blob: 699a20e690a8e73265c86366d54d03c5bd8c8811 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_APP_LIST_TITLE" desc="Title of app list card on main app management page.">
Recently opened apps
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_BACK" desc="Label for button for going back to the previous page.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_LESS_APPS" desc="Label for showing less apps.">
Show less
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_MORE_APPS" desc="Label for more apps button at bottom of app list card.">
Show <ph name="NUMBER_OF_MORE_APPS">$1<ex>4</ex></ph> more apps
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_NOTIFICATIONS" desc="Label for notifications section in app settings page.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSIONS" desc="Label for permissions section in app settings page.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_SEARCH_PROMPT" desc="Prompt in search bar of main app management page.">
Search apps
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_SITE_SETTING" desc="Label for the open site settings for PWA app settings page.">
Open site settings
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_TITLE" desc="Title of the app management page.">
<message name="IDS_APP_MANAGEMENT_UNINSTALL" desc="Label for the uninstall button in app settings page.">