blob: f07b51c0a10d9ded8e5dc3256341ed71c4a720e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
* in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef WebFrameClient_h
#define WebFrameClient_h
#include "../platform/WebColor.h"
#include "WebAXObject.h"
#include "WebDOMMessageEvent.h"
#include "WebDataSource.h"
#include "WebFileChooserParams.h"
#include "WebFormElement.h"
#include "WebFrame.h"
#include "WebFrameOwnerProperties.h"
#include "WebHistoryCommitType.h"
#include "WebHistoryItem.h"
#include "WebIconURL.h"
#include "WebNavigationPolicy.h"
#include "WebNavigationType.h"
#include "WebNavigatorContentUtilsClient.h"
#include "WebSandboxFlags.h"
#include "WebTextDirection.h"
#include "public/platform/BlameContext.h"
#include "public/platform/WebCommon.h"
#include "public/platform/WebEffectiveConnectionType.h"
#include "public/platform/WebFileSystem.h"
#include "public/platform/WebFileSystemType.h"
#include "public/platform/WebInsecureRequestPolicy.h"
#include "public/platform/WebLoadingBehaviorFlag.h"
#include "public/platform/WebPageVisibilityState.h"
#include "public/platform/WebSecurityOrigin.h"
#include "public/platform/WebSetSinkIdCallbacks.h"
#include "public/platform/WebStorageQuotaCallbacks.h"
#include "public/platform/WebStorageQuotaType.h"
#include "public/platform/WebURLError.h"
#include "public/platform/WebURLRequest.h"
#include "public/web/WebContentSecurityPolicy.h"
#include <v8.h>
namespace blink {
enum class WebTreeScopeType;
class InterfaceProvider;
class InterfaceRegistry;
class WebApplicationCacheHost;
class WebApplicationCacheHostClient;
class WebBluetooth;
class WebColorChooser;
class WebColorChooserClient;
class WebContentDecryptionModule;
class WebCookieJar;
class WebCString;
class WebDataSource;
class WebEncryptedMediaClient;
class WebExternalPopupMenu;
class WebExternalPopupMenuClient;
class WebFileChooserCompletion;
class WebInstalledAppClient;
class WebLocalFrame;
class WebMediaPlayer;
class WebMediaPlayerClient;
class WebMediaPlayerEncryptedMediaClient;
class WebMediaPlayerSource;
class WebMediaSession;
class WebMediaStream;
class WebServiceWorkerProvider;
class WebPlugin;
class WebPresentationClient;
class WebPushClient;
class WebRTCPeerConnectionHandler;
class WebScreenOrientationClient;
class WebString;
class WebURL;
class WebURLResponse;
class WebUserMediaClient;
class WebWorkerContentSettingsClientProxy;
struct WebColorSuggestion;
struct WebConsoleMessage;
struct WebContextMenuData;
struct WebPluginParams;
struct WebPopupMenuInfo;
struct WebRect;
struct WebURLError;
class BLINK_EXPORT WebFrameClient {
virtual ~WebFrameClient() {}
// Factory methods -----------------------------------------------------
// May return null.
virtual WebPlugin* createPlugin(WebLocalFrame*, const WebPluginParams&) {
return 0;
// May return null.
// WebContentDecryptionModule* may be null if one has not yet been set.
virtual WebMediaPlayer* createMediaPlayer(const WebMediaPlayerSource&,
const WebString& sinkId) {
return 0;
// May return null.
virtual WebMediaSession* createMediaSession() { return 0; }
// May return null.
virtual WebApplicationCacheHost* createApplicationCacheHost(
WebApplicationCacheHostClient*) {
return 0;
// May return null.
virtual WebServiceWorkerProvider* createServiceWorkerProvider() { return 0; }
// May return null.
virtual WebWorkerContentSettingsClientProxy*
createWorkerContentSettingsClientProxy() {
return 0;
// Create a new WebPopupMenu. In the "createExternalPopupMenu" form, the
// client is responsible for rendering the contents of the popup menu.
virtual WebExternalPopupMenu* createExternalPopupMenu(
const WebPopupMenuInfo&,
WebExternalPopupMenuClient*) {
return 0;
// Services ------------------------------------------------------------
// A frame specific cookie jar. May return null, in which case
// WebKitPlatformSupport::cookieJar() will be called to access cookies.
virtual WebCookieJar* cookieJar() { return 0; }
// Returns a blame context for attributing work belonging to this frame.
virtual BlameContext* frameBlameContext() { return nullptr; }
// General notifications -----------------------------------------------
// Indicates if creating a plugin without an associated renderer is supported.
virtual bool canCreatePluginWithoutRenderer(const WebString& mimeType) {
return false;
// Indicates that another page has accessed the DOM of the initial empty
// document of a main frame. After this, it is no longer safe to show a
// pending navigation's URL, because a URL spoof is possible.
virtual void didAccessInitialDocument() {}
// Request the creation of a new child frame. Embedders may return nullptr
// to prevent the new child frame from being attached. Otherwise, embedders
// should create a new WebLocalFrame, insert it into the frame tree, and
// return the created frame.
virtual WebLocalFrame* createChildFrame(WebLocalFrame* parent,
const WebString& name,
const WebString& uniqueName,
WebSandboxFlags sandboxFlags,
const WebFrameOwnerProperties&) {
return nullptr;
// This frame has set its opener to another frame, or disowned the opener
// if opener is null. See
virtual void didChangeOpener(WebFrame*) {}
// Specifies the reason for the detachment.
enum class DetachType { Remove, Swap };
// This frame has been detached. Embedders should release any resources
// associated with this frame. If the DetachType is Remove, the frame should
// also be removed from the frame tree; otherwise, if the DetachType is
// Swap, the frame is being replaced in-place by WebFrame::swap().
virtual void frameDetached(WebLocalFrame*, DetachType);
// This frame has become focused.
virtual void frameFocused() {}
// A provisional load is about to commit.
virtual void willCommitProvisionalLoad(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// This frame's name has changed.
virtual void didChangeName(const WebString& name,
const WebString& uniqueName) {}
// This frame has set an insecure request policy.
virtual void didEnforceInsecureRequestPolicy(WebInsecureRequestPolicy) {}
// This frame has been updated to a unique origin, which should be
// considered potentially trustworthy if
// |isPotentiallyTrustworthyUniqueOrigin| is true. TODO(estark):
// this method only exists to support dynamic sandboxing via a CSP
// delivered in a <meta> tag. This is not supposed to be allowed per
// the CSP spec and should be ripped out.
virtual void didUpdateToUniqueOrigin(
bool isPotentiallyTrustworthyUniqueOrigin) {}
// The sandbox flags have changed for a child frame of this frame.
virtual void didChangeSandboxFlags(WebFrame* childFrame,
WebSandboxFlags flags) {}
// Called when a Feature-Policy HTTP header is encountered while loading the
// frame's document.
virtual void didSetFeaturePolicyHeader(const WebString& headerValue) {}
// Called when a new Content Security Policy is added to the frame's
// document. This can be triggered by handling of HTTP headers, handling
// of <meta> element, or by inheriting CSP from the parent (in case of
// about:blank).
virtual void didAddContentSecurityPolicy(const WebString& headerValue,
WebContentSecurityPolicySource) {}
// Some frame owner properties have changed for a child frame of this frame.
// Frame owner properties currently include: scrolling, marginwidth and
// marginheight.
virtual void didChangeFrameOwnerProperties(WebFrame* childFrame,
const WebFrameOwnerProperties&) {}
// Called when a watched CSS selector matches or stops matching.
virtual void didMatchCSS(
const WebVector<WebString>& newlyMatchingSelectors,
const WebVector<WebString>& stoppedMatchingSelectors) {}
// Console messages ----------------------------------------------------
// Whether or not we should report a detailed message for the given source.
virtual bool shouldReportDetailedMessageForSource(const WebString& source) {
return false;
// A new message was added to the console.
virtual void didAddMessageToConsole(const WebConsoleMessage&,
const WebString& sourceName,
unsigned sourceLine,
const WebString& stackTrace) {}
// Load commands -------------------------------------------------------
// The client should handle the navigation externally.
virtual void loadURLExternally(const WebURLRequest&,
const WebString& downloadName,
bool shouldReplaceCurrentEntry) {}
// The client should load an error page in the current frame.
virtual void loadErrorPage(int reason) {}
// Navigational queries ------------------------------------------------
// The client may choose to alter the navigation policy. Otherwise,
// defaultPolicy should just be returned.
struct NavigationPolicyInfo {
WebDataSource::ExtraData* extraData;
// Note: if browser side navigations are enabled, the client may modify
// the urlRequest. However, should this happen, the client should change
// the WebNavigationPolicy to WebNavigationPolicyIgnore, and the load
// should stop in blink. In all other cases, the urlRequest should not
// be modified.
WebURLRequest& urlRequest;
WebNavigationType navigationType;
WebNavigationPolicy defaultPolicy;
bool replacesCurrentHistoryItem;
bool isHistoryNavigationInNewChildFrame;
bool isClientRedirect;
WebFormElement form;
NavigationPolicyInfo(WebURLRequest& urlRequest)
: extraData(nullptr),
isClientRedirect(false) {}
virtual WebNavigationPolicy decidePolicyForNavigation(
const NavigationPolicyInfo& info) {
return info.defaultPolicy;
// During a history navigation, we may choose to load new subframes from
// history as well. This returns such a history item if appropriate.
virtual WebHistoryItem historyItemForNewChildFrame() {
return WebHistoryItem();
// Navigational notifications ------------------------------------------
// These notifications bracket any loading that occurs in the WebFrame.
virtual void didStartLoading(bool toDifferentDocument) {}
virtual void didStopLoading() {}
// Notification that some progress was made loading the current frame.
// loadProgress is a value between 0 (nothing loaded) and 1.0 (frame fully
// loaded).
virtual void didChangeLoadProgress(double loadProgress) {}
// A form submission has been requested, but the page's submit event handler
// hasn't yet had a chance to run (and possibly alter/interrupt the submit.)
virtual void willSendSubmitEvent(const WebFormElement&) {}
// A form submission is about to occur.
virtual void willSubmitForm(const WebFormElement&) {}
// A datasource has been created for a new navigation. The given
// datasource will become the provisional datasource for the frame.
virtual void didCreateDataSource(WebLocalFrame*, WebDataSource*) {}
// A new provisional load has been started.
virtual void didStartProvisionalLoad(WebLocalFrame* localFrame) {}
// The provisional load was redirected via a HTTP 3xx response.
virtual void didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// The provisional load failed. The WebHistoryCommitType is the commit type
// that would have been used had the load succeeded.
virtual void didFailProvisionalLoad(WebLocalFrame*,
const WebURLError&,
WebHistoryCommitType) {}
// The provisional datasource is now committed. The first part of the
// response body has been received, and the encoding of the response
// body is known.
virtual void didCommitProvisionalLoad(WebLocalFrame*,
const WebHistoryItem&,
WebHistoryCommitType) {}
// The frame's document has just been initialized.
virtual void didCreateNewDocument(WebLocalFrame* frame) {}
// The window object for the frame has been cleared of any extra
// properties that may have been set by script from the previously
// loaded document.
virtual void didClearWindowObject(WebLocalFrame* frame) {}
// The document element has been created.
// This method may not invalidate the frame, nor execute JavaScript code.
virtual void didCreateDocumentElement(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// Like |didCreateDocumentElement|, except this method may run JavaScript
// code (and possibly invalidate the frame).
virtual void runScriptsAtDocumentElementAvailable(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// The page title is available.
virtual void didReceiveTitle(WebLocalFrame* frame,
const WebString& title,
WebTextDirection direction) {}
// The icon for the page have changed.
virtual void didChangeIcon(WebLocalFrame*, WebIconURL::Type) {}
// The frame's document finished loading.
// This method may not execute JavaScript code.
virtual void didFinishDocumentLoad(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// Like |didFinishDocumentLoad|, except this method may run JavaScript
// code (and possibly invalidate the frame).
virtual void runScriptsAtDocumentReady(WebLocalFrame*, bool documentIsEmpty) {
// The 'load' event was dispatched.
virtual void didHandleOnloadEvents(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// The frame's document or one of its subresources failed to load. The
// WebHistoryCommitType is the commit type that would have been used had the
// load succeeded.
virtual void didFailLoad(WebLocalFrame*,
const WebURLError&,
WebHistoryCommitType) {}
// The frame's document and all of its subresources succeeded to load.
virtual void didFinishLoad(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// The navigation resulted in no change to the documents within the page.
// For example, the navigation may have just resulted in scrolling to a
// named anchor or a PopState event may have been dispatched.
virtual void didNavigateWithinPage(WebLocalFrame*,
const WebHistoryItem&,
bool contentInitiated) {}
// Called upon update to scroll position, document state, and other
// non-navigational events related to the data held by WebHistoryItem.
// WARNING: This method may be called very frequently.
virtual void didUpdateCurrentHistoryItem() {}
// The frame's manifest has changed.
virtual void didChangeManifest() {}
// The frame's theme color has changed.
virtual void didChangeThemeColor() {}
// Called to dispatch a load event for this frame in the FrameOwner of an
// out-of-process parent frame.
virtual void dispatchLoad() {}
// Returns the effective connection type when the frame was fetched.
virtual WebEffectiveConnectionType getEffectiveConnectionType() {
return WebEffectiveConnectionType::TypeUnknown;
// Push API ---------------------------------------------------
// Used to access the embedder for the Push API.
virtual WebPushClient* pushClient() { return 0; }
// Presentation API ----------------------------------------------------
// Used to access the embedder for the Presentation API.
virtual WebPresentationClient* presentationClient() { return 0; }
// InstalledApp API ----------------------------------------------------
// Used to access the embedder for the InstalledApp API.
virtual WebInstalledAppClient* installedAppClient() { return nullptr; }
// Editing -------------------------------------------------------------
// These methods allow the client to intercept and overrule editing
// operations.
virtual void didChangeSelection(bool isSelectionEmpty) {}
// This method is called in response to handleInputEvent() when the
// default action for the current keyboard event is not suppressed by the
// page, to give the embedder a chance to handle the keyboard event
// specially.
// Returns true if the keyboard event was handled by the embedder,
// indicating that the default action should be suppressed.
virtual bool handleCurrentKeyboardEvent() { return false; }
// Dialogs -------------------------------------------------------------
// This method opens the color chooser and returns a new WebColorChooser
// instance. If there is a WebColorChooser already from the last time this
// was called, it ends the color chooser by calling endChooser, and replaces
// it with the new one. The given list of suggestions can be used to show a
// simple interface with a limited set of choices.
virtual WebColorChooser* createColorChooser(
const WebColor&,
const WebVector<WebColorSuggestion>&) {
return 0;
// Displays a modal alert dialog containing the given message. Returns
// once the user dismisses the dialog.
virtual void runModalAlertDialog(const WebString& message) {}
// Displays a modal confirmation dialog with the given message as
// description and OK/Cancel choices. Returns true if the user selects
// 'OK' or false otherwise.
virtual bool runModalConfirmDialog(const WebString& message) { return false; }
// Displays a modal input dialog with the given message as description
// and OK/Cancel choices. The input field is pre-filled with
// defaultValue. Returns true if the user selects 'OK' or false
// otherwise. Upon returning true, actualValue contains the value of
// the input field.
virtual bool runModalPromptDialog(const WebString& message,
const WebString& defaultValue,
WebString* actualValue) {
return false;
// Displays a modal confirmation dialog with OK/Cancel choices, where 'OK'
// means that it is okay to proceed with closing the view. Returns true if
// the user selects 'OK' or false otherwise.
virtual bool runModalBeforeUnloadDialog(bool isReload) { return true; }
// This method returns immediately after showing the dialog. When the
// dialog is closed, it should call the WebFileChooserCompletion to
// pass the results of the dialog. Returns false if
// WebFileChooseCompletion will never be called.
virtual bool runFileChooser(const blink::WebFileChooserParams& params,
WebFileChooserCompletion* chooserCompletion) {
return false;
// UI ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Shows a context menu with commands relevant to a specific element on
// the given frame. Additional context data is supplied.
virtual void showContextMenu(const WebContextMenuData&) {}
// This method is called in response to WebView's saveImageAt(x, y).
// A data url from <canvas> or <img> is passed to the method's argument.
virtual void saveImageFromDataURL(const WebString&) {}
// Low-level resource notifications ------------------------------------
// A request is about to be sent out, and the client may modify it. Request
// is writable, and changes to the URL, for example, will change the request
// made.
virtual void willSendRequest(WebLocalFrame*, WebURLRequest&) {}
// Response headers have been received.
virtual void didReceiveResponse(const WebURLResponse&) {}
// The specified request was satified from WebCore's memory cache.
virtual void didLoadResourceFromMemoryCache(const WebURLRequest&,
const WebURLResponse&) {}
// This frame has displayed inactive content (such as an image) from an
// insecure source. Inactive content cannot spread to other frames.
virtual void didDisplayInsecureContent() {}
// The indicated security origin has run active content (such as a
// script) from an insecure source. Note that the insecure content can
// spread to other frames in the same origin.
virtual void didRunInsecureContent(const WebSecurityOrigin&,
const WebURL& insecureURL) {}
// A reflected XSS was encountered in the page and suppressed.
virtual void didDetectXSS(const WebURL&, bool didBlockEntirePage) {}
// A PingLoader was created, and a request dispatched to a URL.
virtual void didDispatchPingLoader(const WebURL&) {}
// This frame has displayed inactive content (such as an image) from
// a connection with certificate errors.
virtual void didDisplayContentWithCertificateErrors(const WebURL& url) {}
// This frame has run active content (such as a script) from a
// connection with certificate errors.
virtual void didRunContentWithCertificateErrors(const WebURL& url) {}
// A performance timing event (e.g. first paint) occurred
virtual void didChangePerformanceTiming() {}
// Blink exhibited a certain loading behavior that the browser process will
// use for segregated histograms.
virtual void didObserveLoadingBehavior(WebLoadingBehaviorFlag) {}
// Script notifications ------------------------------------------------
// Notifies that a new script context has been created for this frame.
// This is similar to didClearWindowObject but only called once per
// frame context.
virtual void didCreateScriptContext(WebLocalFrame*,
int extensionGroup,
int worldId) {}
// WebKit is about to release its reference to a v8 context for a frame.
virtual void willReleaseScriptContext(WebLocalFrame*,
int worldId) {}
// Geometry notifications ----------------------------------------------
// The main frame scrolled.
virtual void didChangeScrollOffset(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// If the frame is loading an HTML document, this will be called to
// notify that the <body> will be attached soon.
virtual void willInsertBody(WebLocalFrame*) {}
// Find-in-page notifications ------------------------------------------
// Notifies how many matches have been found in this frame so far, for a
// given identifier. |finalUpdate| specifies whether this is the last
// update for this frame.
virtual void reportFindInPageMatchCount(int identifier,
int count,
bool finalUpdate) {}
// Notifies what tick-mark rect is currently selected. The given
// identifier lets the client know which request this message belongs
// to, so that it can choose to ignore the message if it has moved on
// to other things. The selection rect is expected to have coordinates
// relative to the top left corner of the web page area and represent
// where on the screen the selection rect is currently located.
virtual void reportFindInPageSelection(int identifier,
int activeMatchOrdinal,
const WebRect& selection) {}
// Quota ---------------------------------------------------------
// Requests a new quota size for the origin's storage.
// |newQuotaInBytes| indicates how much storage space (in bytes) the
// caller expects to need.
// WebStorageQuotaCallbacks::didGrantStorageQuota will be called when
// a new quota is granted. WebStorageQuotaCallbacks::didFail
// is called with an error code otherwise.
// Note that the requesting quota size may not always be granted and
// a smaller amount of quota than requested might be returned.
virtual void requestStorageQuota(WebStorageQuotaType,
unsigned long long newQuotaInBytes,
WebStorageQuotaCallbacks) {}
// MediaStream -----------------------------------------------------
// A new WebRTCPeerConnectionHandler is created.
virtual void willStartUsingPeerConnectionHandler(
WebRTCPeerConnectionHandler*) {}
virtual WebUserMediaClient* userMediaClient() { return 0; }
// Encrypted Media -------------------------------------------------
virtual WebEncryptedMediaClient* encryptedMediaClient() { return 0; }
// User agent ------------------------------------------------------
// Asks the embedder if a specific user agent should be used. Non-empty
// strings indicate an override should be used. Otherwise,
// Platform::current()->userAgent() will be called to provide one.
virtual WebString userAgentOverride() { return WebString(); }
// Do not track ----------------------------------------------------
// Asks the embedder what value the network stack will send for the DNT
// header. An empty string indicates that no DNT header will be send.
virtual WebString doNotTrackValue() { return WebString(); }
// WebGL ------------------------------------------------------
// Asks the embedder whether WebGL is allowed for the WebFrame. This call is
// placed here instead of WebContentSettingsClient because this class is
// implemented in content/, and putting it here avoids adding more public
// content/ APIs.
virtual bool allowWebGL(bool defaultValue) { return defaultValue; }
// Screen Orientation --------------------------------------------------
// Access the embedder API for (client-based) screen orientation client .
virtual WebScreenOrientationClient* webScreenOrientationClient() { return 0; }
// Accessibility -------------------------------------------------------
// Notifies embedder about an accessibility event.
virtual void postAccessibilityEvent(const WebAXObject&, WebAXEvent) {}
// Provides accessibility information about a find in page result.
virtual void handleAccessibilityFindInPageResult(
int identifier,
int matchIndex,
const WebAXObject& startObject,
int startOffset,
const WebAXObject& endObject,
int endOffset) {}
// ServiceWorker -------------------------------------------------------
// Whether the document associated with WebDataSource is controlled by the
// ServiceWorker.
virtual bool isControlledByServiceWorker(WebDataSource&) { return false; }
// Returns an identifier of the service worker controlling the document
// associated with the WebDataSource.
virtual int64_t serviceWorkerID(WebDataSource&) { return -1; }
// Fullscreen ----------------------------------------------------------
// Called to enter/exit fullscreen mode.
// After calling enterFullscreen or exitFullscreen,
// WebWidget::didEnterFullscreen or WebWidget::didExitFullscreen
// respectively will be called once the fullscreen mode has changed.
virtual void enterFullscreen() {}
virtual void exitFullscreen() {}
// Sudden termination --------------------------------------------------
// Called when elements preventing the sudden termination of the frame
// become present or stop being present. |type| is the type of element
// (BeforeUnload handler, Unload handler).
enum SuddenTerminationDisablerType {
virtual void suddenTerminationDisablerChanged(bool present,
SuddenTerminationDisablerType) {
// Navigator Content Utils --------------------------------------------
// Registers a new URL handler for the given protocol.
virtual void registerProtocolHandler(const WebString& scheme,
const WebURL& url,
const WebString& title) {}
// Unregisters a given URL handler for the given protocol.
virtual void unregisterProtocolHandler(const WebString& scheme,
const WebURL& url) {}
// Check if a given URL handler is registered for the given protocol.
virtual WebCustomHandlersState isProtocolHandlerRegistered(
const WebString& scheme,
const WebURL& url) {
return WebCustomHandlersNew;
// Bluetooth -----------------------------------------------------------
virtual WebBluetooth* bluetooth() { return 0; }
// Audio Output Devices API --------------------------------------------
// Checks that the given audio sink exists and is authorized. The result is
// provided via the callbacks. This method takes ownership of the callbacks
// pointer.
virtual void checkIfAudioSinkExistsAndIsAuthorized(
const WebString& sinkId,
const WebSecurityOrigin&,
WebSetSinkIdCallbacks* callbacks) {
if (callbacks) {
delete callbacks;
// Mojo ----------------------------------------------------------------
virtual InterfaceProvider* interfaceProvider() { return nullptr; }
virtual InterfaceRegistry* interfaceRegistry() { return nullptr; }
// Visibility ----------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the current visibility of the WebFrame.
virtual WebPageVisibilityState visibilityState() const {
return WebPageVisibilityStateVisible;
// Overwrites the given URL to use an HTML5 embed if possible.
// An empty URL is returned if the URL is not overriden.
virtual WebURL overrideFlashEmbedWithHTML(const WebURL& url) {
return WebURL();
} // namespace blink