mac: Stop using __weak.

__weak used to not have semantic meaning in non-GC non-ARC
builds like ours. clang r251041 changed things so that it now has
the meaning of "zeroing weak reference" even in non-ARC builds,
and these require 10.7+.  Since we still target 10.6, just replace the
couple of "__weak"s we have with comments.

For IBOutlets, use retain instead of assign outlets, and use
__unsafe_unretained in the one place where the outlet can't be retain
due to a reference cycle. (This has no semantic effect in non-ARC
builds, but will do the right thing if we ever turn on ARC. Since that
ref is explicitly zeroed in dealloc, it doesn't even seem much worse
than __weak.)


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#357835}
9 files changed