blob: 955ee09399a362f1d8cb7209e71d9ac1cd26479d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Base class for browser tests for Switch Access.
* @constructor
function SwitchAccessE2ETest() {
this.callbackHelper_ = new CallbackHelper(this);
SwitchAccessE2ETest.prototype = {
__proto__: testing.Test.prototype,
* @override
* No UI in the background context.
runAccessibilityChecks: false,
/** @override */
isAsync: true,
/** @override */
browsePreload: null,
/** @override */
testGenCppIncludes: function() {
GEN_BLOCK(function() { /*!
#include "ash/accessibility/accessibility_delegate.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/accessibility/accessibility_manager.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_constants.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/accessibility_switches.h"
#include "ui/keyboard/keyboard_util.h"
*/ });
/** @override */
testGenPreamble: function() {
GEN_BLOCK(function() { /*!
base::Closure load_cb =
WaitForExtension(extension_misc::kSwitchAccessExtensionId, load_cb);
*/ });
* Creates a callback that optionally calls {@code opt_callback} when
* called. If this method is called one or more times, then
* {@code testDone()} will be called when all callbacks have been called.
* @param {Function=} opt_callback Wrapped callback that will have its this
* reference bound to the test fixture.
* @return {Function}
newCallback: function(opt_callback) {
return this.callbackHelper_.wrap(opt_callback);
* From chromevox_next_e2e_test_base.js
* Gets the desktop from the automation API and Launches a new tab with
* the given document, and runs |callback| with the desktop when a load
* complete fires on the created tab.
* Arranges to call |testDone()| after |callback| returns.
* NOTE: Callbacks created inside |callback| must be wrapped with
* |this.newCallback| if passed to asynchonous calls. Otherwise, the test
* will be finished prematurely.
* @param {string} url Url to load and wait for.
* @param {function(chrome.automation.AutomationNode)} callback Called with
* the desktop node once the document is ready.
runWithLoadedTree: function(url, callback) {
callback = this.newCallback(callback);
chrome.automation.getDesktop(function(desktopRootNode) {
var createParams = {active: true, url: url};
chrome.tabs.create(createParams, function(unused_tab) {
chrome.automation.getTree(function(returnedRootNode) {
rootNode = returnedRootNode;
if (rootNode.docLoaded) {
callback && callback(desktopRootNode);
callback = null;
rootNode.addEventListener('loadComplete', function(evt) {
if ( != url)
callback && callback(desktopRootNode);
callback = null;