blob: 6ef335823989feb51d7abe8f95bd14546add2918 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/exo/wayland/server_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/exo/data_offer.h"
#include "ui/display/display.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace exo {
namespace wayland {
namespace {
// A property key containing the surface resource that is associated with
// window. If unset, no surface resource is associated with surface object.
DEFINE_UI_CLASS_PROPERTY_KEY(wl_resource*, kSurfaceResourceKey, nullptr);
// A property key containing the data offer resource that is associated with
// data offer object.
DEFINE_UI_CLASS_PROPERTY_KEY(wl_resource*, kDataOfferResourceKey, nullptr);
} // namespace
uint32_t TimeTicksToMilliseconds(base::TimeTicks ticks) {
return (ticks - base::TimeTicks()).InMilliseconds();
uint32_t NowInMilliseconds() {
return TimeTicksToMilliseconds(base::TimeTicks::Now());
wl_resource* GetSurfaceResource(Surface* surface) {
return surface->GetProperty(kSurfaceResourceKey);
void SetSurfaceResource(Surface* surface, wl_resource* resource) {
surface->SetProperty(kSurfaceResourceKey, resource);
wl_resource* GetDataOfferResource(const DataOffer* data_offer) {
return data_offer->GetProperty(kDataOfferResourceKey);
void SetDataOfferResource(DataOffer* data_offer,
wl_resource* data_offer_resource) {
data_offer->SetProperty(kDataOfferResourceKey, data_offer_resource);
// Scale the |child_bounds| in such a way that if it should fill the
// |parent_size|'s width/height, it returns the |parent_size_in_pixel|'s
// width/height.
gfx::Rect ScaleBoundsToPixelSnappedToParent(
const gfx::Size& parent_size_in_pixel,
const gfx::Size& parent_size,
float device_scale_factor,
const gfx::Rect& child_bounds) {
int right = child_bounds.right();
int bottom = child_bounds.bottom();
int new_x = std::round(child_bounds.x() * device_scale_factor);
int new_y = std::round(child_bounds.y() * device_scale_factor);
int new_right = right == parent_size.width()
? parent_size_in_pixel.width()
: std::round(right * device_scale_factor);
int new_bottom = bottom == parent_size.height()
? parent_size_in_pixel.height()
: std::round(bottom * device_scale_factor);
return gfx::Rect(new_x, new_y, new_right - new_x, new_bottom - new_y);
// Create the insets make sure that work area will be within the chrome's
// work area when converted to the pixel on client side.
// TODO(oshima): We should send these information in pixel so that
// client do not have to convert it back.
gfx::Insets GetAdjustedInsets(const display::Display& display) {
float scale = display.device_scale_factor();
gfx::Size size_in_pixel = display.GetSizeInPixel();
gfx::Rect work_area_in_display = display.work_area();
work_area_in_display.Offset(-display.bounds().x(), -display.bounds().y());
gfx::Rect work_area_in_pixel = ScaleBoundsToPixelSnappedToParent(
size_in_pixel, display.bounds().size(), scale, work_area_in_display);
gfx::Insets insets_in_pixel =
return gfx::Insets(std::ceil( / scale),
std::ceil(insets_in_pixel.left() / scale),
std::ceil(insets_in_pixel.bottom() / scale),
std::ceil(insets_in_pixel.right() / scale));
} // namespace wayland
} // namespace exo