blob: 898c7c340ae83f90a4118305ea82f182e4560a0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/infobars/core/infobar_delegate.h"
#include "components/translate/core/browser/translate_prefs.h"
#include "components/translate/core/browser/translate_step.h"
#include "components/translate/core/browser/translate_ui_delegate.h"
#include "components/translate/core/common/translate_constants.h"
#include "components/translate/core/common/translate_errors.h"
namespace infobars {
class InfoBarManager;
namespace translate {
// Feature flag for "Translate Compact Infobar UI" project.
extern const base::Feature kTranslateCompactUI;
class TranslateDriver;
class TranslateManager;
class TranslateInfoBarDelegate : public infobars::InfoBarDelegate {
// An observer to handle different translate steps' UI changes.
class Observer {
// Handles UI changes on the translate step given.
virtual void OnTranslateStepChanged(translate::TranslateStep step,
TranslateErrors::Type error_type) = 0;
// Return whether user declined translate service.
virtual bool IsDeclinedByUser() = 0;
virtual ~Observer() {}
static const size_t kNoIndex;
~TranslateInfoBarDelegate() override;
// Factory method to create a translate infobar. |error_type| must be
// specified iff |step| == TRANSLATION_ERROR. For other translate steps,
// |original_language| and |target_language| must be ASCII language codes
// (e.g. "en", "fr", etc.) for languages the TranslateManager supports
// translating. The lone exception is when the user initiates translation
// from the context menu, in which case it's legal to call this with
// |step| == TRANSLATING and |original_language| == kUnknownLanguageCode.
// If |replace_existing_infobar| is true, the infobar is created and added to
// the infobar manager, replacing any other translate infobar already present
// there. Otherwise, the infobar will only be added if there is no other
// translate infobar already present.
static void Create(bool replace_existing_infobar,
const base::WeakPtr<TranslateManager>& translate_manager,
infobars::InfoBarManager* infobar_manager,
bool is_off_the_record,
translate::TranslateStep step,
const std::string& original_language,
const std::string& target_language,
TranslateErrors::Type error_type,
bool triggered_from_menu);
// Returns the number of languages supported.
virtual size_t num_languages() const;
// Returns the ISO code for the language at |index|.
virtual std::string language_code_at(size_t index) const;
// Returns the displayable name for the language at |index|.
virtual base::string16 language_name_at(size_t index) const;
translate::TranslateStep translate_step() const { return step_; }
bool is_off_the_record() { return is_off_the_record_; }
TranslateErrors::Type error_type() const { return error_type_; }
std::string original_language_code() const {
return ui_delegate_.GetOriginalLanguageCode();
virtual base::string16 original_language_name() const;
void UpdateOriginalLanguage(const std::string& language_code);
std::string target_language_code() const {
return ui_delegate_.GetTargetLanguageCode();
base::string16 target_language_name() const {
return language_name_at(ui_delegate_.GetTargetLanguageIndex());
void UpdateTargetLanguage(const std::string& language_code);
// Returns true if the current infobar indicates an error (in which case it
// should get a yellow background instead of a blue one).
bool is_error() const {
return step_ == translate::TRANSLATE_STEP_TRANSLATE_ERROR;
// Return true if the translation was triggered by a menu entry instead of
// via an infobar/bubble or preference.
bool triggered_from_menu() const {
return triggered_from_menu_;
virtual void Translate();
virtual void RevertTranslation();
void RevertWithoutClosingInfobar();
void ReportLanguageDetectionError();
// Called when the user declines to translate a page, by either closing the
// infobar or pressing the "Don't translate" button.
virtual void TranslationDeclined();
// Methods called by the Options menu delegate.
virtual bool IsTranslatableLanguageByPrefs() const;
virtual void ToggleTranslatableLanguageByPrefs();
virtual bool IsSiteBlacklisted() const;
virtual void ToggleSiteBlacklist();
virtual bool ShouldAlwaysTranslate() const;
virtual void ToggleAlwaysTranslate();
// Methods called by the extra-buttons that can appear on the "before
// translate" infobar (when the user has accepted/declined the translation
// several times).
void AlwaysTranslatePageLanguage();
void NeverTranslatePageLanguage();
int GetTranslationAcceptedCount();
int GetTranslationDeniedCount();
void ResetTranslationAcceptedCount();
void ResetTranslationDeniedCount();
// Returns whether "Always Translate Language" should automatically trigger.
// If true, this method has the side effect of mutating some prefs.
bool ShouldAutoAlwaysTranslate();
// Returns whether "Never Translate Language" should automatically trigger.
// If true, this method has the side effect of mutating some prefs.
bool ShouldAutoNeverTranslate();
int GetTranslationAutoAlwaysCount();
int GetTranslationAutoNeverCount();
void IncrementTranslationAutoAlwaysCount();
void IncrementTranslationAutoNeverCount();
// The following methods are called by the infobar that displays the status
// while translating and also the one displaying the error message.
base::string16 GetMessageInfoBarText();
base::string16 GetMessageInfoBarButtonText();
void MessageInfoBarButtonPressed();
bool ShouldShowMessageInfoBarButton();
// Returns true if the infobar should offer a (platform-specific) shortcut to
// allow the user to always/never translate the language, when we think the
// user wants that functionality.
bool ShouldShowAlwaysTranslateShortcut();
bool ShouldShowNeverTranslateShortcut();
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// Shows the Infobar offering to never translate the language or the site.
void ShowNeverTranslateInfobar();
// Adds the strings that should be displayed in the after translate infobar to
// |strings|. If |autodetermined_source_language| is false, the text in that
// infobar is:
// "The page has been translated from <lang1> to <lang2>."
// Otherwise:
// "The page has been translated to <lang1>."
// Because <lang1>, or <lang1> and <lang2> are displayed in menu buttons, the
// text is split in 2 or 3 chunks. |swap_languages| is set to true if
// |autodetermined_source_language| is false, and <lang1> and <lang2>
// should be inverted (some languages express the sentense as "The page has
// been translate to <lang2> from <lang1>."). It is ignored if
// |autodetermined_source_language| is true.
static void GetAfterTranslateStrings(std::vector<base::string16>* strings,
bool* swap_languages,
bool autodetermined_source_language);
// Gets the TranslateDriver associated with this object.
// May return NULL if the driver has been destroyed.
TranslateDriver* GetTranslateDriver();
// Set a observer.
virtual void SetObserver(Observer* observer);
// InfoBarDelegate:
infobars::InfoBarDelegate::InfoBarIdentifier GetIdentifier() const override;
int GetIconId() const override;
void InfoBarDismissed() override;
TranslateInfoBarDelegate* AsTranslateInfoBarDelegate() override;
const base::WeakPtr<TranslateManager>& translate_manager,
bool is_off_the_record,
translate::TranslateStep step,
const std::string& original_language,
const std::string& target_language,
TranslateErrors::Type error_type,
bool triggered_from_menu);
friend class TranslationInfoBarTest;
typedef std::pair<std::string, base::string16> LanguageNamePair;
bool is_off_the_record_;
translate::TranslateStep step_;
TranslateUIDelegate ui_delegate_;
base::WeakPtr<TranslateManager> translate_manager_;
// The error that occurred when trying to translate (NONE if no error).
TranslateErrors::Type error_type_;
// The translation related preferences.
std::unique_ptr<TranslatePrefs> prefs_;
// Whether the translation was triggered via a menu click vs automatically
// (due to language detection, preferences...)
bool triggered_from_menu_;
// A observer to handle front-end changes on different steps.
// It's only used when we try to reuse the existing UI.
Observer* observer_;
} // namespace translate