blob: cd424c46555c1294265f164f287d3f1e0284442f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
suite('app state', function() {
let apps;
let action;
let state;
function createApp(id, config) {
return app_management.FakePageHandler.createApp(id, config);
setup(function() {
// Create an initial AppMap.
apps = {
'1': createApp('1'),
'2': createApp('2'),
// Create an initial state.
state = app_management.util.createInitialState([
test('updates when an app is added', function() {
const newApp = createApp('3', {type: 1, title: 'a'});
action = app_management.actions.addApp(newApp);
apps = app_management.AppState.updateApps(apps, action);
// Check that apps contains a key for each app id.
// Check that id corresponds to the right app.
const app = apps['3'];
assertEquals(1, app.type);
assertEquals('a', app.title);
test('updates when an app is changed', function() {
const changedApp = createApp('2', {type: 1, title: 'a'});
action = app_management.actions.changeApp(changedApp);
apps = app_management.AppState.updateApps(apps, action);
// Check that app has changed.
const app = apps['2'];
assertEquals(1, app.type);
assertEquals('a', app.title);
// Check that number of apps hasn't changed.
assertEquals(Object.keys(apps).length, 2);
test('updates when an app is removed', function() {
action = app_management.actions.removeApp('1');
apps = app_management.AppState.updateApps(apps, action);
// Check that app is removed.
// Check that other app is unaffected.
'returns to main page if an app is removed while in its detail page',
function() {
state.currentPage.selectedAppId = '1';
state.currentPage.pageType = PageType.DETAIL;
action = app_management.actions.removeApp('1');
state = app_management.reduceAction(state, action);
assertEquals(null, state.currentPage.selectedAppId);
assertEquals(PageType.MAIN, state.currentPage.pageType);
// Page doesn't change if a different app is removed.
state.apps['1'] = createApp('1');
state.currentPage.selectedAppId = '1';
state.currentPage.pageType = PageType.DETAIL;
action = app_management.actions.removeApp('2');
state = app_management.reduceAction(state, action);
assertEquals('1', state.currentPage.selectedAppId);
assertEquals(PageType.DETAIL, state.currentPage.pageType);
test('state updates when changing to main page', function() {
// Returning to main page results in no selected app.
state.currentPage.selectedAppId = '1';
state.currentPage.pageType = PageType.DETAIL;
action = app_management.actions.changePage(PageType.MAIN);
state = app_management.reduceAction(state, action);
assertEquals(null, state.currentPage.selectedAppId);
assertEquals(PageType.MAIN, state.currentPage.pageType);
// Id is disregarded when changing to main page.
action = app_management.actions.changePage(PageType.MAIN, '1');
state = app_management.reduceAction(state, action);
assertEquals(null, state.currentPage.selectedAppId);
assertEquals(PageType.MAIN, state.currentPage.pageType);
test('state updates when changing to app detail page', function() {
// State updates when a valid app detail page is selected.
action = app_management.actions.changePage(PageType.DETAIL, '2');
state = app_management.reduceAction(state, action);
assertEquals('2', state.currentPage.selectedAppId);
assertEquals(PageType.DETAIL, state.currentPage.pageType);
// State returns to main page if invalid app id is given.
state.currentPage.selectedAppId = '2';
state.currentPage.pageType = PageType.DETAIL;
action = app_management.actions.changePage(PageType.DETAIL, '3');
state = app_management.reduceAction(state, action);
assertEquals(null, state.currentPage.selectedAppId);
assertEquals(PageType.MAIN, state.currentPage.pageType);