blob: e3a892fd7ff2fb0371bb4d2c12d9742539cfbdfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
* Class for accessing VrShellDelegate internals for testing purposes.
* This does two things:
* - Prevents us from needing @VisibleForTesting annotations everywhere in production code
* - Allows us to have test-specific behavior if necessary without changing production code
public class TestVrShellDelegate extends VrShellDelegate {
private Runnable mOnVSyncPausedCallback;
private static TestVrShellDelegate sInstance;
private boolean mDisableVrBrowsing;
private boolean mExpectingBroadcast;
private boolean mExpectingIntent;
private Boolean mAllow2dIntents;
protected TestVrShellDelegate(ChromeActivity activity) {
public static void createTestVrShellDelegate(final ChromeActivity activity) {
ThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlocking(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
sInstance = new TestVrShellDelegate(activity);
public static TestVrShellDelegate getInstance() {
return sInstance;
public static boolean isDisplayingUrlForTesting() {
return VrShellDelegate.isDisplayingUrl();
public static VrShell getVrShellForTesting() {
return VrShellDelegate.getVrShell();
public void shutdownVr(boolean disableVrMode, boolean stayingInChrome) {
super.shutdownVr(disableVrMode, stayingInChrome);
public void overrideDaydreamApiForTesting(VrDaydreamApi api) {
public void overrideVrCoreVersionCheckerForTesting(VrCoreVersionChecker versionChecker) {
public void setFeedbackFrequencyForTesting(int frequency) {
public boolean isBlackOverlayVisible() {
return super.isBlackOverlayVisible();
public boolean isListeningForWebVrActivate() {
return super.isListeningForWebVrActivate();
public boolean isVrEntryComplete() {
return super.isVrEntryComplete();
public boolean isShowingDoff() {
return super.isShowingDoff();
public void acceptDoffPromptForTesting() {
public void performControllerActionForTesting(
int elementName, int actionType, PointF position) {
super.performControllerActionForTesting(elementName, actionType, position);
public void setUiExpectingActivityForTesting(int quiescenceTimeoutMs, Runnable resultCallback) {
super.setUiExpectingActivityForTesting(quiescenceTimeoutMs, resultCallback);
public int getLastUiActivityResultForTesting() {
return super.getLastUiActivityResultForTesting();
protected boolean isVrBrowsingEnabled() {
if (mDisableVrBrowsing) return false;
return super.isVrBrowsingEnabled();
public void setVrBrowsingDisabled(boolean disabled) {
mDisableVrBrowsing = disabled;
public void setVrShellOnVSyncPausedCallback(Runnable callback) {
mOnVSyncPausedCallback = callback;
* The same as the production onResume, except that we set a boolean to avoid cancelling VR
* entry when we think we're in the DON flow. This is caused by
* TODO(bsheedy): Remove this when the root cause is fixed.
protected void onResume() {
if (mExpectingIntent || mExpectingBroadcast) {
mTestWorkaroundDontCancelVrEntryOnResume = true;
mTestWorkaroundDontCancelVrEntryOnResume = false;
protected void setExpectingIntent(boolean expectingIntent) {
mExpectingIntent = expectingIntent;
protected void onBroadcastReceived() {
mExpectingBroadcast = false;
public void setExpectingBroadcast() {
mExpectingBroadcast = true;
public boolean isExpectingBroadcast() {
return mExpectingBroadcast;
* If we need to know when the normal VSync gets paused, we have a small window between when
* the VrShell is created and we actually enter VR to set the callback. So, do it immediately
* after creation here.
protected boolean createVrShell() {
boolean result = super.createVrShell();
if (result && mOnVSyncPausedCallback != null) {
((VrShellImpl) getVrShellForTesting())
return result;
protected boolean canLaunch2DIntentsInternal() {
if (mAllow2dIntents == null) return super.canLaunch2DIntentsInternal();
return mAllow2dIntents;
public void setAllow2dIntents(boolean allow) {
mAllow2dIntents = allow;