blob: b12457a3afdb14a0dea7a1423469bbf89c2f9cc7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
class ProjectConfig(object):
"""Contains information about the benchmark runtime environment.
top_level_dir: A dir that contains benchmark, page test, and/or story
set dirs and associated artifacts.
benchmark_dirs: A list of dirs containing benchmarks.
benchmark_aliases: A dict of name:alias string pairs to be matched against
exactly during benchmark selection.
client_configs: A list of paths to a ProjectDependencies json files.
default_chrome_root: A path to chromium source directory. Many telemetry
features depend on chromium source tree's presence and those won't work
in case this is not specified.
expectations_file: A path to expectations file.
def __init__(self, top_level_dir, benchmark_dirs=None,
benchmark_aliases=None, client_configs=None,
default_chrome_root=None, expectations_file=None,
expectations_files = expectations_file or expectations_files
self._top_level_dir = top_level_dir
self._benchmark_dirs = benchmark_dirs or []
self._benchmark_aliases = benchmark_aliases or dict()
self._client_configs = client_configs or []
self._default_chrome_root = default_chrome_root
self._expectations_files = expectations_files or []
def top_level_dir(self):
return self._top_level_dir
def start_dirs(self):
return self._benchmark_dirs
def benchmark_dirs(self):
return self._benchmark_dirs
def benchmark_aliases(self):
return self._benchmark_aliases
def client_configs(self):
return self._client_configs
def default_chrome_root(self):
return self._default_chrome_root
def expectations_files(self):
return self._expectations_files