blob: 6c692aadbd90cb47ece9d1114c0d37555a5877af [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 1998 Lars Knoll (
Copyright (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller <>
Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig (
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef RawResource_h
#define RawResource_h
#include <memory>
#include "platform/PlatformExport.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/Resource.h"
#include "platform/loader/fetch/ResourceClient.h"
#include "platform/wtf/WeakPtr.h"
#include "public/platform/WebDataConsumerHandle.h"
namespace blink {
class FetchParameters;
class RawResourceClient;
class ResourceFetcher;
class SubstituteData;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT RawResource final : public Resource {
using ClientType = RawResourceClient;
static RawResource* FetchSynchronously(FetchParameters&, ResourceFetcher*);
static RawResource* Fetch(FetchParameters&, ResourceFetcher*);
static RawResource* FetchMainResource(FetchParameters&,
const SubstituteData&);
static RawResource* FetchImport(FetchParameters&, ResourceFetcher*);
static RawResource* FetchMedia(FetchParameters&, ResourceFetcher*);
static RawResource* FetchTextTrack(FetchParameters&, ResourceFetcher*);
static RawResource* FetchManifest(FetchParameters&, ResourceFetcher*);
// Exposed for testing
static RawResource* Create(const ResourceRequest& request, Type type) {
return new RawResource(request, type, ResourceLoaderOptions());
// FIXME: AssociatedURLLoader shouldn't be a DocumentThreadableLoader and
// therefore shouldn't use RawResource. However, it is, and it needs to be
// able to defer loading. This can be fixed by splitting CORS preflighting out
// of DocumentThreadableLoader.
void SetDefersLoading(bool);
// Resource implementation
bool CanReuse(const FetchParameters&) const override;
bool WillFollowRedirect(const ResourceRequest&,
const ResourceResponse&) override;
class RawResourceFactory : public ResourceFactory {
explicit RawResourceFactory(Resource::Type type) : ResourceFactory(type) {}
Resource* Create(const ResourceRequest& request,
const ResourceLoaderOptions& options,
const String& charset) const override {
return new RawResource(request, type_, options);
RawResource(const ResourceRequest&, Type, const ResourceLoaderOptions&);
// Resource implementation
void DidAddClient(ResourceClient*) override;
void AppendData(const char*, size_t) override;
bool ShouldIgnoreHTTPStatusCodeErrors() const override {
return !IsLinkPreload();
void WillNotFollowRedirect() override;
void ResponseReceived(const ResourceResponse&,
std::unique_ptr<WebDataConsumerHandle>) override;
void SetSerializedCachedMetadata(const char*, size_t) override;
void DidSendData(unsigned long long bytes_sent,
unsigned long long total_bytes_to_be_sent) override;
void DidDownloadData(int) override;
void ReportResourceTimingToClients(const ResourceTimingInfo&) override;
// TODO(yhirano): Recover #if ENABLE(SECURITY_ASSERT) when we stop adding
// RawResources to MemoryCache.
inline bool IsRawResource(const Resource& resource) {
Resource::Type type = resource.GetType();
return type == Resource::kMainResource || type == Resource::kRaw ||
type == Resource::kTextTrack || type == Resource::kMedia ||
type == Resource::kManifest || type == Resource::kImportResource;
inline RawResource* ToRawResource(Resource* resource) {
SECURITY_DCHECK(!resource || IsRawResource(*resource));
return static_cast<RawResource*>(resource);
class PLATFORM_EXPORT RawResourceClient : public ResourceClient {
static bool IsExpectedType(ResourceClient* client) {
return client->GetResourceClientType() == kRawResourceType;
ResourceClientType GetResourceClientType() const final {
return kRawResourceType;
// The order of the callbacks is as follows:
// [Case 1] A successful load:
// 0+ redirectReceived() and/or dataSent()
// 1 responseReceived()
// 0-1 setSerializedCachedMetadata()
// 0+ dataReceived() or dataDownloaded(), but never both
// 1 notifyFinished() with errorOccurred() = false
// [Case 2] When redirect is blocked:
// 0+ redirectReceived() and/or dataSent()
// 1 redirectBlocked()
// 1 notifyFinished() with errorOccurred() = true
// [Case 3] Other failures:
// notifyFinished() with errorOccurred() = true is called at any time
// (unless notifyFinished() is already called).
// In all cases:
// No callbacks are made after notifyFinished() or
// removeClient() is called.
virtual void DataSent(Resource*,
unsigned long long /* bytesSent */,
unsigned long long /* totalBytesToBeSent */) {}
virtual void ResponseReceived(Resource*,
const ResourceResponse&,
std::unique_ptr<WebDataConsumerHandle>) {}
virtual void SetSerializedCachedMetadata(Resource*, const char*, size_t) {}
virtual void DataReceived(Resource*,
const char* /* data */,
size_t /* length */) {}
virtual bool RedirectReceived(Resource*,
const ResourceRequest&,
const ResourceResponse&) {
return true;
virtual void RedirectBlocked() {}
virtual void DataDownloaded(Resource*, int) {}
virtual void DidReceiveResourceTiming(Resource*, const ResourceTimingInfo&) {}
// Checks the sequence of callbacks of RawResourceClient. This can be used only
// when a RawResourceClient is added as a client to at most one RawResource.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT RawResourceClientStateChecker final {
// Call before addClient()/removeClient() is called.
void WillAddClient();
void WillRemoveClient();
// Call RawResourceClientStateChecker::f() at the beginning of
// RawResourceClient::f().
void RedirectReceived();
void RedirectBlocked();
void DataSent();
void ResponseReceived();
void SetSerializedCachedMetadata();
void DataReceived();
void DataDownloaded();
void NotifyFinished(Resource*);
enum State {
State state_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // RawResource_h