blob: 21cc4bc4f8584b4a5ce759585dbf65330acf76e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ResourceLoadScheduler_h
#define ResourceLoadScheduler_h
#include <set>
#include "platform/heap/GarbageCollected.h"
#include "platform/heap/HeapAllocator.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/Resource.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/ResourceLoaderOptions.h"
#include "platform/scheduler/public/frame_scheduler.h"
#include "platform/wtf/HashSet.h"
namespace blink {
class FetchContext;
// Client interface to use the throttling/scheduling functionality that
// ResourceLoadScheduler provides.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ResourceLoadSchedulerClient
: public GarbageCollectedMixin {
// Called when the request is granted to run.
virtual void Run() = 0;
void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) override {}
// ResourceLoadScheduler provides a unified per-frame infrastructure to schedule
// loading requests. When Request() is called with a
// ResourceLoadSchedulerClient |client|, it calls |client|'s Run() method
// synchronously or asynchronously to notify that |client| can start loading.
// A ResourceLoadScheduler may initiate a new resource loading in the following
// cases:
// - When Request() is called
// - When LoosenThrottlingPolicy() is called
// - When SetPriority() is called
// - When Release() is called with kReleaseAndSchedule
// - When OnThrottlingStateChanged() is called
// A ResourceLoadScheduler determines if a request can be throttable or not, and
// keeps track of pending throttable requests with priority information (i.e.,
// ResourceLoadPriority accompanied with an integer called "intra-priority").
// Here are the general principles:
// - A ResourceLoadScheduler does not throttle requests that cannot be
// throttable. It will call client's Run() method as soon as possible.
// - A ResourceLoadScheduler determines whether a request can be throttable by
// seeing Request()'s ThrottleOption argument and requests' priority
// information. Requests' priority information can be modified via
// SetPriority().
// - A ResourceLoadScheulder won't initiate a new resource loading which can
// be throttable when there are active resource loading activities more than
// its internal threshold (i.e., what GetOutstandingLimit() returns)".
// By default, ResourceLoadScheduler is disabled, which means it doesn't
// throttle any resource loading requests.
// Here are running experiments (as of M65):
// - "ResourceLoadScheduler"
// - Resource loading requests are not at throttled when the frame is in
// the foreground tab.
// - Resource loading requests are throttled when the frame is in a
// background tab. It has different thresholds for the main frame
// and sub frames. When the frame has been background for more than five
// minutes, all throttable resource loading requests are throttled
// indefinitely (i.e., threshold is zero in such a circumstance).
// - RendererSideResourceScheduler
// ResourceLoadScheduler has two modes each of which has its own threshold.
// - Tight mode (used until the frame sees a <body> element):
// ResourceLoadScheduler considers a request throttable if its priority
// is less than |kHigh|.
// - Normal mode:
// ResourceLoadScheduler considers a request throttable if its priority
// is less than |kMedium|.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT ResourceLoadScheduler final
: public GarbageCollectedFinalized<ResourceLoadScheduler>,
public FrameScheduler::Observer {
// An option to use in calling Request(). If kCanNotBeThrottled is specified,
// the request should be granted and Run() should be called synchronously.
// Otherwise, OnRequestGranted() could be called later when other outstanding
// requests are finished.
enum class ThrottleOption { kCanBeThrottled, kCanNotBeThrottled };
// An option to use in calling Release(). If kReleaseOnly is specified,
// the specified request should be released, but no other requests should
// be scheduled within the call.
enum class ReleaseOption { kReleaseOnly, kReleaseAndSchedule };
// A class to pass traffic report hints on calling Release().
class TrafficReportHints {
// |encoded_data_length| is payload size in bytes sent over the network.
// |decoded_body_length| is received resource data size in bytes.
TrafficReportHints(int64_t encoded_data_length, int64_t decoded_body_length)
: valid_(true),
decoded_body_length_(decoded_body_length) {}
// Returns the instance that represents an invalid report, which can be
// used when a caller don't want to report traffic, i.e. on a failure.
static PLATFORM_EXPORT TrafficReportHints InvalidInstance() {
return TrafficReportHints();
bool IsValid() const { return valid_; }
int64_t encoded_data_length() const {
return encoded_data_length_;
int64_t decoded_body_length() const {
return decoded_body_length_;
// Default constructor makes an invalid instance that won't be recorded.
TrafficReportHints() = default;
bool valid_ = false;
int64_t encoded_data_length_ = 0;
int64_t decoded_body_length_ = 0;
// ResourceLoadScheduler has two policies: |kTight| and |kNormal|. Currently
// this is used to support aggressive throttling while the corresponding frame
// is in layout-blocking phase. There is only one state transition,
// |kTight| => |kNormal|, which is done by |LoosenThrottlingPolicy|.
enum class ThrottlingPolicy { kTight, kNormal };
// Returned on Request(). Caller should need to return it via Release().
using ClientId = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClientId kInvalidClientId = 0u;
static constexpr size_t kOutstandingUnlimited =
static ResourceLoadScheduler* Create(FetchContext* = nullptr);
void Trace(blink::Visitor*);
// Changes the policy from |kTight| to |kNormal|. This function can be called
// multiple times, and does nothing when the scheduler is already working with
// the normal policy. This function may initiate a new resource loading.
void LoosenThrottlingPolicy();
// Stops all operations including observing throttling signals.
// ResourceLoadSchedulerClient::Run() will not be called once this method is
// called. This method can be called multiple times safely.
void Shutdown();
// Makes a request. This may synchronously call
// ResourceLoadSchedulerClient::Run(), but it is guaranteed that ClientId is
// populated before ResourceLoadSchedulerClient::Run() is called, so that the
// caller can call Release() with the assigned ClientId correctly.
void Request(ResourceLoadSchedulerClient*,
int intra_priority,
// Updates the priority information of the given client. This function may
// initiate a new resource loading.
void SetPriority(ClientId, ResourceLoadPriority, int intra_priority);
// ResourceLoadSchedulerClient should call this method when the loading is
// finished, or canceled. This method can be called in a pre-finalization
// step, bug the ReleaseOption must be kReleaseOnly in such a case.
// TrafficReportHints is for reporting histograms.
// TrafficReportHints::InvalidInstance() can be used to omit reporting.
bool Release(ClientId, ReleaseOption, const TrafficReportHints&);
// Checks if the specified client was already scheduled to call Run(), but
// haven't call Release() yet.
bool IsRunning(ClientId id) { return running_requests_.Contains(id); }
// Sets outstanding limit for testing.
void SetOutstandingLimitForTesting(size_t limit) {
SetOutstandingLimitForTesting(limit, limit);
void SetOutstandingLimitForTesting(size_t tight_limit, size_t normal_limit);
void OnNetworkQuiet();
// Returns whether we can throttle a request with the given priority.
// This function returns false when RendererSideResourceScheduler is disabled.
bool IsThrottablePriority(ResourceLoadPriority) const;
// FrameScheduler::Observer overrides:
void OnThrottlingStateChanged(FrameScheduler::ThrottlingState) override;
class TrafficMonitor;
class ClientIdWithPriority {
struct Compare {
bool operator()(const ClientIdWithPriority& x,
const ClientIdWithPriority& y) const {
if (x.priority != y.priority)
return x.priority > y.priority;
if (x.intra_priority != y.intra_priority)
return x.intra_priority > y.intra_priority;
return x.client_id < y.client_id;
ClientIdWithPriority(ClientId client_id,
WebURLRequest::Priority priority,
int intra_priority)
: client_id(client_id),
intra_priority(intra_priority) {}
const ClientId client_id;
const WebURLRequest::Priority priority;
const int intra_priority;
struct ClientWithPriority : public GarbageCollected<ClientWithPriority> {
ClientWithPriority(ResourceLoadSchedulerClient* client,
ResourceLoadPriority priority,
int intra_priority)
: client(client), priority(priority), intra_priority(intra_priority) {}
void Trace(blink::Visitor* visitor) { visitor->Trace(client); }
Member<ResourceLoadSchedulerClient> client;
ResourceLoadPriority priority;
int intra_priority;
// Generates the next ClientId.
ClientId GenerateClientId();
// Picks up one client if there is a budget and route it to run.
void MaybeRun();
// Grants a client to run,
void Run(ClientId, ResourceLoadSchedulerClient*, bool throttlable);
size_t GetOutstandingLimit() const;
// A flag to indicate an internal running state.
// TODO(toyoshim): We may want to use enum once we start to have more states.
bool is_shutdown_ = false;
// A mutable flag to indicate if the throttling and scheduling are enabled.
// Can be modified by field trial flags or for testing.
bool is_enabled_ = false;
ThrottlingPolicy policy_ = ThrottlingPolicy::kNormal;
// ResourceLoadScheduler threshold values for various circumstances. Some
// conditions can overlap, and ResourceLoadScheduler chooses the smallest
// value in such cases.
// Used when |policy_| is |kTight|.
size_t tight_outstanding_limit_ = kOutstandingUnlimited;
// Used when |policy_| is |kNormal|.
size_t normal_outstanding_limit_ = kOutstandingUnlimited;
// Used when |frame_scheduler_throttling_state_| is |kThrottled|.
const size_t outstanding_limit_for_throttled_frame_scheduler_;
// The last used ClientId to calculate the next.
ClientId current_id_ = kInvalidClientId;
// Holds clients that were granted and are running.
HashSet<ClientId> running_requests_;
HashSet<ClientId> running_throttlable_requests_;
// Largest number of running requests seen so far.
unsigned maximum_running_requests_seen_ = 0;
enum class ThrottlingHistory {
ThrottlingHistory throttling_history_ = ThrottlingHistory::kInitial;
FrameScheduler::ThrottlingState frame_scheduler_throttling_state_ =
// Holds clients that haven't been granted, and are waiting for a grant.
HeapHashMap<ClientId, Member<ClientWithPriority>> pending_request_map_;
// We use std::set here because WTF doesn't have its counterpart.
std::set<ClientIdWithPriority, ClientIdWithPriority::Compare>
// Holds an internal class instance to monitor and report traffic.
std::unique_ptr<TrafficMonitor> traffic_monitor_;
// Holds FetchContext reference to contact FrameScheduler.
Member<FetchContext> context_;
// Handle to throttling observer.
} // namespace blink