win: Enable clang on Canary branch 2501.

This change does two things:
1. It sets the gyp variable "clang%" to 1 by default on Windows, letting the
   build use clang.
2. It changes DEPS to download the clang compiler unconditionally.
   (DEPS in src isn't used in release branches; the CL that actually does this

With these changes, the canary builder should download clang and then use it
to build chrome/win on the 2501 branch without any bot config changes.
The intent is to try to release one canary built with clang to find any issues
this might have.


Review URL: .

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/branch-heads/2501@{#4}
Cr-Branched-From: e35c4f7b0579cb239c9229f9a0878d5355a3d3f4-refs/heads/master@{#347299}
2 files changed