blob: cdd0470c74903a3796f13ffff1b1958db38238cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LayoutView_h
#define LayoutView_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestCache.h"
#include "core/layout/HitTestResult.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBlockFlow.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutState.h"
#include "core/layout/PaintInvalidationState.h"
#include "platform/PODFreeListArena.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollableArea.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
class FrameView;
class PaintLayerCompositor;
class LayoutQuote;
class LayoutMedia;
class ViewFragmentationContext;
// LayoutView is the root of the layout tree and the Document's LayoutObject.
// It corresponds to the CSS concept of 'initial containing block' (or ICB).
// Its dimensions match that of the layout viewport. This viewport is used to
// size elements, in particular fixed positioned elements.
// LayoutView is always at position (0,0) relative to the document (and so isn't
// necessarily in view).
// See
// about the different viewports.
// Because there is one LayoutView per rooted layout tree (or Frame), this class
// is used to add members shared by this tree (e.g. m_layoutState or
// m_layoutQuoteHead).
class CORE_EXPORT LayoutView final : public LayoutBlockFlow {
explicit LayoutView(Document*);
~LayoutView() override;
void willBeDestroyed() override;
// hitTest() will update layout, style and compositing first while
// hitTestNoLifecycleUpdate() does not.
bool hitTest(HitTestResult&);
bool hitTestNoLifecycleUpdate(HitTestResult&);
// Returns the total count of calls to HitTest, for testing.
unsigned hitTestCount() const { return m_hitTestCount; }
unsigned hitTestCacheHits() const { return m_hitTestCacheHits; }
void clearHitTestCache();
const char* name() const override { return "LayoutView"; }
bool isOfType(LayoutObjectType type) const override {
return type == LayoutObjectLayoutView || LayoutBlockFlow::isOfType(type);
PaintLayerType layerTypeRequired() const override { return NormalPaintLayer; }
bool isChildAllowed(LayoutObject*, const ComputedStyle&) const override;
void layout() override;
void updateLogicalWidth() override;
void computeLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit logicalHeight,
LayoutUnit logicalTop,
LogicalExtentComputedValues&) const override;
// Based on FrameView::layoutSize, but:
// - checks for null FrameView
// - returns 0x0 if using printing layout
// - scrollbar exclusion is compatible with root layer scrolling
IntSize layoutSize(IncludeScrollbarsInRect = ExcludeScrollbars) const;
int viewHeight(
IncludeScrollbarsInRect scrollbarInclusion = ExcludeScrollbars) const {
return layoutSize(scrollbarInclusion).height();
int viewWidth(
IncludeScrollbarsInRect scrollbarInclusion = ExcludeScrollbars) const {
return layoutSize(scrollbarInclusion).width();
int viewLogicalWidth(IncludeScrollbarsInRect = ExcludeScrollbars) const;
int viewLogicalHeight(IncludeScrollbarsInRect = ExcludeScrollbars) const;
LayoutUnit viewLogicalHeightForPercentages() const;
float zoomFactor() const;
FrameView* frameView() const { return m_frameView; }
bool mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor,
VisualRectFlags) const;
bool mapToVisualRectInAncestorSpace(
const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor,
VisualRectFlags = DefaultVisualRectFlags) const override;
void adjustOffsetForFixedPosition(LayoutRect&) const;
void invalidatePaintForViewAndCompositedLayers();
void paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const override;
void paintBoxDecorationBackground(const PaintInfo&,
const LayoutPoint&) const override;
enum SelectionPaintInvalidationMode {
void setSelection(
LayoutObject* start,
int startPos,
int endPos,
SelectionPaintInvalidationMode = PaintInvalidationNewXOROld);
void clearSelection();
bool hasPendingSelection() const;
void commitPendingSelection();
LayoutObject* selectionStart();
LayoutObject* selectionEnd();
IntRect selectionBounds();
void selectionStartEnd(int& startPos, int& endPos);
void invalidatePaintForSelection();
void absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>&,
const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset) const override;
void absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>&) const override;
LayoutRect viewRect() const override;
LayoutRect overflowClipRect(
const LayoutPoint& location,
OverlayScrollbarClipBehavior = IgnoreOverlayScrollbarSize) const override;
LayoutState* layoutState() const { return m_layoutState; }
void updateHitTestResult(HitTestResult&, const LayoutPoint&) override;
ViewFragmentationContext* fragmentationContext() const {
return m_fragmentationContext.get();
LayoutUnit pageLogicalHeight() const { return m_pageLogicalHeight; }
void setPageLogicalHeight(LayoutUnit height) {
if (m_pageLogicalHeight != height) {
m_pageLogicalHeight = height;
m_pageLogicalHeightChanged = true;
bool pageLogicalHeightChanged() const { return m_pageLogicalHeightChanged; }
// Notification that this view moved into or out of a native window.
void setIsInWindow(bool);
PaintLayerCompositor* compositor();
bool usesCompositing() const;
LayoutRect backgroundRect(LayoutBox* backgroundLayoutObject) const;
IntRect documentRect() const;
// LayoutObject that paints the root background has background-images which
// all have background-attachment: fixed.
bool rootBackgroundIsEntirelyFixed() const;
IntervalArena* intervalArena();
void setLayoutQuoteHead(LayoutQuote* head) { m_layoutQuoteHead = head; }
LayoutQuote* layoutQuoteHead() const { return m_layoutQuoteHead; }
// FIXME: This is a work around because the current implementation of counters
// requires walking the entire tree repeatedly and most pages don't actually
// use either feature so we shouldn't take the performance hit when not
// needed. Long term we should rewrite the counter and quotes code.
void addLayoutCounter() { m_layoutCounterCount++; }
void removeLayoutCounter() {
ASSERT(m_layoutCounterCount > 0);
bool hasLayoutCounters() { return m_layoutCounterCount; }
bool backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(
const LayoutRect& localRect) const override;
// Returns the viewport size in (CSS pixels) that vh and vw units are
// calculated from.
FloatSize viewportSizeForViewportUnits() const;
void pushLayoutState(LayoutState& layoutState) {
m_layoutState = &layoutState;
void popLayoutState() {
m_layoutState = m_layoutState->next();
LayoutRect visualOverflowRect() const override;
LayoutRect localOverflowRectForPaintInvalidation() const override;
// Invalidates paint for the entire view, including composited descendants,
// but not including child frames.
// It is very likely you do not want to call this method.
void setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidationForViewAndAllDescendants();
// The document scrollbar is always on the right, even in RTL. This is to
// prevent it from moving around on navigations.
// TODO(skobes): This is not quite the ideal behavior, see
// and
bool shouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLogicalLeft() const override {
return false;
// Some LayoutMedias want to know about their viewport visibility for
//,402044 . This facility will be removed once those
// experiments complete.
// TODO(ojan): Merge this with IntersectionObserver once it lands.
void registerMediaForPositionChangeNotification(LayoutMedia&);
void unregisterMediaForPositionChangeNotification(LayoutMedia&);
// Notify all registered LayoutMedias that their position on-screen might
// have changed. visibleRect is the clipping boundary.
void sendMediaPositionChangeNotifications(const IntRect& visibleRect);
// The rootLayerScrolls setting will ultimately determine whether FrameView
// or PaintLayerScrollableArea handle the scroll.
ScrollResult scroll(ScrollGranularity, const FloatSize&) override;
LayoutRect debugRect() const override;
void mapLocalToAncestor(
const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor,
MapCoordinatesFlags = ApplyContainerFlip) const override;
const LayoutObject* pushMappingToContainer(
const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestorToStopAt,
LayoutGeometryMap&) const override;
void mapAncestorToLocal(const LayoutBoxModelObject*,
MapCoordinatesFlags) const override;
void computeSelfHitTestRects(Vector<LayoutRect>&,
const LayoutPoint& layerOffset) const override;
void layoutContent();
void checkLayoutState();
void setShouldDoFullPaintInvalidationOnResizeIfNeeded();
void updateFromStyle() override;
bool allowsOverflowClip() const override;
bool shouldUsePrintingLayout() const;
int viewLogicalWidthForBoxSizing() const;
int viewLogicalHeightForBoxSizing() const;
UntracedMember<FrameView> m_frameView;
// The current selection represented as 2 boundaries.
// Selection boundaries are represented in LayoutView by a tuple
// (LayoutObject, DOM node offset).
// See for more information.
// |m_selectionStartPos| and |m_selectionEndPos| are only valid for
// |Text| node without 'transform' or 'first-letter'.
// Those are used for selection painting and paint invalidation upon
// selection change.
LayoutObject* m_selectionStart;
LayoutObject* m_selectionEnd;
// TODO(yosin): Clarify the meaning of these variables. editing/ passes
// them as offsets in the DOM tree but layout uses them as offset in the
// layout tree.
int m_selectionStartPos;
int m_selectionEndPos;
// The page logical height.
// This is only used during printing to split the content into pages.
// Outside of printing, this is 0.
LayoutUnit m_pageLogicalHeight;
bool m_pageLogicalHeightChanged;
// LayoutState is an optimization used during layout.
// |m_layoutState| will be nullptr outside of layout.
// See the class comment for more details.
LayoutState* m_layoutState;
std::unique_ptr<ViewFragmentationContext> m_fragmentationContext;
std::unique_ptr<PaintLayerCompositor> m_compositor;
RefPtr<IntervalArena> m_intervalArena;
LayoutQuote* m_layoutQuoteHead;
unsigned m_layoutCounterCount;
unsigned m_hitTestCount;
unsigned m_hitTestCacheHits;
Persistent<HitTestCache> m_hitTestCache;
Vector<LayoutMedia*> m_mediaForPositionNotification;
} // namespace blink
#endif // LayoutView_h