Roll src/third_party/skia/ d5de01364..99ab92b59 (22 commits).

$ git log d5de01364..99ab92b59 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2016-11-28 raftias Moved A2B0 profile parsing before XYZ
2016-11-28 mtklein Consistent naming.
2016-11-28 reed use raster-pipeline in readPixels
2016-11-28 ethannicholas added support for layout(offset=...) to skslc
2016-11-28 benjaminwagner Merge changes from internal cl/140385880.
2016-11-28 mtklein simplify
2016-11-28 liyuqian Revert "Add the missing shift to the dy"
2016-11-28 mtklein Convert blitter over to new style from_srgb, to_srgb.
2016-11-28 lsalzman use __BYTE_ORDER__ macro to detect endianness when available
2016-11-28 brianosman Narrow the SkImageGenerator interface
2016-11-28 bsalomon Remove old driver bug workaround for glTexStorage.
2016-11-28 borenet Roll recipe DEPS
2016-11-28 ethannicholas unified ASTLayout/Layout and ASTModifiers/Modifiers
2016-11-28 ethannicholas removed textureProj() and legacy texture functions from sksl
2016-11-28 reed simplify SkConfig8888 logic: just fall-through if memcpy case isn't supported
2016-11-28 mtklein Split srgb out of accum stages.
2016-11-28 raftias Fuzzer fix for overflow in some Lut8 profiles.
2016-11-28 mtklein Fix unpremul stage.
2016-11-28 liyuqian Add the missing shift to the dy
2016-11-28 brianosman GrTextureProducer cleanup, phase two: Producer, Adjuster, Maker
2016-11-22 mtklein Guard against buggy ucrt\math.h.
2016-11-22 ethannicholas baked in a few more precision modifiers


Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, see:


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#434889}
1 file changed