blob: 6257e9f02a4c01dd79b7fa2d757f0fa06b6099b6 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@stdlib//internal/", "graph")
# Detailed unit tests for graph are in 'graph' go package. Here we only test
# that wrapper and integration with the generator state works.
root = graph.key('root', 'root')
def child(id, msg):
k = graph.key('child', id)
graph.add_node(k, props = {'msg': msg})
graph.add_edge(parent = root, child = k)
child('c1', 'hello')
child('c2', 'world')
def gen(ctx):
msg = []
for c in graph.children(root, 'child'):
msg.append('%s: %s' % (c.props.msg, graph.parents(c.key, 'root')))
ctx.config_set['output.txt'] = '\n'.join(msg) + '\n'
core.generator(impl = gen)
# Expect configs:
# === output.txt
# hello: [root("root")]
# world: [root("root")]
# ===