blob: 89ce6aee3523e017e2ebcfa3ada0cf691668e7bd [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="file:///gen/layout_test_data/mojo/public/js/mojo_bindings.js"></script>
<script src="file:///gen/third_party/WebKit/public/platform/modules/webshare/webshare.mojom.js"></script>
<script src="resources/mock-share-service.js"></script>
function getAbsoluteUrl(url) {
return new URL(url, document.baseURI).toString();
share_test(mock => {
const url = '';
mock.pushShareResult('the title', 'the message', getAbsoluteUrl(url),
return callWithKeyDown(() => navigator.share(
{title: 'the title', text: 'the message', url: url})).then(
result => assert_equals(result, undefined));
}, 'successful share');
share_test(mock => {
const url = '//';
mock.pushShareResult('', '', getAbsoluteUrl(url), blink.mojom.ShareError.OK);
return callWithKeyDown(() => navigator.share({url: url}));
}, 'successful share with URL without a scheme');
share_test(mock => {
const url = '/some/path?some_query#some_fragment';
mock.pushShareResult('', '', getAbsoluteUrl(url), blink.mojom.ShareError.OK);
return callWithKeyDown(() => navigator.share({url: url}));
}, 'successful share with a path-only URL');
share_test(mock => {
const url = 'foo';
mock.pushShareResult('', '', getAbsoluteUrl(url), blink.mojom.ShareError.OK);
return callWithKeyDown(() => navigator.share({url: url}));
}, 'successful share with a relative URL');
share_test(mock => {
const url = '';
mock.pushShareResult('', '', document.baseURI, blink.mojom.ShareError.OK);
return callWithKeyDown(() => navigator.share({url: url}));
}, 'successful share with an empty URL');
share_test(mock => {
const url = 'data:foo';
mock.pushShareResult('', '', getAbsoluteUrl(url), blink.mojom.ShareError.OK);
return callWithKeyDown(() => navigator.share({url: url}));
}, 'successful share with a data URL');
share_test(mock => {
const url = '\\ab%63\r\n\t "<>`{}';
// Expect '\' to normalize to '/', "%63" to normalize to 'c', '\r\n\t'
// to be removed, and all the other illegal characters to be percent-escaped.
const url_encoded = '';
mock.pushShareResult('', '', url_encoded, blink.mojom.ShareError.OK);
return callWithKeyDown(() => navigator.share({url: url}));
}, 'successful share with percent-encoded URL characters');
share_test(mock => {
// Title is a string with BMP and non-BMP characters.
// Text contains invalid surrogates which should be converted into U+FFFD.
// URL contains non-ASCII characters in host and path.
const title = 'f\xe1ncy \u5199\u4f5c \ud83d\ude31';
const url = 'https://\u6d4b\\ud83d\udcc4';
// Host is IDNA-encoded. Path is percent-encoded.
const url_ascii = '';
mock.pushShareResult(title, '\ufffdx', url_ascii, blink.mojom.ShareError.OK);
return callWithKeyDown(() => navigator.share(
{title: title, text: '\ud9a3x', url: url}));
}, 'successful share with Unicode characters');