blob: d62e9d015880254405befd03823fdd61ae528ccc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/logging/proto/shared_data.pb.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/settings/settings_definitions.h"
#include "components/chrome_cleaner/public/constants/constants.h"
namespace chrome_cleaner {
// Read the given switch as a time in minutes. If it's missing or invalid,
// return false to use the default timeout. Otherwise return true and put the
// time in |timeout|.
bool GetTimeoutOverride(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const char* switch_name,
base::TimeDelta* timeout);
std::vector<UwS::TraceLocation> GetValidTraceLocations();
class Settings {
static Settings* GetInstance();
static void SetInstanceForTesting(Settings* instance_for_testing);
// Returns true if uploading crash reports is allowed. Crash reports are
// always saved on disk regardless of this setting.
virtual bool allow_crash_report_upload() const;
// Returns the session id for this run as passed by Chrome to the reporter.
virtual base::string16 session_id() const;
virtual std::string cleanup_id() const;
// Returns the engine to use as passed by Chrome.
virtual Engine::Name engine() const;
virtual std::string engine_version() const;
// Returns true if logs uploading is allowed for this runs (can be used by
// both the Cleaner and the Reporter).
virtual bool logs_upload_allowed() const;
// Returns true if logs collection is enabled for this run. When true, data
// will be saved to a proto that can be saved to disk or sent to Google if
// logs upload is allowed. Integration tests and automated evaluations are
// expected to run the reporter with logs collection enabled and logs upload
// disallowed.
virtual bool logs_collection_enabled() const;
// Returns true if the cleaner running in kCleanup mode will be allowed to
// upload logs to Google. This setting is only used by the cleaner in
// kScanning mode, which will set according to the user's response in the
// Chrome prompt and will be used to propagate the flag that enables logging
// to the process in kCleanup mode.
virtual bool logs_allowed_in_cleanup_mode() const;
virtual void set_logs_allowed_in_cleanup_mode(bool new_value);
// Returns true if metrics reporting is enabled for the user.
virtual bool metrics_enabled() const;
// Returns true if Safe Browsing extended reporting is enabled for the user.
virtual bool sber_enabled() const;
virtual const std::string& chrome_mojo_pipe_token() const;
virtual bool has_parent_pipe_handle() const;
// Returns the execution mode sent by Chrome if valid, or kNone if
// kExecutionModeSwitch is not present or the corresponding value is invalid.
virtual ExecutionMode execution_mode() const;
// Returns true if experimental engine should remove report-only UwS.
virtual bool remove_report_only_uws() const;
// Returns true if the timeout for the cleaning phase has been overridden on
// the command-line.
virtual bool cleaning_timeout_overridden() const;
// If the timeout for the cleaning phase has been overridden, return the new
// timeout. Otherwise returns TimeDelta(0). Note that this function cannot be
// used to determine if the timout value has been overridden since overriding
// with a value of zero is indistinguishable from not having an override; use
// cleaning_timeout_overridden() for that purpose.
virtual base::TimeDelta cleaning_timeout() const;
// Returns true if the timeout for the scanning phase has been overridden on
// the command-line.
virtual bool scanning_timeout_overridden() const;
// If the timeout for the scanning phase has been overridden, return the new
// timeout. Otherwise returns TimeDelta(0). Note that this function cannot be
// used to determine if the timout value has been overridden since overriding
// with a value of zero is indistinguishable from not having an override; use
// scanning_timeout_overridden() for that purpose.
virtual base::TimeDelta scanning_timeout() const;
// Returns true if the timeout for how long the scanner waits for user
// response from Chrome has been overridden on the command-line.
virtual bool user_response_timeout_overridden() const;
// If the timeout for how long the scanner waits for user response from Chrome
// has been overridden, return the new timeout. Otherwise returns
// TimeDelta(0). Note that this function cannot be used to determine if the
// timout value has been overridden since overriding with a value of zero is
// indistinguishable from not having an override; use
// user_response_timeout_overridden() for that purpose.
virtual base::TimeDelta user_response_timeout() const;
// Returns list of trace locations, to which scanning should be limited.
virtual const std::vector<UwS::TraceLocation>& locations_to_scan() const;
// Returns true if no invalid values were provided on the command line to
// scanning configuration switches. If there were invalid arguments, returns
// false, but other settings properties will be set to known safe defaults.
virtual bool scan_switches_correct() const;
virtual ~Settings();
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<Settings>;
friend class CleanerSettingsTest;
friend class ReporterSettingsTest;
friend class SettingsTest;
// This method is separate from the constructor, so it can be called by tests.
void Initialize(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
TargetBinary target_binary);
// Crash related settings.
bool allow_crash_report_upload_ = false;
// Logging related settings.
bool logs_collection_enabled_ = false;
bool logs_upload_allowed_ = false;
bool metrics_enabled_ = false;
bool sber_enabled_ = false;
bool logs_allowed_in_cleanup_mode_ = false;
// Statistics about the current run.
std::string cleanup_id_;
base::string16 session_id_;
// Execution parameters.
ExecutionMode execution_mode_ = ExecutionMode::kNone;
bool remove_report_only_uws_ = false;
bool cleaning_timeout_overridden_ = false;
base::TimeDelta cleaning_timeout_;
bool scanning_timeout_overridden_ = false;
base::TimeDelta scanning_timeout_;
bool user_response_timeout_overridden_ = false;
base::TimeDelta user_response_timeout_;
std::vector<UwS::TraceLocation> locations_to_scan_;
bool scan_switches_correct_ = false;
// Mojo related settings.
std::string chrome_mojo_pipe_token_;
bool has_parent_pipe_handle_ = false;
// Engine selection settings.
Engine::Name engine_ = Engine::URZA;
static Settings* instance_for_testing_;
} // namespace chrome_cleaner