blob: fdacda6a3c82f946abf28075e151b62ef11997fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <EarlGrey/EarlGrey.h>
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace chrome_test_util {
// TODO( Evaluate if this can move to shared code.
// Execute |javascript| on current web state, and wait for either the completion
// of execution or timeout. If |out_error| is not nil, it is set to the
// error resulting from the execution, if one occurs. The return value is the
// result of the JavaScript execution. If the request is timed out, then nil is
// returned.
// TODO( Remove __unsafe_unretained once all callers are
// converted to ARC.
id ExecuteJavaScript(NSString* javascript,
NSError* __unsafe_unretained* out_error);
} // namespace chrome_test_util
// Test methods that perform actions on Chrome. These methods may read or alter
// Chrome's internal state programmatically or via the UI, but in both cases
// will properly synchronize the UI for Earl Grey tests.
@interface ChromeEarlGrey : NSObject
#pragma mark - History Utilities
// Clears browsing history.
+ (void)clearBrowsingHistory;
#pragma mark - Navigation Utilities
// Loads |URL| in the current WebState with transition of type
// ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED, and waits for the page to complete loading, or
// a timeout.
+ (void)loadURL:(GURL)URL;
// Waits for the page to finish loading or a timeout.
+ (void)waitForPageToFinishLoading;
// Taps html element with |elementID| in the current web view.
+ (void)tapWebViewElementWithID:(NSString*)elementID;