blob: 6c6c81ca1c49f18f99cbb9b2cad877e6023e8b36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.JNINamespace;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
* Manages an AppBannerInfoBar for a Tab.
* The AppBannerManager is responsible for fetching details about native apps to display in the
* banner. The actual observation of the WebContents (which triggers the automatic creation and
* removal of banners, among other things) is done by the native-side AppBannerManagerAndroid.
public class AppBannerManager {
private static final String TAG = "AppBannerManager";
/** Retrieves information about a given package. */
private static AppDetailsDelegate sAppDetailsDelegate;
/** Whether add to home screen is permitted by the system. */
private static Boolean sIsSupported;
/** Whether the tab to which this manager is attached to is permitted to show banners. */
private boolean mIsEnabledForTab;
/** Pointer to the native side AppBannerManager. */
private long mNativePointer;
* Checks if the add to home screen intent is supported.
* @return true if add to home screen is supported, false otherwise.
public static boolean isSupported() {
// TODO(mthiesse, Support the app banner dialog in VR.
if (VrShellDelegate.isInVr()) return false;
if (sIsSupported == null) {
sIsSupported = ShortcutHelper.isAddToHomeIntentSupported();
return sIsSupported;
* Checks if app banners are enabled for the tab which this manager is attached to.
* @return true if app banners can be shown for this tab, false otherwise.
private boolean isEnabledForTab() {
return isSupported() && mIsEnabledForTab;
* Sets the delegate that provides information about a given package.
* @param delegate Delegate to use. Previously set ones are destroyed.
public static void setAppDetailsDelegate(AppDetailsDelegate delegate) {
if (sAppDetailsDelegate != null) sAppDetailsDelegate.destroy();
sAppDetailsDelegate = delegate;
* Constructs an AppBannerManager.
* @param nativePointer the native-side object that owns this AppBannerManager.
private AppBannerManager(long nativePointer) {
mNativePointer = nativePointer;
mIsEnabledForTab = isSupported();
private static AppBannerManager create(long nativePointer) {
return new AppBannerManager(nativePointer);
private void destroy() {
mNativePointer = 0;
* Grabs package information for the banner asynchronously.
* @param url URL for the page that is triggering the banner.
* @param packageName Name of the package that is being advertised.
private void fetchAppDetails(
String url, String packageName, String referrer, int iconSizeInDp) {
if (sAppDetailsDelegate == null) return;
Context context = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext();
int iconSizeInPx = Math.round(
context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * iconSizeInDp);
createAppDetailsObserver(), url, packageName, referrer, iconSizeInPx);
private AppDetailsDelegate.Observer createAppDetailsObserver() {
return new AppDetailsDelegate.Observer() {
* Called when data about the package has been retrieved, which includes the url for the
* app's icon but not the icon Bitmap itself.
* @param data Data about the app. Null if the task failed.
public void onAppDetailsRetrieved(AppData data) {
if (data == null || mNativePointer == 0) return;
String imageUrl = data.imageUrl();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(imageUrl)) return;
mNativePointer, data, data.title(), data.packageName(), data.imageUrl());
/** Enables or disables app banners. */
public void setIsEnabledForTab(boolean state) {
mIsEnabledForTab = state;
/** Returns the language option to use for the add to homescreen dialog and menu item. */
public static int getHomescreenLanguageOption() {
int languageOption = nativeGetHomescreenLanguageOption();
if (languageOption == LanguageOption.INSTALL) {
return R.string.menu_add_to_homescreen_install;
return R.string.menu_add_to_homescreen;
/** Returns the language option to use for app banners. */
public static int getAppBannerLanguageOption() {
int languageOption = nativeGetHomescreenLanguageOption();
if (languageOption == LanguageOption.ADD) {
return R.string.app_banner_add;
} else if (languageOption == LanguageOption.INSTALL) {
return R.string.app_banner_install;
return R.string.menu_add_to_homescreen;
public AddToHomescreenDialog getAddToHomescreenDialogForTesting() {
return nativeGetAddToHomescreenDialogForTesting(mNativePointer);
/** Overrides whether the system supports add to home screen. Used in testing. */
public static void setIsSupported(boolean state) {
sIsSupported = state;
/** Returns whether the native AppBannerManager is working. */
public boolean isRunningForTesting() {
return nativeIsRunningForTesting(mNativePointer);
/** Signal to native that the add to homescreen menu item was tapped for metrics purposes. */
public void recordMenuItemAddToHomescreen() {
/** Signal to native that the menu was opened for metrics purposes. */
public void recordMenuOpen() {
/** Sets constants (in days) the banner should be blocked for after dismissing and ignoring. */
static void setDaysAfterDismissAndIgnoreForTesting(int dismissDays, int ignoreDays) {
nativeSetDaysAfterDismissAndIgnoreToTrigger(dismissDays, ignoreDays);
/** Sets a constant (in days) that gets added to the time when the current time is requested. */
static void setTimeDeltaForTesting(int days) {
/** Sets the total required engagement to trigger the banner. */
static void setTotalEngagementForTesting(double engagement) {
/** Returns the AppBannerManager object. This is owned by the C++ banner manager. */
public static AppBannerManager getAppBannerManagerForWebContents(WebContents webContents) {
return nativeGetJavaBannerManagerForWebContents(webContents);
private static native int nativeGetHomescreenLanguageOption();
private native void nativeRecordMenuItemAddToHomescreen(long nativeAppBannerManagerAndroid);
private native void nativeRecordMenuOpen(long nativeAppBannerManagerAndroid);
private static native AppBannerManager nativeGetJavaBannerManagerForWebContents(
WebContents webContents);
private native boolean nativeOnAppDetailsRetrieved(long nativeAppBannerManagerAndroid,
AppData data, String title, String packageName, String imageUrl);
// Testing methods.
private native AddToHomescreenDialog nativeGetAddToHomescreenDialogForTesting(
long nativeAppBannerManagerAndroid);
private native boolean nativeIsRunningForTesting(long nativeAppBannerManagerAndroid);
private static native void nativeSetDaysAfterDismissAndIgnoreToTrigger(
int dismissDays, int ignoreDays);
private static native void nativeSetTimeDeltaForTesting(int days);
private static native void nativeSetTotalEngagementToTrigger(double engagement);