blob: aff62422c63fb0b7a4c4ea059a3a6f834919b11c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview New tab page 4
* This is the main code for a previous version of the Chrome NTP ("NTP4").
* Some parts of this are still used for the chrome://apps page.
// Use an anonymous function to enable strict mode just for this file (which
// will be concatenated with other files when embedded in Chrome
cr.define('ntp', function() {
'use strict';
* NewTabView instance.
* @type {!Object|undefined}
let newTabView;
* If non-null, an bubble confirming that the user has signed into sync. It
* points at the login status at the top of the page.
* @type {!cr.ui.Bubble|undefined}
let loginBubble;
* true if |loginBubble| should be shown.
* @type {boolean}
let shouldShowLoginBubble = false;
* The time when all sections are ready.
* @type {number|undefined}
* @private
let startTime;
* The number of sections to wait on.
* @type {number}
let sectionsToWaitFor = -1;
* The time in milliseconds for most transitions. This should match what's
* in new_tab.css. Unfortunately there's no better way to try to time
* something to occur until after a transition has completed.
* @type {number}
* @const
* Creates a NewTabView object. NewTabView extends PageListView with
* new tab UI specific logics.
* @constructor
* @extends {ntp.PageListView}
function NewTabView() {
const pageSwitcherStart = /** @type {!ntp.PageSwitcher} */ (
const pageSwitcherEnd = /** @type {!ntp.PageSwitcher} */ (
getRequiredElement('page-list'), getRequiredElement('dot-list'),
getRequiredElement('card-slider-frame'), getRequiredElement('trash'),
pageSwitcherStart, pageSwitcherEnd);
// TODO(dbeam): NewTabView is now the only extender of PageListView; these
// classes should be merged.
NewTabView.prototype = {__proto__: ntp.PageListView.prototype};
* Invoked at startup once the DOM is available to initialize the app.
function onLoad() {
sectionsToWaitFor = 1;
newTabView = new NewTabView();
if (!loadTimeData.getBoolean('showWebStoreIcon')) {
const webStoreIcon = $('chrome-web-store-link');
// Not all versions of the NTP have a footer, so this may not exist.
if (webStoreIcon)
webStoreIcon.hidden = true;
} else {
const webStoreLink = loadTimeData.getString('webStoreLink');
const url =
appendParam(webStoreLink, 'utm_source', 'chrome-ntp-launcher');
$('chrome-web-store-link').href = url;
.addEventListener('auxclick', onChromeWebStoreButtonClick);
.addEventListener('click', onChromeWebStoreButtonClick);
// We need to wait for all the footer menu setup to be completed before
// we can compute its layout.
if (loadTimeData.getString('login_status_message')) {
loginBubble = new cr.ui.Bubble;
loginBubble.anchorNode = $('login-container');
loginBubble.arrowLocation = cr.ui.ArrowLocation.TOP_END;
loginBubble.bubbleAlignment =
loginBubble.deactivateToDismissDelay = 2000;
loginBubble.closeButtonVisible = false;
$('login-status-advanced').onclick = function() {
$('login-status-dismiss').onclick = loginBubble.hide.bind(loginBubble);
const bubbleContent = $('login-status-bubble-contents');
loginBubble.content = bubbleContent;
// The anchor node won't be updated until updateLogin is called so don't
// show the bubble yet.
shouldShowLoginBubble = true;
$('login-container').addEventListener('click', showSyncLoginUI);
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('shouldShowSyncLogin'))
doWhenAllSectionsReady(function() {
// Tell the slider about the pages.
// Mark the current page.
cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(document, 'ntpLoaded', true, true);
startTime =;
* Launches the chrome web store app with the chrome-ntp-launcher
* source.
* @param {Event} e The click/auxclick event.
function onChromeWebStoreButtonClick(e) {
if (e.button > 1)
return; // Ignore buttons other than left and middle.
[encodeURIComponent(this.href), ntp.APP_LAUNCH.NTP_WEBSTORE_FOOTER]);
* Queued callbacks which lie in wait for all sections to be ready.
* @type {Array}
const readyCallbacks = [];
* Fired as each section of pages becomes ready.
document.addEventListener('sectionready', function(e) {
if (--sectionsToWaitFor <= 0) {
while (readyCallbacks.length) {
* This is used to simulate a fire-once event (i.e. $(document).ready() in
* jQuery or Y.on('domready') in YUI. If all sections are ready, the callback
* is fired right away. If all pages are not ready yet, the function is queued
* for later execution.
* @param {Function} callback The work to be done when ready.
function doWhenAllSectionsReady(callback) {
assert(typeof callback == 'function');
if (sectionsToWaitFor > 0)
window.setTimeout(callback, 0); // Do soon after, but asynchronously.
* Measure the width of a nav dot with a given title.
* @param {string} id The loadTimeData ID of the desired title.
* @return {number} The width of the nav dot.
function measureNavDot(id) {
const measuringDiv = $('fontMeasuringDiv');
measuringDiv.textContent = loadTimeData.getString(id);
// The 4 is for border and padding.
return Math.max(measuringDiv.clientWidth * 1.15 + 4, 80);
* Fills in an invisible div with the longest dot title string so that
* its length may be measured and the nav dots sized accordingly.
function measureNavDots() {
const styleElement = document.createElement('style');
styleElement.type = 'text/css';
// max-width is used because if we run out of space, the nav dots will be
// shrunk.
const pxWidth = measureNavDot('appDefaultPageName');
styleElement.textContent = '.dot { max-width: ' + pxWidth + 'px; }';
* Layout the footer so that the nav dots stay centered.
function layoutFooter() {
// We need the image to be loaded.
const logo = $('logo-img');
const logoImg = logo.querySelector('img');
// Only compare the width after the footer image successfully loaded.
if (!logoImg.complete || logoImg.width === 0) {
logoImg.onload = layoutFooter;
const menu = $('footer-menu-container');
if (menu.clientWidth > logoImg.width) = '0 1 ' + menu.clientWidth + 'px';
else = '0 1 ' + logoImg.width + 'px';
* Called when the theme has changed.
* @param {Object=} opt_themeData Not used; only exists to match equivalent
* function in incognito NTP.
function themeChanged(opt_themeData) {
$('themecss').href = 'chrome://theme/css/new_tab_theme.css?' +;
function setBookmarkBarAttached(attached) {
document.documentElement.setAttribute('bookmarkbarattached', attached);
* Set the dominant color for a node. This will be called in response to
* getFaviconDominantColor. The node represented by |id| better have a setter
* for stripeColor.
* @param {string} id The ID of a node.
* @param {string} color The color represented as a CSS string.
function setFaviconDominantColor(id, color) {
const node = $(id);
if (node)
node.stripeColor = color;
* Updates the text displayed in the login container. If there is no text then
* the login container is hidden.
* @param {string} loginHeader The first line of text.
* @param {string} loginSubHeader The second line of text.
* @param {string} iconURL The url for the login status icon. If this is null
then the login status icon is hidden.
* @param {boolean} isUserSignedIn Indicates if the user is signed in or not.
function updateLogin(loginHeader, loginSubHeader, iconURL, isUserSignedIn) {
/** @const */ const showLogin = loginHeader || loginSubHeader;
$('login-container').hidden = !showLogin;
$('login-container').classList.toggle('signed-in', isUserSignedIn);
$('card-slider-frame').classList.toggle('showing-login-area', !!showLogin);
if (showLogin) {
// TODO(dbeam): we should use .textContent instead to mitigate XSS.
$('login-status-header').innerHTML = loginHeader;
$('login-status-sub-header').innerHTML = loginSubHeader;
const headerContainer = $('login-status-header-container');
headerContainer.classList.toggle('login-status-icon', !!iconURL); =
iconURL ? getUrlForCss(iconURL) : 'none';
if (shouldShowLoginBubble) {
window.setTimeout(, 0);
shouldShowLoginBubble = false;
} else if (loginBubble) {
* Show the sync login UI.
* @param {Event} e The click event.
function showSyncLoginUI(e) {
const rect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
'showSyncLoginUI', [rect.left,, rect.width, rect.height]);
* Wrappers to forward the callback to corresponding PageListView member.
* Called by chrome when a new app has been added to chrome or has been
* enabled if previously disabled.
* @param {Object} appData A data structure full of relevant information for
* the app.
* @param {boolean=} opt_highlight Whether the app about to be added should
* be highlighted.
function appAdded(appData, opt_highlight) {
newTabView.appAdded(appData, opt_highlight);
* Called by chrome when an app has changed positions.
* @param {Object} appData The data for the app. This contains page and
* position indices.
function appMoved(appData) {
* Called by chrome when an existing app has been disabled or
* removed/uninstalled from chrome.
* @param {Object} appData A data structure full of relevant information for
* the app.
* @param {boolean} isUninstall True if the app is being uninstalled;
* false if the app is being disabled.
* @param {boolean} fromPage True if the removal was from the current page.
function appRemoved(appData, isUninstall, fromPage) {
newTabView.appRemoved(appData, isUninstall, fromPage);
* Callback invoked by chrome whenever an app preference changes.
* @param {Object} data An object with all the data on available
* applications.
function appsPrefChangeCallback(data) {
* Callback invoked by chrome whenever the app launcher promo pref changes.
* @param {boolean} show Identifies if we should show or hide the promo.
function appLauncherPromoPrefChangeCallback(show) {
* Called whenever tiles should be re-arranging themselves out of the way
* of a moving or insert tile.
function enterRearrangeMode() {
* Callback invoked by chrome with the apps available.
* Note that calls to this function can occur at any time, not just in
* response to a getApps request. For example, when a user
* installs/uninstalls an app on another synchronized devices.
* @param {Object} data An object with all the data on available
* applications.
function getAppsCallback(data) {
* Return the index of the given apps page.
* @param {ntp.AppsPage} page The AppsPage we wish to find.
* @return {number} The index of |page| or -1 if it is not in the collection.
function getAppsPageIndex(page) {
return newTabView.getAppsPageIndex(page);
function getCardSlider() {
return newTabView.cardSlider;
* Invoked whenever some app is released
function leaveRearrangeMode() {
* Save the name of an apps page.
* Store the apps page name into the preferences store.
* @param {ntp.AppsPage} appPage The app page for which we wish to save.
* @param {string} name The name of the page.
function saveAppPageName(appPage, name) {
newTabView.saveAppPageName(appPage, name);
function setAppToBeHighlighted(appId) {
newTabView.highlightAppId = appId;
// Return an object with all the exports
return {
appAdded: appAdded,
appMoved: appMoved,
appRemoved: appRemoved,
appsPrefChangeCallback: appsPrefChangeCallback,
appLauncherPromoPrefChangeCallback: appLauncherPromoPrefChangeCallback,
enterRearrangeMode: enterRearrangeMode,
getAppsCallback: getAppsCallback,
getAppsPageIndex: getAppsPageIndex,
getCardSlider: getCardSlider,
onLoad: onLoad,
leaveRearrangeMode: leaveRearrangeMode,
saveAppPageName: saveAppPageName,
setAppToBeHighlighted: setAppToBeHighlighted,
setBookmarkBarAttached: setBookmarkBarAttached,
setFaviconDominantColor: setFaviconDominantColor,
themeChanged: themeChanged,
updateLogin: updateLogin
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', ntp.onLoad);
const toCssPx = cr.ui.toCssPx;