blob: 209c675cf33455b896ed1e8ba11d0e09eb68a670 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 Brent Fulgham
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "platform/fonts/FontPlatformData.h"
#include "SkTypeface.h"
#include "hb-ot.h"
#include "hb.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontCache.h"
#include "platform/fonts/shaping/HarfBuzzFace.h"
#include "platform/text/Character.h"
#include "wtf/ByteSwap.h"
#include "wtf/HashMap.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringHash.h"
#include "wtf/text/WTFString.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/ports/SkTypeface_mac.h"
using namespace std;
namespace blink {
: m_typeface(nullptr)
#if !OS(WIN)
, m_family(CString())
, m_textSize(0)
, m_syntheticBold(false)
, m_syntheticItalic(false)
, m_orientation(FontOrientation::Horizontal)
, m_style(FontRenderStyle())
, m_isHashTableDeletedValue(true)
#if OS(WIN)
, m_paintTextFlags(0)
, m_minSizeForAntiAlias(0)
, m_minSizeForSubpixel(0)
: m_typeface(nullptr)
#if !OS(WIN)
, m_family(CString())
, m_textSize(0)
, m_syntheticBold(false)
, m_syntheticItalic(false)
, m_orientation(FontOrientation::Horizontal)
, m_style(FontRenderStyle())
, m_isHashTableDeletedValue(false)
#if OS(WIN)
, m_paintTextFlags(0)
, m_minSizeForAntiAlias(0)
, m_minSizeForSubpixel(0)
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(float size, bool syntheticBold, bool syntheticItalic, FontOrientation orientation)
: m_typeface(nullptr)
#if !OS(WIN)
, m_family(CString())
, m_textSize(size)
, m_syntheticBold(syntheticBold)
, m_syntheticItalic(syntheticItalic)
, m_orientation(orientation)
, m_style(FontRenderStyle())
, m_isHashTableDeletedValue(false)
#if OS(WIN)
, m_paintTextFlags(0)
, m_minSizeForAntiAlias(0)
, m_minSizeForSubpixel(0)
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontPlatformData& source)
: m_typeface(source.m_typeface)
#if !OS(WIN)
, m_family(source.m_family)
, m_textSize(source.m_textSize)
, m_syntheticBold(source.m_syntheticBold)
, m_syntheticItalic(source.m_syntheticItalic)
, m_orientation(source.m_orientation)
, m_style(source.m_style)
, m_harfBuzzFace(nullptr)
, m_isHashTableDeletedValue(false)
#if OS(WIN)
, m_paintTextFlags(source.m_paintTextFlags)
, m_minSizeForAntiAlias(source.m_minSizeForAntiAlias)
, m_minSizeForSubpixel(source.m_minSizeForSubpixel)
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontPlatformData& src, float textSize)
: m_typeface(src.m_typeface)
#if !OS(WIN)
, m_family(src.m_family)
, m_textSize(textSize)
, m_syntheticBold(src.m_syntheticBold)
, m_syntheticItalic(src.m_syntheticItalic)
, m_orientation(src.m_orientation)
, m_style(src.m_style)
, m_harfBuzzFace(nullptr)
, m_isHashTableDeletedValue(false)
#if OS(WIN)
, m_paintTextFlags(src.m_paintTextFlags)
, m_minSizeForAntiAlias(src.m_minSizeForAntiAlias)
, m_minSizeForSubpixel(src.m_minSizeForSubpixel)
FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(PassRefPtr<SkTypeface> tf,
const char* family, float textSize, bool syntheticBold,
bool syntheticItalic, FontOrientation orientation)
: m_typeface(tf)
#if !OS(WIN)
, m_family(family)
, m_textSize(textSize)
, m_syntheticBold(syntheticBold)
, m_syntheticItalic(syntheticItalic)
, m_orientation(orientation)
, m_isHashTableDeletedValue(false)
#if OS(WIN)
, m_paintTextFlags(0)
, m_minSizeForAntiAlias(0)
, m_minSizeForSubpixel(0)
CTFontRef FontPlatformData::ctFont() const
return SkTypeface_GetCTFontRef(m_typeface.get());
CGFontRef FontPlatformData::cgFont() const
return CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(ctFont(), 0);
const FontPlatformData& FontPlatformData::operator=(const FontPlatformData& other)
// Check for self-assignment.
if (this == &other)
return *this;
m_typeface = other.m_typeface;
#if !OS(WIN)
m_family = other.m_family;
m_textSize = other.m_textSize;
m_syntheticBold = other.m_syntheticBold;
m_syntheticItalic = other.m_syntheticItalic;
m_harfBuzzFace = nullptr;
m_orientation = other.m_orientation;
m_style = other.m_style;
#if OS(WIN)
m_paintTextFlags = 0;
m_minSizeForAntiAlias = other.m_minSizeForAntiAlias;
m_minSizeForSubpixel = other.m_minSizeForSubpixel;
return *this;
bool FontPlatformData::operator==(const FontPlatformData& a) const
// If either of the typeface pointers are null then we test for pointer
// equality. Otherwise, we call SkTypeface::Equal on the valid pointers.
bool typefacesEqual = false;
if (!typeface() || !a.typeface())
typefacesEqual = typeface() == a.typeface();
typefacesEqual = SkTypeface::Equal(typeface(), a.typeface());
return typefacesEqual
&& m_textSize == a.m_textSize
&& m_isHashTableDeletedValue == a.m_isHashTableDeletedValue
&& m_syntheticBold == a.m_syntheticBold
&& m_syntheticItalic == a.m_syntheticItalic
&& m_style == a.m_style
&& m_orientation == a.m_orientation;
SkFontID FontPlatformData::uniqueID() const
return typeface()->uniqueID();
String FontPlatformData::fontFamilyName() const
SkTypeface::LocalizedStrings* fontFamilyIterator = this->typeface()->createFamilyNameIterator();
SkTypeface::LocalizedString localizedString;
while (fontFamilyIterator->next(&localizedString) && !localizedString.fString.size()) { }
return String(localizedString.fString.c_str());
SkTypeface* FontPlatformData::typeface() const
return m_typeface.get();
HarfBuzzFace* FontPlatformData::harfBuzzFace() const
if (!m_harfBuzzFace)
m_harfBuzzFace = HarfBuzzFace::create(const_cast<FontPlatformData*>(this), uniqueID());
return m_harfBuzzFace.get();
static inline bool tableHasSpace(hb_face_t* face, hb_set_t* glyphs,
hb_tag_t tag, hb_codepoint_t space)
unsigned count = hb_ot_layout_table_get_lookup_count(face, tag);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; i++) {
hb_ot_layout_lookup_collect_glyphs(face, tag, i, glyphs, glyphs, glyphs,
if (hb_set_has(glyphs, space))
return true;
return false;
bool FontPlatformData::hasSpaceInLigaturesOrKerning(
TypesettingFeatures features) const
const HarfBuzzFace* hbFace = harfBuzzFace();
if (!hbFace)
return false;
hb_face_t* face = hbFace->face();
OwnPtr<hb_font_t> font = adoptPtr(hbFace->createFont());
hb_codepoint_t space;
// If the space glyph isn't present in the font then each space character
// will be rendering using a fallback font, which grantees that it cannot
// affect the shape of the preceding word.
if (!hb_font_get_glyph(font.get(), spaceCharacter, 0, &space))
return false;
if (!hb_ot_layout_has_substitution(face)
&& !hb_ot_layout_has_positioning(face)) {
return false;
bool foundSpaceInTable = false;
hb_set_t* glyphs = hb_set_create();
if (features & Kerning)
foundSpaceInTable = tableHasSpace(face, glyphs, HB_OT_TAG_GPOS, space);
if (!foundSpaceInTable && (features & Ligatures))
foundSpaceInTable = tableHasSpace(face, glyphs, HB_OT_TAG_GSUB, space);
return foundSpaceInTable;
unsigned FontPlatformData::hash() const
unsigned h = SkTypeface::UniqueID(typeface());
h ^= 0x01010101 * ((static_cast<int>(m_isHashTableDeletedValue) << 3) | (static_cast<int>(m_orientation) << 2) | (static_cast<int>(m_syntheticBold) << 1) | static_cast<int>(m_syntheticItalic));
// This memcpy is to avoid a reinterpret_cast that breaks strict-aliasing
// rules. Memcpy is generally optimized enough so that performance doesn't
// matter here.
uint32_t textSizeBytes;
memcpy(&textSizeBytes, &m_textSize, sizeof(uint32_t));
h ^= textSizeBytes;
return h;
bool FontPlatformData::fontContainsCharacter(UChar32 character)
SkPaint paint;
uint16_t glyph;
paint.textToGlyphs(&character, sizeof(character), &glyph);
return glyph;
PassRefPtr<OpenTypeVerticalData> FontPlatformData::verticalData() const
return FontCache::fontCache()->getVerticalData(typeface()->uniqueID(), *this);
PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> FontPlatformData::openTypeTable(SkFontTableTag tag) const
RefPtr<SharedBuffer> buffer;
const size_t tableSize = m_typeface->getTableSize(tag);
if (tableSize) {
Vector<char> tableBuffer(tableSize);
m_typeface->getTableData(tag, 0, tableSize, &tableBuffer[0]);
buffer = SharedBuffer::adoptVector(tableBuffer);
return buffer.release();
} // namespace blink