blob: 69156f7ec630bec0e3cf2a65f72796404897c0f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css_property_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/atomic_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/atomic_string_hash.h"
namespace WTF {
class TextEncoding;
} // namespace WTF
namespace blink {
class CSSCustomPropertyDeclaration;
class CSSParserTokenRange;
class CSSPendingSubstitutionValue;
class CSSVariableData;
class CSSVariableReferenceValue;
class KURL;
class PropertyRegistration;
class PropertyRegistry;
class StyleInheritedVariables;
class StyleNonInheritedVariables;
class StyleResolverState;
class CORE_EXPORT CSSVariableResolver {
CSSVariableResolver(const StyleResolverState&);
scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> ResolveCustomPropertyAnimationKeyframe(
const CSSCustomPropertyDeclaration& keyframe,
bool& cycle_detected);
void ResolveVariableDefinitions();
// Shorthand properties are not supported.
const CSSValue* ResolveVariableReferences(CSSPropertyID,
const CSSValue&,
bool disallow_animation_tainted);
void ComputeRegisteredVariables();
struct Options {
// Treat any references to animation-tainted custom properties as invalid.
// Custom properties used in @keyframe rules become 'animation-tainted'
// (see References to
// animation-tainted custom properties are not allowed for properties
// that affect animations.
bool disallow_animation_tainted = false;
// Treat any references to registered custom properties with font-relative
// units as invalid.
// This is used when resolving variable references for 'font-size', where
// registered custom properties with font-relative units may not be used.
bool disallow_registered_font_units = false;
// Treat any references to registered custom properties with
// root-font-relative units as invalid.
// This is used when resolving variable references for 'font-size' on the
// root element, where registered custom properties with root-font-relative
// units may not be used.
bool disallow_registered_root_font_units = false;
struct Result {
Vector<CSSParserToken> tokens;
Vector<String> backing_strings;
bool is_animation_tainted = false;
bool has_font_units = false;
bool has_root_font_units = false;
const CSSValue* ResolvePendingSubstitutions(
const CSSPendingSubstitutionValue&,
const Options&);
const CSSValue* ResolveVariableReferences(CSSPropertyID,
const CSSVariableReferenceValue&,
const Options&);
// These return false if we encounter a reference to an invalid variable with
// no fallback.
// Resolves a range which may contain var() or env() references.
bool ResolveTokenRange(CSSParserTokenRange, const Options&, Result&);
// Resolves the fallback (if present) of a var() or env() reference, starting
// from the comma.
bool ResolveFallback(CSSParserTokenRange, const Options&, Result&);
// Resolves the contents of a var() or env() reference.
bool ResolveVariableReference(CSSParserTokenRange,
const Options&,
bool is_env_variable,
// These return null if the custom property is invalid.
// Returns the CSSVariableData for an environment variable.
scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> ValueForEnvironmentVariable(
const AtomicString& name);
// Returns the CSSVariableData for a custom property, resolving and storing it
// if necessary.
scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> ValueForCustomProperty(AtomicString name,
const Options&);
// Resolves the CSSVariableData from a custom property declaration.
scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> ResolveCustomProperty(AtomicString name,
const CSSVariableData&,
const Options&,
bool resolve_urls,
bool& cycle_detected);
// Rewrites (in-place) kUrlTokens and kFunctionToken/CSSValueUrls to contain
// absolute URLs.
void ResolveRelativeUrls(Vector<CSSParserToken>& tokens,
Vector<String>& backing_strings,
const KURL& base_url,
const WTF::TextEncoding& charset);
bool ShouldResolveRelativeUrls(const AtomicString& name,
const CSSVariableData&);
bool IsVariableDisallowed(const CSSVariableData&,
const Options&,
const PropertyRegistration*);
// The following utilities get/set variables on either StyleInheritedVariables
// or StyleNonInheritedVariables, according to their PropertyRegistration.
CSSVariableData* GetVariable(const AtomicString& name,
const PropertyRegistration*);
const CSSValue* GetRegisteredVariable(const AtomicString& name,
const PropertyRegistration&);
void SetVariable(const AtomicString& name,
const PropertyRegistration*,
void SetRegisteredVariable(const AtomicString& name,
const PropertyRegistration&,
const CSSValue*);
const StyleResolverState& state_;
StyleInheritedVariables* inherited_variables_;
StyleNonInheritedVariables* non_inherited_variables_;
Member<const PropertyRegistry> registry_;
HashSet<AtomicString> variables_seen_;
// Resolution doesn't finish when a cycle is detected. Fallbacks still
// need to be tracked for additional cycles, and invalidation only
// applies back to cycle starts.
HashSet<AtomicString> cycle_start_points_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // CSSVariableResolver