blob: e778a80bd2329deeac7082a33c41e622fe9081b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/quota/quota_types.mojom";
import "url/mojom/origin.mojom";
// API for the renderer process to request quota information from the browser
// process.
// TODO(sashab): Put callback parameters in an optional struct, only set on
// success.
// TODO(sashab): Remove |origin|, with the browser using the one directly from
// the RenderFrameHost instead.
interface QuotaDispatcherHost {
// Render process queries the storage partition's storage usage and quota
// information from the browser process. The callback will be called with the
// current usage and quota information for the partition. When an error occurs
// the callback is called with a status code other than kOk.
// Can be called from workers or frames.
QueryStorageUsageAndQuota(url.mojom.Origin origin,
blink.mojom.StorageType storage_type) =>
(blink.mojom.QuotaStatusCode error,
int64 current_usage,
int64 current_quota,
UsageBreakdown usage_breakdown);
// Renderer process requests a new quota size for the origin's storage from
// the browser process. |requested_size| indicates how much storage space (in
// bytes) the caller expects to need.
// The callback will be called when a new quota is granted, with kOk as the
// status code if successful or with an error code otherwise.
// Note that the requested quota size may not always be granted and a smaller
// amount of quota than requested might be returned.
// Cannot be called from workers, only from frames, since it may require
// displaying permission UI.
RequestStorageQuota(url.mojom.Origin origin,
blink.mojom.StorageType storage_type,
uint64 requested_size) =>
(blink.mojom.QuotaStatusCode error,
int64 current_usage,
int64 granted_quota);