blob: 7d6192b934dfd409ad6f8ba51f48678545de8d27 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* A container object for passing navigation parameters to {@link ExternalNavigationHandler}.
public class ExternalNavigationParams {
/** The URL which we are navigating to. */
private final String mUrl;
/** Whether we are currently in an incognito context. */
private final boolean mIsIncognito;
/** The referrer URL for the current navigation. */
private final String mReferrerUrl;
/** The page transition type for the current navigation. */
private final int mPageTransition;
/** Whether the current navigation is a redirect. */
private final boolean mIsRedirect;
/** Whether Chrome has to be in foreground for external navigation to occur. */
private final boolean mApplicationMustBeInForeground;
/** A redirect handler. */
private final TabRedirectHandler mRedirectHandler;
private final Tab mTab;
/** Whether the intent should force a new tab to open. */
private final boolean mOpenInNewTab;
/** Whether this navigation happens in background tab. */
private final boolean mIsBackgroundTabNavigation;
/** Whether this navigation happens in main frame. */
private final boolean mIsMainFrame;
* The package name of the WebAPK that the navigation happens in. Null if the navigation is not
* happening in a WebAPK.
private final String mWebApkPackageName;
/** Whether this navigation is launched by user gesture. */
private final boolean mHasUserGesture;
* Whether the current tab should be closed when an URL load was overridden and an
* intent launched.
private final boolean mShouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent;
private ExternalNavigationParams(String url, boolean isIncognito, String referrerUrl,
int pageTransition, boolean isRedirect, boolean appMustBeInForeground,
TabRedirectHandler redirectHandler, Tab tab, boolean openInNewTab,
boolean isBackgroundTabNavigation, boolean isMainFrame, String webApkPackageName,
boolean hasUserGesture,
boolean shouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent) {
mUrl = url;
mIsIncognito = isIncognito;
mPageTransition = pageTransition;
mReferrerUrl = referrerUrl;
mIsRedirect = isRedirect;
mApplicationMustBeInForeground = appMustBeInForeground;
mRedirectHandler = redirectHandler;
mTab = tab;
mOpenInNewTab = openInNewTab;
mIsBackgroundTabNavigation = isBackgroundTabNavigation;
mIsMainFrame = isMainFrame;
mWebApkPackageName = webApkPackageName;
mHasUserGesture = hasUserGesture;
mShouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent =
/** @return The URL to potentially open externally. */
public String getUrl() {
return mUrl;
/** @return Whether we are currently in incognito mode. */
public boolean isIncognito() {
return mIsIncognito;
/** @return The referrer URL. */
public String getReferrerUrl() {
return mReferrerUrl;
/** @return The page transition for the current navigation. */
public int getPageTransition() {
return mPageTransition;
/** @return Whether the navigation is part of a redirect. */
public boolean isRedirect() {
return mIsRedirect;
/** @return Whether the application has to be in foreground to open the URL. */
public boolean isApplicationMustBeInForeground() {
return mApplicationMustBeInForeground;
/** @return The redirect handler. */
public TabRedirectHandler getRedirectHandler() {
return mRedirectHandler;
/** @return The current tab. */
public Tab getTab() {
return mTab;
* @return Whether the external navigation should be opened in a new tab if handled by Chrome
* through the intent picker.
public boolean isOpenInNewTab() {
return mOpenInNewTab;
/** @return Whether this navigation happens in background tab. */
public boolean isBackgroundTabNavigation() {
return mIsBackgroundTabNavigation;
/** @return Whether this navigation happens in main frame. */
public boolean isMainFrame() {
return mIsMainFrame;
* @return Package name of the WebAPK that the navigation happens in. Null if the navigation is
* not happening in a WebAPK.
public String webApkPackageName() {
return mWebApkPackageName;
/** @return Whether this navigation is launched by user gesture. */
public boolean hasUserGesture() {
return mHasUserGesture;
* @return Whether the current tab should be closed when an URL load was overridden and an
* intent launched.
public boolean shouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent() {
return mShouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent;
/** The builder for {@link ExternalNavigationParams} objects. */
public static class Builder {
/** The URL which we are navigating to. */
private String mUrl;
/** Whether we are currently in an incognito context. */
private boolean mIsIncognito;
/** The referrer URL for the current navigation. */
private String mReferrerUrl;
/** The page transition type for the current navigation. */
private int mPageTransition;
/** Whether the current navigation is a redirect. */
private boolean mIsRedirect;
/** Whether Chrome has to be in foreground for external navigation to occur. */
private boolean mApplicationMustBeInForeground;
/** A redirect handler. */
private TabRedirectHandler mRedirectHandler;
private Tab mTab;
/** Whether the intent should force a new tab to open. */
private boolean mOpenInNewTab;
/** Whether this navigation happens in background tab. */
private boolean mIsBackgroundTabNavigation;
/** Whether this navigation happens in main frame. */
private boolean mIsMainFrame;
* The package name of the WebAPK that the navigation happens in. Null if the navigation is
* not happening in a WebAPK.
private String mWebApkPackageName;
/** Whether this navigation is launched by user gesture. */
private boolean mHasUserGesture;
* Whether the current tab should be closed when an URL load was overridden and an
* intent launched.
private boolean mShouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent;
public Builder(String url, boolean isIncognito) {
mUrl = url;
mIsIncognito = isIncognito;
public Builder(String url, boolean isIncognito, String referrer, int pageTransition,
boolean isRedirect) {
mUrl = url;
mIsIncognito = isIncognito;
mReferrerUrl = referrer;
mPageTransition = pageTransition;
mIsRedirect = isRedirect;
/** Specify whether the application must be in foreground to launch an external intent. */
public Builder setApplicationMustBeInForeground(boolean v) {
mApplicationMustBeInForeground = v;
return this;
/** Sets a tab redirect handler. */
public Builder setRedirectHandler(TabRedirectHandler handler) {
mRedirectHandler = handler;
return this;
/** Sets the current tab. */
public Builder setTab(Tab tab) {
mTab = tab;
return this;
/** Sets whether we want to open the intent URL in new tab, if handled by Chrome. */
public Builder setOpenInNewTab(boolean v) {
mOpenInNewTab = v;
return this;
/** Sets whether this navigation happens in background tab. */
public Builder setIsBackgroundTabNavigation(boolean v) {
mIsBackgroundTabNavigation = v;
return this;
/** Sets whether this navigation happens in main frame. */
public Builder setIsMainFrame(boolean v) {
mIsMainFrame = v;
return this;
* Sets the package name of the WebAPK that the navigation happens in. Null if the
* navigation is not happening in a WebAPK.
public Builder setWebApkPackageName(String v) {
mWebApkPackageName = v;
return this;
/** Sets whether this navigation happens in main frame. */
public Builder setHasUserGesture(boolean v) {
mHasUserGesture = v;
return this;
/** Sets whether the current tab should be closed when an URL load was overridden and an
* intent launched.
public Builder setShouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent(boolean v) {
mShouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent = v;
return this;
/** @return A fully constructed {@link ExternalNavigationParams} object. */
public ExternalNavigationParams build() {
return new ExternalNavigationParams(mUrl, mIsIncognito, mReferrerUrl, mPageTransition,
mIsRedirect, mApplicationMustBeInForeground, mRedirectHandler, mTab,
mOpenInNewTab, mIsBackgroundTabNavigation, mIsMainFrame, mWebApkPackageName,
mHasUserGesture, mShouldCloseContentsOnOverrideUrlLoadingAndLaunchIntent);