blob: 3516911bf5b54153710f71cc0c733f92509ec2b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @constructor
* @param {string} content
WebInspector.AcornTokenizer = function(content)
this._content = content;
this._comments = [];
this._tokenizer = acorn.tokenizer(this._content, { ecmaVersion: 6, onComment: this._comments });
this._lineEndings = this._content.lineEndings();
this._lineNumber = 0;
this._tokenLineStart = 0;
this._tokenLineEnd = 0;
* @param {!Acorn.TokenOrComment} token
* @param {string=} values
* @return {boolean}
WebInspector.AcornTokenizer.punctuator = function(token, values)
return token.type !== acorn.tokTypes.num &&
token.type !== acorn.tokTypes.regexp &&
token.type !== acorn.tokTypes.string &&
token.type !== &&
!token.type.keyword &&
(!values || (token.type.label.length === 1 && values.indexOf(token.type.label) !== -1));
* @param {!Acorn.TokenOrComment} token
* @param {string=} keyword
* @return {boolean}
WebInspector.AcornTokenizer.keyword = function(token, keyword)
return !!token.type.keyword && token.type !== acorn.tokTypes._true && token.type !== acorn.tokTypes._false &&
(!keyword || token.type.keyword === keyword);
* @param {!Acorn.TokenOrComment} token
* @param {string=} identifier
* @return {boolean}
WebInspector.AcornTokenizer.identifier = function(token, identifier)
return token.type === && (!identifier || token.value === identifier);
* @param {!Acorn.TokenOrComment} token
* @return {boolean}
WebInspector.AcornTokenizer.lineComment = function(token)
return token.type === "Line";
* @param {!Acorn.TokenOrComment} token
* @return {boolean}
WebInspector.AcornTokenizer.blockComment = function(token)
return token.type === "Block";
WebInspector.AcornTokenizer.prototype = {
* @return {!Acorn.TokenOrComment}
_nextTokenInternal: function()
if (this._comments.length)
return this._comments.shift();
var token = this._bufferedToken;
this._bufferedToken = this._tokenizer.getToken();
return token;
* @param {number} position
* @return {number}
_rollLineNumberToPosition: function(position)
while (this._lineNumber + 1 < this._lineEndings.length && position > this._lineEndings[this._lineNumber])
return this._lineNumber;
* @return {?Acorn.TokenOrComment}
nextToken: function()
var token = this._nextTokenInternal();
if (token.type === acorn.tokTypes.eof)
return null;
this._tokenLineStart = this._rollLineNumberToPosition(token.start);
this._tokenLineEnd = this._rollLineNumberToPosition(token.end);
this._tokenColumnStart = this._tokenLineStart > 0 ? token.start - this._lineEndings[this._tokenLineStart - 1] - 1 : token.start;
return token;
* @return {?Acorn.TokenOrComment}
peekToken: function()
if (this._comments.length)
return this._comments[0];
return this._bufferedToken.type !== acorn.tokTypes.eof ? this._bufferedToken : null;
* @return {number}
tokenLineStart: function()
return this._tokenLineStart;
* @return {number}
tokenLineEnd: function()
return this._tokenLineEnd;
* @return {number}
tokenColumnStart: function()
return this._tokenColumnStart;