blob: b7ca8e1b6a99325f3e0388461d0b6c08622e238c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <wayland-server-core.h>
#include <wayland-server-protocol-core.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/exo/surface.h"
#include "ui/base/class_property.h"
struct wl_resource;
namespace display {
class Display;
namespace gfx {
class Insets;
class Rect;
class Size;
} // namespace gfx
namespace exo {
class DataOffer;
namespace wayland {
template <class T>
T* GetUserDataAs(wl_resource* resource) {
return static_cast<T*>(wl_resource_get_user_data(resource));
template <class T>
std::unique_ptr<T> TakeUserDataAs(wl_resource* resource) {
std::unique_ptr<T> user_data = base::WrapUnique(GetUserDataAs<T>(resource));
wl_resource_set_user_data(resource, nullptr);
return user_data;
template <class T>
void DestroyUserData(wl_resource* resource) {
template <class T>
void SetImplementation(wl_resource* resource,
const void* implementation,
std::unique_ptr<T> user_data) {
wl_resource_set_implementation(resource, implementation, user_data.release(),
// Convert a timestamp to a time value that can be used when interfacing
// with wayland. Note that we cast a int64_t value to uint32_t which can
// potentially overflow.
uint32_t TimeTicksToMilliseconds(base::TimeTicks ticks);
uint32_t NowInMilliseconds();
wl_resource* GetSurfaceResource(Surface* surface);
void SetSurfaceResource(Surface* surface, wl_resource* resource);
wl_resource* GetDataOfferResource(const DataOffer* data_offer);
void SetDataOfferResource(DataOffer* data_offer,
wl_resource* data_offer_resource);
// Scale the |child_bounds| in such a way that if it should fill the
// |parent_size|'s width/height, it returns the |parent_size_in_pixel|'s
// width/height.
gfx::Rect ScaleBoundsToPixelSnappedToParent(
const gfx::Size& parent_size_in_pixel,
const gfx::Size& parent_size,
float device_scale_factor,
const gfx::Rect& child_bounds);
// Create the insets make sure that work area will be within the chrome's
// work area when converted to the pixel on client side.
// TODO(oshima): We should send these information in pixel so that
// client do not have to convert it back.
gfx::Insets GetAdjustedInsets(const display::Display& display);
} // namespace wayland
} // namespace exo