ['a', 'b', 'c'].
// ExternalReference is a node that represents a symbol imported though
// load(...) statement.
// For load statement load("", x="y") we get an ExternalReference with
// name "x", ExternalName "y" and Module "".
type ExternalReference struct {
ExternalName string // name of the symbol in the loaded module
Module string // path of the loaded module
// Namespace is a node that contains a bunch of definitions grouped together.
// Examples of namespaces are top-level module dicts and structs.
type Namespace struct {
Nodes []Node // nodes defined in the namespace, in order they were defined
// NodeByName finds a contained node given its name or returns nil.
func (n *Namespace) NodeByName(name string) Node {
for _, node := range n.Nodes {
if node.Name() == name {
return node
return nil
// Module is a parsed Starlark file.
type Module struct {
Namespace // all top-level symbols
docstring string // a doc string, if any
// Doc extracts the documentation from the docstring.
func (n *Module) Doc() string { return n.docstring }
// ParseModule parses a single Starlark module.
// Filename is only used when recording position information.
func ParseModule(filename, body string) (*Module, error) {
ast, err := syntax.Parse(filename, body, syntax.RetainComments)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m := &Module{docstring: extractDocstring(ast.Stmts)}
m.populateFromAST(filename, ast)
// emit adds a node to the module.
emit := func(name string, ast syntax.Node, n Node) {
n.populateFromAST(name, ast)
m.Nodes = append(m.Nodes, n)
// Walk over top-level statements and match them against patterns we recognize
// as relevant.
for _, stmt := range ast.Stmts {
switch st := stmt.(type) {
case *syntax.LoadStmt:
// A load(...) statement. Each imported symbol ends up in the module's
// namespace, so add corresponding ExternalReference nodes.
for i, nm := range st.To {
emit(nm.Name, st, &ExternalReference{
ExternalName: st.From[i].Name,
Module: st.Module.Value.(string),
case *syntax.DefStmt:
// A function declaration: "def name(...)".
emit(st.Name.Name, st, &Function{
docstring: extractDocstring(st.Body),
case *syntax.AssignStmt:
// A top level assignment. We care only about <var> = ... (i.e. when LHS
// is a simple variable, not a tuple or anything like that).
if st.Op != syntax.EQ {
lhs := matchSingleIdent(st.LHS)
if lhs == "" {
if n := parseAssignmentRHS(st.RHS); n != nil {
emit(lhs, st, n)
return m, nil
// parseAssignmentRHS parses RHS of statements like "<var> = <expr>".
// Name of the returned node and Star/End/Comments should be populated by the
// caller.
// Only the following forms are recognized:
// Var: <var> = <literal>|<complex expr>
// Reference: <var> = <var>[.<field>]*
// Namespace: <var> = struct(...)
func parseAssignmentRHS(rhs syntax.Expr) Node {
// <var> = <literal>.
if literal := matchSingleLiteral(rhs); literal != nil {
return &Var{Value: literal}
// <var> = <var>[.<field>]*.
if path := matchRefPath(rhs); path != nil {
return &Reference{Path: path}
// <var> = struct(...).
if fn, args := matchSimpleCall(rhs); fn == "struct" {
// Pick all 'k=v' pairs from args and parse them as assignments.
var nodes []Node
for _, arg := range args {
if lhs, rhs := matchEqExpr(arg); lhs != "" {
if n := parseAssignmentRHS(rhs); n != nil {
n.populateFromAST(lhs, arg)
nodes = append(nodes, n)
return &Namespace{Nodes: nodes}
// <var> = <expr>.
return &Var{Value: Ellipsis("...")}
// extractDocstring returns a doc string for the given body.
// A docstring is a string literal that comes first in the body, if any.
func extractDocstring(body []syntax.Stmt) string {
if len(body) == 0 {
return ""
expr, ok := body[0].(*syntax.ExprStmt)
if !ok {
return ""
literal, ok := expr.X.(*syntax.Literal)
if !ok || literal.Token != syntax.STRING {
return ""
return literal.Value.(string)
// matchSingleIdent matches an <Expr> to <Ident>, returning ident's name.
func matchSingleIdent(expr syntax.Expr) string {
if ident, ok := expr.(*syntax.Ident); ok {
return ident.Name
return ""
// matchSingleLiteral matches an <Expr> to <Literal>, returning literal's value.
// The returned value is string | int64 | *big.Int.
func matchSingleLiteral(expr syntax.Expr) interface{} {
if literal, ok := expr.(*syntax.Literal); ok {
return literal.Value
return nil
// matchRefPath matches an <Expr> to <Ident>(.<Ident>)* returning identifier'
// names as a list of strings.
func matchRefPath(expr syntax.Expr) (path []string) {
for {
switch next := expr.(type) {
case *syntax.DotExpr: // next in chain
path = append(path, next.Name.Name)
expr = next.X
case *syntax.Ident: // last in chain
path = append(path, next.Name)
break loop
return nil // not a simple ref path, has additional structure, give up
// Expr "a.b.c" results in ['c', 'b', 'a'], reverse.
for l, r := 0, len(path)-1; l < r; l, r = l+1, r-1 {
path[l], path[r] = path[r], path[l]
// matchSimpleCall matches an <Expr> to <Ident>(<Expr>*), returning them.
func matchSimpleCall(expr syntax.Expr) (fn string, args []syntax.Expr) {
call, ok := expr.(*syntax.CallExpr)
if !ok {
return "", nil
if fn = matchSingleIdent(call.Fn); fn == "" {
return "", nil
return fn, call.Args
// matchEqExpr matches an <Expr> to <Ident>=<Expr>, returning them.
func matchEqExpr(expr syntax.Expr) (lhs string, rhs syntax.Expr) {
bin, ok := expr.(*syntax.BinaryExpr)
if !ok || bin.Op != syntax.EQ {
return "", nil
if lhs = matchSingleIdent(bin.X); lhs == "" {
return "", nil
return lhs, bin.Y