blob: 838e984d7f14cbda1948c25b0feca5a94088eb06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/webrtc/webrtc_event_log_manager_common.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/webrtc/webrtc_event_log_uploader.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/network_connection_tracker.h"
// TODO( Avoid uploading logs when Chrome shutdown imminent.
namespace net {
class URLRequestContextGetter;
} // namespace net
class WebRtcRemoteEventLogManager final
: public network::NetworkConnectionTracker::NetworkConnectionObserver {
using BrowserContextId = WebRtcEventLogPeerConnectionKey::BrowserContextId;
using LogFilesMap =
std::map<WebRtcEventLogPeerConnectionKey, std::unique_ptr<LogFileWriter>>;
using PeerConnectionKey = WebRtcEventLogPeerConnectionKey;
WebRtcRemoteEventLogsObserver* observer,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner);
~WebRtcRemoteEventLogManager() override;
// Sets a network::NetworkConnectionTracker which will be used to track
// network connectivity.
// Must not be called more than once.
// Must be called before any call to EnableForBrowserContext().
void SetNetworkConnectionTracker(
network::NetworkConnectionTracker* network_connection_tracker);
// Sets a net::URLRequestContextGetter which will be used for uploads.
// Must not be called more than once.
// Must be called before any call to EnableForBrowserContext().
void SetUrlRequestContextGetter(net::URLRequestContextGetter* context_getter);
// Sets a LogFileWriter factory.
// Must not be called more than once.
// Must be called before any call to EnableForBrowserContext().
void SetLogFileWriterFactory(
std::unique_ptr<LogFileWriter::Factory> log_file_writer_factory);
// Enables remote-bound logging for a given BrowserContext. Logs stored during
// previous sessions become eligible for upload, and recording of new logs for
// peer connections associated with this BrowserContext, in the
// BrowserContext's user-data directory, becomes possible.
// This method would typically be called when a BrowserContext is initialized.
void EnableForBrowserContext(BrowserContextId browser_context_id,
const base::FilePath& browser_context_dir);
// Enables remote-bound logging for a given BrowserContext. Pending logs from
// earlier (while it was enabled) may still be uploaded, but no additional
// logs will be created.
void DisableForBrowserContext(BrowserContextId browser_context_id);
// Called to inform |this| of peer connections being added/removed.
// This information is used to:
// 1. Make decisions about when to upload previously finished logs.
// 2. When a peer connection is removed, if it was being logged, its log
// changes from ACTIVE to PENDING.
// The return value of both methods indicates only the consistency of the
// information with previously received information (e.g. can't remove a
// peer connection that was never added, etc.).
bool PeerConnectionAdded(const PeerConnectionKey& key,
const std::string& peer_connection_id);
bool PeerConnectionRemoved(const PeerConnectionKey& key);
// Attempt to start logging the WebRTC events of an active peer connection.
// Logging is subject to several restrictions:
// 1. May not log more than kMaxNumberActiveRemoteWebRtcEventLogFiles logs
// at the same time.
// 2. Each browser context may have only kMaxPendingLogFilesPerBrowserContext
// pending logs. Since active logs later become pending logs, it is also
// forbidden to start a remote-bound log that would, once completed, become
// a pending log that would exceed that limit.
// 3. The maximum file size must be sensible.
// If all of the restrictions were observed, and if a file was successfully
// created, true will be return.
// If the call succeeds, the log's identifier will be written to |log_id|.
// The log identifier is exactly 32 uppercase ASCII characters from the
// ranges 0-9 and A-F.
// If the call fails, an error message is written to |error_message|.
// The error message will be specific to the failure (as opposed to a generic
// one) is produced only if that error message is useful for the caller:
// * Bad parameters.
// * Function called at a time when the caller could know it would fail,
// such as for a peer connection that was already logged.
// We intentionally avoid giving specific errors in some cases, so as
// to avoid leaking information such as having too many active and/or
// pending logs.
bool StartRemoteLogging(int render_process_id,
BrowserContextId browser_context_id,
const std::string& peer_connection_id,
const base::FilePath& browser_context_dir,
size_t max_file_size_bytes,
std::string* log_id,
std::string* error_message);
// If an active remote-bound log exists for the given peer connection, this
// will append |message| to that log.
// If writing |message| to the log would exceed the log's maximum allowed
// size, the write is disallowed and the file is closed instead (and changes
// from ACTIVE to PENDING).
// If the log file's capacity is exhausted as a result of this function call,
// or if a write error occurs, the file is closed, and the remote-bound log
// changes from ACTIVE to PENDING.
// True is returned if and only if |message| was written in its entirety to
// an active log.
bool EventLogWrite(const PeerConnectionKey& key, const std::string& message);
// Clear PENDING WebRTC event logs associated with a given browser context,
// in a given time range, then post |reply| back to the thread from which
// the method was originally invoked (which can be any thread).
// Log files currently being written are *not* interrupted.
// Active uploads *are* interrupted.
void ClearCacheForBrowserContext(BrowserContextId browser_context_id,
const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end);
// An implicit PeerConnectionRemoved() on all of the peer connections that
// were associated with the renderer process.
void RenderProcessHostExitedDestroyed(int render_process_id);
// network::NetworkConnectionTracker::NetworkConnectionObserver implementation
void OnConnectionChanged(network::mojom::ConnectionType type) override;
// Unit tests may use this to inject null uploaders, or ones which are
// directly controlled by the unit test (succeed or fail according to the
// test's needs).
// Note that for simplicity's sake, this may be called from outside the
// task queue on which this object lives (WebRtcEventLogManager::task_queue_).
// Therefore, if a test calls this, it should call it before it initializes
// any BrowserContext with pending log files in its directory.
void SetWebRtcEventLogUploaderFactoryForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<WebRtcEventLogUploader::Factory> uploader_factory);
// Exposes UploadConditionsHold() to unit tests. See WebRtcEventLogManager's
// documentation for the rationale.
void UploadConditionsHoldForTesting(base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback);
// Validates log parameters (at the moment, only max file size).
// If valid, returns true. Otherwise, false, and |error_message| gets
// a relevant error.
bool AreLogParametersValid(size_t max_file_size_bytes,
std::string* error_message) const;
// Checks whether a browser context has already been enabled via a call to
// EnableForBrowserContext(), and not yet disabled using a call to
// DisableForBrowserContext().
bool BrowserContextEnabled(BrowserContextId browser_context_id) const;
// Closes an active log file.
// If |make_pending| is true, closing the file changes its state from ACTIVE
// to PENDING. If |make_pending| is false, or if the file couldn't be closed
// correctly, the file will be deleted.
// Returns an iterator to the next ACTIVE file.
LogFilesMap::iterator CloseLogFile(LogFilesMap::iterator it,
bool make_pending);
// Attempts to create the directory where we'll write the logs, if it does
// not already exist. Returns true if the directory exists (either it already
// existed, or it was successfully created).
bool MaybeCreateLogsDirectory(const base::FilePath& remote_bound_logs_dir);
// Scans the user data directory associated with this BrowserContext for
// remote-bound logs that were created during previous Chrome sessions.
// This function does *not* protect against manipulation by the user,
// who might seed the directory with more files than were permissible.
void AddPendingLogs(BrowserContextId browser_context_id,
const base::FilePath& remote_bound_logs_dir);
// Attempts the creation of a locally stored file into which a remote-bound
// log may be written. The log-identifier is returned if successful, the empty
// string otherwise.
bool StartWritingLog(const PeerConnectionKey& key,
const base::FilePath& browser_context_dir,
size_t max_file_size_bytes,
std::string* log_id,
std::string* error_message);
// Checks if the referenced peer connection has an associated active
// remote-bound log. If it does, the log is changed from ACTIVE to PENDING.
void MaybeStopRemoteLogging(const PeerConnectionKey& key);
// Get rid of pending logs whose age exceeds our retention policy.
// On the one hand, we want to remove expired files as soon as possible, but
// on the other hand, we don't want to waste CPU by checking this too often.
// Therefore, we prune pending files:
// 1. When a new BrowserContext is initalized, thereby also pruning the
// pending logs contributed by that BrowserContext.
// 2. Before initiating a new upload, thereby avoiding uploading a file that
// has just now expired.
// 3. On infrequent events - peer connection addition/removal, but NOT
// on something that could potentially be frequent, such as EventLogWrite.
// Note that the last modification date of a file, which is the value measured
// against for retention, is only read from disk once per file, meaning
// this check is not too expensive.
void PrunePendingLogs();
// PrunePendingLogs() and schedule the next proactive prune.
void RecurringPendingLogsPrune();
// Removes pending logs files which match the given filter criteria, as
// described by LogFileMatchesFilter's documentation.
void MaybeRemovePendingLogs(
const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end,
base::Optional<BrowserContextId> browser_context_id =
// Cancels and deletes active logs which match the given filter criteria, as
// described by LogFileMatchesFilter's documentation.
void MaybeCancelActiveLogs(const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end,
BrowserContextId browser_context_id);
// If the currently uploaded file matches the given filter criteria, as
// described by LogFileMatchesFilter's documentation, the upload will be
// cancelled, and the log file deleted. If this happens, the next pending log
// file will be considered for upload.
// This method is used to ensure that clearing of browsing data by the user
// does not leave the currently-uploaded file on disk, even for the duration
// of the upload.
void MaybeCancelUpload(const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end,
base::Optional<BrowserContextId> browser_context_id =
// Checks whether a log file matches a range and (potentially) BrowserContext:
// * A file matches if its last modification date was at or later than
// |filter_range_begin|, and earlier than |filter_range_end|.
// * If a null time-point is given as either |filter_range_begin| or
// |filter_range_end|, it is treated as "beginning-of-time" or
// "end-of-time", respectively.
// * If |filter_browser_context_id| is set, only log files associated with it
// can match the filter.
bool LogFileMatchesFilter(
BrowserContextId log_browser_context_id,
const base::Time& log_last_modification,
base::Optional<BrowserContextId> filter_browser_context_id,
const base::Time& filter_range_begin,
const base::Time& filter_range_end) const;
// Return |true| if and only if we can start another active log (with respect
// to limitations on the numbers active and pending logs).
bool AdditionalActiveLogAllowed(BrowserContextId browser_context_id) const;
// Uploading suppressed while active peer connections exist (unless
// suppression) is turned off from the command line.
bool UploadSuppressed() const;
// Check whether all the conditions necessary for uploading log files are
// currently satisfied.
// 1. There may be no active peer connections which might be adversely
// affected by the bandwidth consumption of the upload.
// 2. Chrome has a network connection, and that conneciton is either a wired
// one, or WiFi. (That is, not 3G, etc.)
// 3. Naturally, a file pending upload must exist.
bool UploadConditionsHold() const;
// When the conditions necessary for uploading first hold, schedule a delayed
// task to upload (MaybeStartUploading). If they ever stop holding, void it.
void ManageUploadSchedule();
// Posted as a delayed task by ManageUploadSchedule. If not voided until
// executed, will initiate an upload of the next log file.
void MaybeStartUploading();
// Callback for the success/failure of an upload.
// When an upload is complete, it might be time to upload the next file.
// Note: |log_file| and |upload_successful| are ignored in production; they
// are used in unit tests, so we keep them here to make things simpler, so
// that this method would match WebRtcEventLogUploader::UploadResultCallback
// without adaptation.
void OnWebRtcEventLogUploadComplete(const base::FilePath& log_file,
bool upload_successful);
// Given a renderer process ID and peer connection ID (a string naming the
// peer connection), find the peer connection to which they refer.
bool FindPeerConnection(int render_process_id,
const std::string& peer_connection_id,
PeerConnectionKey* key) const;
// Find the next peer connection in a map to which the renderer process ID
// and peer connection ID refer.
// This helper allows FindPeerConnection() to DCHECK on uniqueness of the ID
// without descending down a recursive rabbit hole.
std::map<PeerConnectionKey, const std::string>::const_iterator
std::map<PeerConnectionKey, const std::string>::const_iterator begin,
int render_process_id,
const std::string& peer_connection_id) const;
// Normally, uploading is suppressed while there are active peer connections.
// This may be disabled from the command line.
const bool upload_suppression_disabled_;
// Proactive pruning will be done only if this is non-zero, in which case,
// every |proactive_prune_scheduling_delta_|, pending logs will be pruned.
// This avoids them staying around on disk for longer than their expiration
// if no event occurs which triggers reactive pruning.
const base::TimeDelta proactive_prune_scheduling_delta_;
// The conditions for upload must hold for this much time, uninterrupted,
// before an upload may be initiated.
const base::TimeDelta upload_delay_;
// Proactive pruning, if enabled, starts with the first enabled browser
// context. To avoid unnecessary complexity, if that browser context is
// disabled, proactive pruning is not disabled.
bool proactive_prune_scheduling_started_;
// This is used to inform WebRtcEventLogManager when remote-bound logging
// of a peer connection starts/stops, which allows WebRtcEventLogManager to
// decide when to ask WebRTC to start/stop sending event logs.
WebRtcRemoteEventLogsObserver* const observer_;
// The IDs of the BrowserContexts for which logging is enabled.
std::set<BrowserContextId> enabled_browser_contexts_;
// Currently active peer connections, mapped to their ID (as per the
// origin trial). PeerConnections which have been closed
// are not considered active, regardless of whether they have been torn down.
std::map<PeerConnectionKey, const std::string> active_peer_connections_;
// Creates LogFileWriter instances (compressed/uncompressed, etc.).
std::unique_ptr<LogFileWriter::Factory> log_file_writer_factory_;
// Remote-bound logs which we're currently in the process of writing to disk.
LogFilesMap active_logs_;
// Remote-bound logs which have been written to disk before (either during
// this Chrome session or during an earlier one), and which are no waiting to
// be uploaded.
std::set<WebRtcLogFileInfo> pending_logs_;
// Null if no ongoing upload, or an uploader which owns a file, and is
// currently busy uploading it to a remote server.
std::unique_ptr<WebRtcEventLogUploader> uploader_;
// Provides notifications of network changes.
network::NetworkConnectionTracker* network_connection_tracker_;
// Whether the network we are currently connected to, if any, is one over
// which we may upload.
bool uploading_supported_for_connection_type_;
// If the conditions for initiating an upload do not hold, this will be
// set to an empty base::TimeTicks.
// If the conditions were found to hold, this will record the time when they
// started holding. (It will be set back to 0 if they ever cease holding.)
base::TimeTicks time_when_upload_conditions_met_;
// This is a vehicle for DCHECKs to ensure code sanity. It counts the number
// of scheduled tasks of MaybeStartUploading(), and proves that we never
// end up with a scheduled upload that never occurs.
size_t scheduled_upload_tasks_;
// Producer of uploader objects. (In unit tests, this would create
// null-implementation uploaders, or uploaders whose behavior is controlled
// by the unit test.)
std::unique_ptr<WebRtcEventLogUploader::Factory> uploader_factory_;
// |this| is created and destroyed on the UI thread, but operates on the
// following IO-capable sequenced task runner.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;