blob: 1e18f50e189292abe29eaf67fb5d013c89bdf939 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file provides a PermissionsHelper object which can be used by
// LayoutTests using testRunner to handle permissions. The methods in the object
// return promises so can be used to write idiomatic, race-free code.
// The current available methods are:
// - setPermission: given a permission name (known by testRunner) and a state,
// it will set the permission to the specified state and resolve the promise
// when done.
// Example:
// PermissionsHelper.setPermission('geolocation', 'prompt').then(runTest);
"use strict";
var PermissionsHelper = (function() {
function nameToObject(permissionName) {
switch (permissionName) {
case "midi":
return {name: "midi"};
case "midi-sysex":
return {name: "midi", sysex: true};
case "push-messaging":
return {name: "push", userVisibleOnly: true};
case "notifications":
return {name: "notifications"};
case "geolocation":
return {name: "geolocation"};
case "background-sync":
return {name: "background-sync"};
case "accessibility-events":
return {name: "accessibility-events"};
case "clipboard-read":
return {name: "clipboard-read"};
case "clipboard-write":
return {name: "clipboard-write"};
throw "Invalid permission name provided";
return {
setPermission: function(name, state) {
return new Promise(function(resolver, reject) {
navigator.permissions.query(nameToObject(name)).then(function(result) {
if (result.state == state) {
result.onchange = function() {
result.onchange = null;
testRunner.setPermission(name, state, location.origin, location.origin);