blob: 46d91c27fefab19476f88a105a8a98405fc44b0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/webdata/autofill_change.h"
#include "components/sync/model/metadata_change_list.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_error.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_type_change_processor.h"
#include "components/sync/model/model_type_sync_bridge.h"
namespace autofill {
class AutofillProfile;
class AutofillTable;
class AutofillWebDataBackend;
class AutofillWebDataService;
class CreditCard;
struct PaymentsCustomerData;
// Sync bridge responsible for propagating local changes to the processor and
// applying remote changes to the local database.
class AutofillWalletSyncBridge : public base::SupportsUserData::Data,
public syncer::ModelTypeSyncBridge {
// Factory method that hides dealing with change_processor and also stores the
// created bridge within |web_data_service|. This method should only be
// called on |web_data_service|'s DB thread.
// |active_callback| will be called with a boolean describing whether Wallet
// data is actively sync whenever the state changes.
static void CreateForWebDataServiceAndBackend(
const std::string& app_locale,
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>& active_callback,
AutofillWebDataBackend* webdata_backend,
AutofillWebDataService* web_data_service);
static syncer::ModelTypeSyncBridge* FromWebDataService(
AutofillWebDataService* web_data_service);
explicit AutofillWalletSyncBridge(
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>& active_callback,
std::unique_ptr<syncer::ModelTypeChangeProcessor> change_processor,
AutofillWebDataBackend* web_data_backend);
~AutofillWalletSyncBridge() override;
// ModelTypeSyncBridge implementation.
std::unique_ptr<syncer::MetadataChangeList> CreateMetadataChangeList()
base::Optional<syncer::ModelError> MergeSyncData(
std::unique_ptr<syncer::MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
syncer::EntityChangeList entity_data) override;
base::Optional<syncer::ModelError> ApplySyncChanges(
std::unique_ptr<syncer::MetadataChangeList> metadata_change_list,
syncer::EntityChangeList entity_changes) override;
void GetData(StorageKeyList storage_keys, DataCallback callback) override;
void GetAllDataForDebugging(DataCallback callback) override;
std::string GetClientTag(const syncer::EntityData& entity_data) override;
std::string GetStorageKey(const syncer::EntityData& entity_data) override;
bool SupportsIncrementalUpdates() const override;
StopSyncResponse ApplyStopSyncChanges(
std::unique_ptr<syncer::MetadataChangeList> delete_metadata_change_list)
// Sends all Wallet Data to the |callback| and keeps all the strings in their
// original format.
void GetAllDataForTesting(DataCallback callback);
template <class Item>
struct AutofillWalletDiff {
int items_added = 0;
int items_removed = 0;
std::vector<AutofillDataModelChange<Item>> changes;
bool IsEmpty() const { return items_added == 0 && items_removed == 0; }
// Sets the wallet data from |entity_data| to this client and records metrics
// about added/deleted data.
void SetSyncData(const syncer::EntityChangeList& entity_data);
// Sets |customer_data| to this client and returns whether any change has been
// applied (i.e., whether |customer_data| was different from local data) and
// whether we |should_log_diff|, i.e. metrics for diffs in counts of addresses
// and cards.
bool SetPaymentsCustomerData(std::vector<PaymentsCustomerData> customer_data,
bool* should_log_diff);
// Sets |wallet_cards| to this client, records metrics about added/deleted
// data (if |log_diff| is true) and returns whether any change has been
// applied (i.e., whether |wallet_cards| was different from local data).
bool SetWalletCards(std::vector<CreditCard> wallet_cards, bool log_diff);
// Sets |wallet_addresses| to this client, records metrics about added/deleted
// data (if |log_diff| is true) and returns whether any change has been
// applied (i.e., whether |wallet_addresses| was different from local data).
bool SetWalletAddresses(std::vector<AutofillProfile> wallet_addresses,
bool log_diff);
// Computes a "diff" (items added, items removed) of two vectors of items,
// which should be either CreditCard or AutofillProfile. This is used for
// three purposes:
// 1) Detecting if anything has changed, so that we don't write to disk in the
// common case where nothing has changed.
// 3) Notifying |web_data_backend_| of any changes.
// 2) Recording metrics on the number of added/removed items.
template <class Item>
AutofillWalletDiff<Item> ComputeAutofillWalletDiff(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Item>>& old_data,
const std::vector<Item>& new_data);
// Returns the table associated with the |web_data_backend_|.
AutofillTable* GetAutofillTable();
// Synchronously load sync metadata from the autofill table and pass it to the
// processor so that it can start tracking changes.
void LoadMetadata();
// Callback to let the metadata bridge know that whether the card data
// is actively syncing.
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)> active_callback_;
// Stores whether initial sync has been done.
bool initial_sync_done_;
// AutofillProfileSyncBridge is owned by |web_data_backend_| through
// SupportsUserData, so it's guaranteed to outlive |this|.
AutofillWebDataBackend* const web_data_backend_;
// The bridge should be used on the same sequence where it is constructed.
} // namespace autofill