blob: 11acbbed62046537655a4589139227770f01e184 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview 'supervised-user-create-confirm' is a page that is displayed
* upon successful creation of a supervised user. It contains information for
* the custodian on where to configure browsing restrictions as well as how to
* exit and childlock their profile.
(function() {
* Maximum length of the supervised user profile name or custodian's username.
* @type {number}
const MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 50;
is: 'supervised-user-create-confirm',
behaviors: [I18nBehavior],
properties: {
* Profile Info of the supervised user that is passed to the page.
* @type {?ProfileInfo}
profileInfo: {
type: Object,
value: function() {
return null;
/** @private {!signin.ProfileBrowserProxy} */
browserProxy_: Object
listeners: {'tap': 'onTap_'},
/** @override */
created: function() {
this.browserProxy_ = signin.ProfileBrowserProxyImpl.getInstance();
* Handles tap events from dynamically created links in the
* supervisedUserCreatedText i18n string.
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
onTap_: function(event) {
const element = Polymer.dom(event).rootTarget;
// Handle the tap event only if the target is a '<a>' element.
if (element.nodeName == 'A') {
* Returns the shortened profile name or empty string if |profileInfo| is
* null.
* @param {?ProfileInfo} profileInfo
* @return {string}
* @private
elideProfileName_: function(profileInfo) {
const name = profileInfo ? : '';
return elide(name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
* Returns the shortened custodian username or empty string if |profileInfo|
* is null.
* @param {?ProfileInfo} profileInfo
* @return {string}
* @private
elideCustodianUsername_: function(profileInfo) {
const name = profileInfo ? profileInfo.custodianUsername : '';
return elide(name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
* Computed binding returning the text of the title section.
* @param {?ProfileInfo} profileInfo
* @return {string}
* @private
titleText_: function(profileInfo) {
return this.i18n(
'supervisedUserCreatedTitle', this.elideProfileName_(profileInfo));
* Computed binding returning the sanitized confirmation HTML message that is
* safe to set as innerHTML.
* @param {?ProfileInfo} profileInfo
* @return {string}
* @private
confirmationMessage_: function(profileInfo) {
return this.i18nAdvanced('supervisedUserCreatedText', {
substitutions: [
* Computed binding returning the text of the 'Switch To User' button.
* @param {?ProfileInfo} profileInfo
* @return {string}
* @private
switchUserText_: function(profileInfo) {
return this.i18n(
'supervisedUserCreatedSwitch', this.elideProfileName_(profileInfo));
* Handler for the 'Ok' button tap event.
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
onOkTap_: function(event) {
// Event is caught by user-manager-pages.'change-page', {page: 'user-pods-page'});
* Handler for the 'Switch To User' button tap event.
* @param {!Event} event
* @private
onSwitchUserTap_: function(event) {
// Event is caught by user-manager-pages.'change-page', {page: 'user-pods-page'});