blob: ec358600fec96723736e430f73718ff445569ab9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
* Abstracts away the VrShell class, which may or may not be present at runtime depending on
* compile flags.
public interface VrShell extends VrDialogManager, VrToastManager {
* Performs native VrShell initialization.
void initializeNative(boolean forWebVr, boolean isStandaloneVrDevice);
* Pauses VrShell.
void pause();
* Resumes VrShell.
void resume();
* Destroys VrShell.
void teardown();
* Sets whether we're presenting WebVR content or not.
void setWebVrModeEnabled(boolean enabled);
* Returns true if we're presenting WebVR content.
boolean getWebVrModeEnabled();
* Returns true if our URL bar is showing a string.
boolean isDisplayingUrlForTesting();
* Returns the GVRLayout as a FrameLayout.
FrameLayout getContainer();
* Returns whether the back button is enabled.
Boolean isBackButtonEnabled();
* Returns whether the forward button is enabled.
Boolean isForwardButtonEnabled();
* Requests to exit VR.
void requestToExitVr(@UiUnsupportedMode int reason, boolean showExitPromptBeforeDoff);
* Triggers VrShell to navigate forward.
void navigateForward();
* Triggers VrShell to navigate backward.
void navigateBack();
* Simulates a user accepting the currently visible DOFF prompt.
void acceptDoffPromptForTesting();
* Performs an action on a UI element using simulated controller input.
* @param elementName The UserFriendlyElementName to perform the action on.
* @param actionType The VrControllerTestAction to perform on the specified element.
* @param position The position on the element to click on, scaled to fit a unit square centered
* on (0,0).
void performControllerActionForTesting(int elementName, int actionType, PointF position);
* Notifies the native UI that it should start tracking UI activity, reporting a result
* when either the UI has activity but reaches a stable state, or the specified timeout is
* reached.
* @param quiescenceTimeoutMs The maximum amount of time spent waiting for UI quiescence before
* reporting a timeout.
* @param resultCallback A Runnable that will be run once the UI reports a result.
void setUiExpectingActivityForTesting(int quiescenceTimeoutMs, Runnable resultCallback);
* Returns the last result set by the native UI about UI quiescence.
* @return The VrUiTestActivityResult value last set by the native UI.
int getLastUiActivityResultForTesting();
* @param topContentOffset The content offset (usually applied by the omnibox).
void rawTopContentOffsetChanged(float topContentOffset);